chapter 12

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Mina: Hey, I woke up and you’re not here, have you gone to the store? Also do you know what happened to my mattress? There’s a hole in it.

Mina: It's been a few hours and still haven’t heard from you, are you ok?

Mina: I tried to come to your apartment today but you weren’t in, call me.

Mina: It's been two days, you’re not ghosting me, are you?

Mina: I miss you, when are you coming back? Please just message me saying something, I’m worried.

Mina: Whatever, I’m getting tired. Don’t reply to my messages if you don’t want to, I just want to know where you are.

Mina rolled over in her bed staring at her phone- her reverse psychology attempt didn’t work, Y/n still didn’t respond. It had been four days and she had heard nothing; complete radio silence on Y/n’s end. Mina didn’t know whether to feel heartbroken or worried, was Y/n in some sort of danger or did she just not want to see her? She felt so confused right now, Y/n isn’t the type of person to leave without a word but then again she didn’t know her that well, there were still so many secrets which Mina had tried (and failed) to uncover.

She swiped through her camera roll, staring at the one photo she had of Y/n. She had a strict no photo rule since she is still in hiding but she looked so cute when she slept that Mina couldn’t help take one. Why had she disappeared? And why without a word? The worst thing was she had no way to find out, she didn’t know anyone else who knew Y/n to ask if she was ok. She begun to question if it was something she had done, were all of the questions overwhelming? The second Y/n said she was going to tell everything she suddenly went missing, Mina was beginning to think it might not be a coincidence.

Pieck: Hey Mina, haven’t heard from you in a while but Porco and I are having a small party at the hotel room, you up for it?

Mina sighed- it wasn’t Y/n. The second a message notification had come up she had gotten her hopes up.

Maybe a “party” was what she needed, the idea of possibly losing Y/n was starting to stress her out, it was making her mood worse than it usually was. She had cut down on the drugs lately due to Y/n being around a lot but this felt needed. She felt like she had been holding her breath for so long and this would give the the opportunity to numb her feelings while Y/n wasn’t around.

Mina: Sure.

Pieck: Sehun told me you have a girlfriend now, is she coming? I’d love to meet her.

Mina: No.

Pieck: Aw, I was looking forward to meeting her, bring her another time.

Mina switched her phone off, even if Y/n was around she would never bring her to meet her other friends- they weren’t the type of people who she wanted Y/n to know. Ever since she started dating her she swore to only show Y/n her good side, the side of her that wasn’t too ugly; although she’d broken that promise to herself many times she wanted to keep some of it intact. Well thats if Y/n actually comes back one day.

That night Mina entered the familiar hotel room, a cigarette on her lips that mingled with the smoke that floated around the space. She wasn’t planning on getting too fucked tonight, just enough to get the edge off. She adjusted her casual t-shirt and checked her badly done eyeliner in her phone mirror, she didn’t need to look good since all of this was a distraction. She frowned looking out of the window, she felt isolated in this large crowd of people- it was raining, large droplets of water hammered down from the sky, she became fixated on it; was it raining where her girlfriend was?

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