chapter 5

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Today was the day.

She sharped her knife with a stone as she sat at the table in her apartment, hovering over a steaming hot cup of tea. For the past few days she had memorised Mina’s schedule, she knew the ins and outs of her life, to when she woke up and when she went to sleep.

Sure it felt a little weird to her to be killing the girl who she’d been having late night phone calls with, going out to the diner with and smoking at the park with but this was something that had to be done, it was her current purpose- if she cut it off now she wouldn’t have to deal with the grief before she got overly attached.

When she was younger, maybe around eleven or twelve she made friends with a lonely stray dog, one who didn’t have a home- this was a few years before Namjoon started putting her on jobs. Every day she’d feed this animal scraps from the butchers shop, she felt happy when it came to visit her, she cuddled up with it on the door steps and walked with it around the block, it became one of her only friends, something she could talk to- until Namjoon found out. With shaking hands and loud sobs, she watched as he killed it, her only friends eyes turned dark as he reminded her everything was temporary, there was no one you could trust in this world not even a dog, getting attached to things was the worst thing you could do.

Mina reminded her of that memory. She enjoyed her time with her, she liked the way her voice sounds, she liked the the way her face always seemed stuck in a cold expression, she liked the way she brushed her hair out of her face whenever the breeze got too strong but in the end it was all temporary, she lived her life as a ghost, she couldn’t have friends.

From a few text messages with the girl she found out that she was going out for the night, meaning that she’d probably come home after midnight, knock herself out with drugs and then fall into a deep trancing sleep; it was the perfect opportunity. To do this Y/n was going to have to switch her emotions off. Mina meant nothing to her. Her plan was to break into Mina’s room, hide under her bed and wait until she fell asleep, an easy task yet boring execution.

She watched from her window as Mina left the building, she wasn’t sure where she was going but didn’t really care, all that mattered was her leaving indicated that Y/n had to start to get into position.

Using an old rusty hair pin she was able to unlock her apartment door with ease; it was cliché and anticlimactic but it was most effective. She entered the familiar apartment, taking in the environment, the only thing that had changed was the increased messiness and used plates piling up by the sink. She swiped her finger over the coffee table, white powered debris covered her fingers.

‘Figures.’ Y/n chuckled out loud, trying to wipe her fingers off with a dish cloth. Getting to know Mina in the past few days had taught her a few things, one of the main things being she was always on some kind of substance, whether it be medical grade painkillers she’d conned some doctor out of or plain old crack, she was never truly there, it seemed to be some extreme escapism for her life, she could see by the constant deadness in her eyes she had a lot going on in that mind of hers- it almost made her feel bad for her.

She probably had a few hours before Mina return so she sat on her couch waiting, tapping her foot against the ground as she felt the knife move in her pocket- the anticipation was killing her. Mina’s regular hoodie was laying scrunched up on the floor, she picked it up and held it to her chest. It was comfy, she understood why Mina wore it almost everywhere, it felt warm. She held it to her face, the light smell of smoke mixed in with the way Mina smelt when she sat close to her, she blushed at the feeling. She never understood why serial killers would always collect souvenirs from their victims, it was strange and a dead easy way to get caught but maybe it wouldn’t do her any harm to take this after Mina was gone, how could she not when she could barely take the fabric off her face right now?

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