chapter 17

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'I hate you Y/n! I hate you so fucking much!'

Y/n let out a loud sigh as she bent down, dodging a plate that had just been thrown at her head. She flinched as it shattered all over the floor, leaving sharp china fragments scattered around the trailer. She looked back up at Mina, the girl had tears streaming down her red face as she loudly cried, tugging out strands of hair while she ran her hand through her sweaty black strands.

'Mina please, that was one of our nice plates.' Y/n sighed as she stood up, trying to slowly approach the girl. 'What are we going to eat our celebration cake on now? Please honey you're doing so well, it's almost been two months.'

'I don't care! You're a shitty girlfriend!'

Y/n rushed to the door as she saw Mina approach it. She stood in front of it, harshly grabbing Mina's arm as she tried to fight and exit.

'I can't let you leave.'

'Why not!? You don't give a shit about me! Let me leave!'

'How about we sit down and I'll make you some tea? Huh? You'd like that.' Y/n tried to speak in a soft quiet tone in attempt to get her girlfriend to calm down. 'We can cuddle up on the sofa, watch some TV-'

'I'm not fucking dumb! You're going to put sleeping pills in my tea!'

'It'll help you calm down. This is what you told me to do.'

'I take back everything I have ever said! I want you to leave me alone!'

'Mina listen to me.' Y/n grabbed the sides of Mina's face, forcing them to make eye contact 'I love you, ok? Things might feel like shit for you now but I promise you they will get better. I can't let you leave and let you do something you will regret.'

'Why can't you let me be happy?!' Mina screamed, her eyes bloodshot with tears 'You're an evil controlling bitch! You love to see me like this!'

'Do you remember what you said to me two days ago? About how you were so excited for your two months? We can get through this, you can't let yourself cave.'

Y/n watched as Mina fell down to the floor, her head resting in her hands and she loudly sobbed. Y/n sat down next to her, she pulled her into a tight hug, letting her cry into her shoulder.

'I hate myself.' Mina sniffed as Y/n rubbed her back with comfort 'I hate myself so much.'

'You're so strong and I'm so proud of you.' Tears started to form in Y/n's eyes as she smiled down at Mina. 'I know how hard this is for you.'

'I-i can't deal with this anymore Y/n. It's like my body is screaming at me.'

'I know, let's sit down and get you some tea.'

'Just give me the fucking pills.'

'Is that what you want?'

'Yeah. I just want to sleep this terrible feeling off.'

'I'll make you some tea to go with them, promise me you won't try to leave when my back is turned.'

'I'm too tired to fight you, even if I so badly want to.'

Mina sat crying on the floor as Y/n stood at the counter boiling some water. Her head was pounding badly, Mina's screaming always managed to give her the worst of headaches. When Y/n came here they had a sincere conversation a week after, in which Mina decided that she was going to get sober. It had been rocky so far but they were over the worst, the day after tomorrow she would officially be two months sober. Y/n had gone through Mina's terrible withdrawals and mood swings, she'd done so much research to the point where she was a walking library. It was difficult on both of them, but especially Mina. She was finding adjusting to this new life hard, the smallest things could trigger an angry outburst- Y/n did her best to be patient with her, she knew she couldn't control it but it was so draining. But she could sense things were getting better, they were coming out of the woods and Mina was beginning to get her glow back; she looked more full of life, her eyes seemed to gleam now that she had sobriety. She just hoped she could keep it up and stay this way.

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