chapter 14

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Y/n entered the doors of the hospital, still dizzy with dread. The spot of the back of her head was screaming with pain as she approached the reception. It was easier than she thought to get here, she told Jungkook and Chaeyoung she was going out for a pack of cigarettes. Chaeyoung could tell she was lying but didn’t say anything about it, she was grateful that she at least cared a bit.

‘I’m here to see Mina Myoui, she should be here.’ Y/n greeted nervously. She wasn’t sure what exact scene she was going to be greeted to or even what to say to the girl but right now her heart was leading before her brain.

‘Relation to the patient?’

‘I’m her fiancée.’ Y/n lied, she needed to make sure they would actually let her in. ‘We’re getting married in October, well thats if she’s ok. I just don’t know what to do, she was doing so well!’

Y/n laced her voice with distress, half of it was a performance but the other half wasn’t. If she hadn’t done what she did then maybe Mina wouldn’t be here right now. She blamed herself, she told herself that she would protect Mina yet she let her do something extremely dumb.

‘Miss Myoui is in a good state so there’s no need to worry. She is awake and ready to leave in the morning.’ The receptionist loudly typed as Y/n stood there waiting ‘We have tried to get hold of her father but we have had no response.’

‘I wouldn’t bother, I’m here now so I can take care of her.’

‘Can I see some ID first? We can’t just let anyone in.’

‘Sure.’ Y/n nodded anxiously, pulling her fake drivers license out of her pocket ‘is this good enough?’

‘Perfect. She’s in a general ward on the second floor, the door should be straight to your left as you go up the stairs’

‘Thank you.’

Y/n wasted no time as she walked through the winding maze of corridors to get to the ward. She wasn’t sure what to expect at all, she tried to picture the scene she was going to walk in on but she couldn’t. Her head injury was still affecting her ability to process. She pushed open the door and scanned the room, it was a shared ward, many beds lined the room, each a different person with their own ills. Concerned families sat around bedsides, some cried and others laughed; it seemed busy with emotions and nurses rushing around doing check ups. Y/n couldn’t spot Mina, her face didn’t appear among the others, she begun to question whether she had entered the wrong room until she spotted an area on the other side. One bed had the curtain pulled around for full privacy, creating an own space from themselves to avoid the curious faces of the public. Y/n slowly approached, hoping that Mina was behind there, if not she would have created a very awkward situation.

Wrapping her fingers around the fabric she slightly pulled back the curtain, taking a look at the bed behind it. The scene almost broke her heart even more. Mina lay there staring up at the ceiling, an emotionless expression on her face. An IV rooted deeply on the back of her hand, pumping some sort of medicine into her veins. Y/n thought she looked like a zombie earlier but now she looked dead, every ounce of feeling in her skin had gone. But most of all she was alone. No one had come to see her- not Sehun, not Chan, not her father. She was going through a painful humiliating experience and she had to go through it all alone. Tears formed in Y/n’s eyes as she realised if she never showed up then Mina would have lay here all night, no one to comfort her.

‘Why the fuck would you do this?!’ Y/n exclaimed, pulling through the curtains and making herself known, she still felt hurt and confused as Mina tilted her head towards her. She watched as Mina reached over to her bedside table and start to spam the nurses button.

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