chapter 20

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Y/n took a deep breath in as she stepped on the concrete of the sidewalk. She was stalling, she knew that very much but it was her fault that Mina was in this mess so she had to make it right. She entered the large building, even its presence seemed to terrify her, something about its large concrete walls made her feel like their were a trillion eyes on her. She stepped through the automatic doors, the reception inside was bleak and depressing, decorated with informative posters about drugs and violence, Y/n almost laughed at the irony. People lined the plastic seats in the reception, parents talking hushly to their children about behaving, people sitting there anxiously as they scanned the room meanwhile some stared with judgement at the others, thinking they were somehow better than the person next to them. Y/n walked up to the receptionist, looking at them with unhideable anxiety.

'I'm here to see inmate Mina Myoui for visitation.' She greeted as the receptionist looked at her intimidatingly 'I have already cleared it with her counsellor.'


'Ayame, it should be under her name.'

'Hm. It looks like you're clear, although the background checks we conducted were inconclusive- I might have to go over that with administration.'

'No I've already sorted it.' Y/n nodded, her voice laced with nerves 'I moved here from Japan over a year ago and in the move all my past files were lost due to data breach. I have already cleared it with administration- it should be under the notes section.'

'You're right, it says that so here. I guess you're clear then. Hand over your belongings and fill out this form. Then you can go straight through for a full search.'

'Thank you.'

Y/n filled out the form with shaking hands then gave it back to the receptionist. She walked through the double doors onto the next stage.

She never meant for it to be like this. This was an option she had failed to consider.

Following a correctional officer she walked into the visitation room. The room was lined with small tables, some full with talking people, others empty. She spotted Mina immediately, her heartstrings broke as she saw the way Mina was staring at her. She was leaning back in her chair crossing her arms, hurt and anger lay in her watery eyes, her clothes were one monotonous colour of orange. She looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep, her hair was a mess and her eyes had purple bags underneath them and her face was covered in multiple stitches and bruises from the accident. Y/n sat down opposite Mina, staring apologetically as the girl didn't speak a word just continue to angrily glare at her.

'I miss you.' Y/n greeted, trying to reach out her hand for Mina to take.

'I miss you!? Is that all you have to fucking say to me Y/n!?' Mina spat, clear she was not in a forgiving mood. 'Go fuck yourself!'

'Minari look, I know you're mad-'

'Mad?! You left me! You left me alone unconscious in a car! The second I woke up in the hospital I was convinced you would come back for me but you never did, you were too worried about saving your own ass.'

'Mina just listen to me. If I had stayed we would both be in prison right now. That is not an ideal situation.'

'You wouldn't even pick up my calls!'

'I already told you my phone got smashed up in the crash in that brief phone call we had.' Y/n sighed 'Now, let's figure out how to fix this. What are your charges? You wouldn't tell me anything until I visited you.'

'I don't have any charges or time yet, they haven't set a court date for me.' Mina explained, her voice was slow and slightly stuttered. She knew something was up with her but she couldn't place what. 'but so far I'm being charged for driving without a license and damages to property since that car was hired. None of my charges are a prison-able offence, I was given a fine but I couldn't pay it so due to my past violent record they just threw me in here to start my inevitable time.'

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