chapter 7

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Y/n lay on her mattress staring up at the ceiling as she held a packet of frozen peas to her nose in attempt to numb to pain. She couldn’t stop thinking about Mina, she was certainly an interesting girl but that wasn’t why she couldn’t stop thinking about her. She couldn’t stop thinking of her brief smiles, her warm touch, her tired eyes. She knew she shouldn’t be, she knew that she should have killed her by now but she’s known that for days and still kept on doing it- she couldn’t help it when the feeling it gave her was so sticky sweet like nothing she’d ever experienced before.

She picked her phone up off the floor as it started to ring loudly, holding it close to her ear as she sighed. Sadly the person on the other end of the phone wasn’t Mina, in fact it was the person who she least wanted to talk to.

‘Jungkook, hi.’ She greeted pressing the frozen peas closer to her face.

‘Y/n, how is it going?’ He could hear him drinking on the other side of the line and could sense the doubting tone in his words.


‘Why do you sound weird? Your voice has changed.’

‘I got punched.’ She laughed anxiously thinking of a lie ‘just some drunk guy I encountered.’

‘Be more careful.’

‘I know, you don’t need to lecture me about it.’

‘I heard on the news that a body was found where you’re staying, the culprit has been caught but I just want to know if you have anything it do with it.’

‘Yeah that was me’ Y/n sighed- how could she explain this in a way that didn’t make it sound like she cared for Mina? ‘He was going to call the cops on Mina and I can’t kill her if she’s in prison so I had to intervene.’

‘At least you took care of it properly, thats all I care about.’

‘Is that all you wanted to ask about?’ Y/n huffed impatiently. She wanted to get this conversation over as quick as possible so she didn’t accidentally let something slip.

‘No, I’ve been busy lately and I need you to take on this one job tonight- Chaeyoung has already sorted out all of the details so all you need to do is show up and do what you usually do.’

‘Yeah I can do that.’ It felt like so long since she had done a proper job, Mina didn’t feel like one any more.

‘Perfect, I’ll get Chaeyoung to send you over the information- good luck.’

She was going to ask him how he and Chaeyoung had been but before she could he hung up the phone. She let out a loud sigh; at least she had something to do tonight since Mina wasn’t responding to her calls.


That evening Y/n left the apartment complex without a trace looking down at the address and information Chaeyoung had sent her. Her nose was still painful from Mina’s attack, a rather nasty purple bruise had formed on her face but at least it wasn’t bleeding anymore.

She breathed in as she pushed open the heavy door of a large warehouse, the location which she had been sent to by Chaeyoung. This was a classic case, a business man looking for revenge after his business partner stabbed him in the back and slept with his wife- Y/n had heard it all a thousand times before.

‘Who’s there?’ She heard a deep male voice call out as she shut the door again, from behind a stack of boxes she saw a man appear. ‘Who are you?’

‘I think I’m lost.’ She stuttered nervously, putting on the perfect performance ‘I’m looking for a party but I think I read the directions wrong.’

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