chapter 10

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Mina shivered, cold beads of sweat trickled down her forehead- her body was hypersensitive she could feel every fiber of the couch underneath her, any sort of contact with her skin made her want to hurl. She crossed the arms to her chest, curling up into a ball trying to keep warm. Her body was exhausted, she had been vomiting all day with her stomach completely emptying its contents, she wasn’t sure if she had anything left in her to satisfy the tickling nausea. A fever was creeping up on her as she heard her heart beat in her ears- her body was on fire, each area of skin itching with unresolvable pain.

She felt like crap- it had only been two and a half days.

She cupped her hands over her ears as loud knocking occurred on her apartment door, the noise was ringing through every particle in her body and causing her head to tighten. As much as she wanted to answer the door she couldn’t, her body was too weak to move, something in her brain told her she was dying.

The door of her apartment flew open, she flinched as the light coming in seared the back of her eye sockets- the light at the end of the tunnel. Was this it for her? Were they angels?

‘My god do you look like shit.’ A deep familiar voice laughed- to her disappointment it was only Sehun and Chan.

‘Thanks, I feel like it.’ She croaked, her voice extremely weak and quiet. ‘Shut the door, the corridor lights are too bright’

‘I see you’re feeling bossy today.’ Chan replied, she could barely make out his features- her vision was to blurry and foggy, the room was spinning as a deep misty glaze seemed to cover the image her eyes were trying to project.

‘I’m dying.’

‘Don’t be dramatic, you’re not dying.’ Sehun ran his hands through the greasy blonde strands of her hair ‘you’re just experiencing some pretty bad withdrawal symptoms’

‘Have you got the stuff?’

‘Yeah, it’s in Chan’s bag.’

‘Thanks fuck.’ Mina groaned and rolled off the couch as Chan threw his backpack at her, she swiftly unzipped the zipper, staring down in awe at everything in it- her body was already starting to feel relief.

The two boys watched as she poured the contents of a small plastic baggy out onto the coffee table, the white powder slowly rearranged as she formed it with her long pinky nail.

‘Calm down Minari, save some for us.’ The tall lanky boy laughed as she put it into lines ‘it sucks that you can’t afford it this month.’

‘I’ve just got to hope my asshole of a father doesn’t spend all of the money he usually sends to me on penny stocks, its become a gambling addiction at this point.’ Mina complained, her eyes concentrated on what she was doing ‘maybe I should contact my bio family and guilt trip them into sending me money again.’

‘They do say investment is the best way to get rich these days.’

‘It is but my dad invests in crap like organic dog food rather than shit that will actually rise in value.’

Mina put her nose to the table taking the small lines up her noise, she recoiled back in pain and coughed as it entered her respiratory system, the sensation was widely uncomfortable but she was used to it, it was the only thing that would cure this brain rotting sickness.

‘What else did you get?’

‘A variation, we didn’t know what you wanted since you weren’t picking up our calls.’

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