chapter 19

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Y/n drove through the long winding roads, following the directions on the GPS. Large dark circles had formed under her eyes- she couldn’t sleep last night, worry rotted her brain. She would be less worried if Mina cared more; but she didn’t. Mina seemed perfectly content going back to the city for a few hours, she had no worries nor fears. Holding Mina in her arms last night she couldn’t help but cry, the thought of losing her made her skin crawl. She knew she was being slightly irrational but she wasn’t going to take any risks, people were ruthless when it came to money, she knows because she used to be that way. If you want someone dead you don’t forget about it after a year, Mingyu seemed too hung up to ever let this go.

‘So I was thinking.’ Mina started, staring up at Y/n’s stern face ‘Maybe after we’ve signed my dad out of hospital we could go visit Sehun and Bert, we could all go out to the diner together.’

‘Are you fucking kidding me Mina!?’ Y/n rose her voice, the nerves and lack of sleep were making her agitated ‘Are you genuinely trying to start an argument?’

‘I-i just want to see my friends, maybe tell them the news of our engagement…’

‘Look going back to our old apartment complex is the worst idea ever. If you really want to see them we can arrange a day to meet with them, somewhere that is not in the city or where we live now.’

‘Y/n/n.’ She felt Mina’s hand move onto hers ‘You need to relax, I get you’re worried but theres no need to lash out at me.’

‘I’ll relax when we’re safely home.’

‘Everything is going to be fine.’ Mina smiled, trying to soften tone her voice in attempt to nullify the look of stress that clouded Y/n’s face. ‘We’ll go in and out the hospital, then we can go home and hopefully order takeout. Soon enough you’ll realise you’re being paranoid over nothing.’

‘I feel like I’m not being paranoid enough.’

‘When are we going to get there?’

‘We’re half way there now. So we should be there in about two hours.’

‘Can we stop at the next service station. Maybe get some coffee and make out in the back seat?’

’No. You’ve made us do that at every service stop we’ve passed, you’re slowing us down.’

‘I’m just trying to enjoy this road trip.’

‘Enjoy it on the way back. We need to get this over and done with.’

‘Are you nervous about meeting my father?’

‘I’m not meeting him. In and out, remember?’

‘We’re engaged, you need to meet him for his approval.’ Mina stated firmly as if Y/n has no choice ‘He currently thinks you’re not real, he’s convinced you’re a drug hallucination.’

‘Maybe I am.’ Y/n joked smiling at Mina ‘You’ll never know.’

‘Shut up.’ Mina sat in the seat with a scowl on her face ‘Are you sure we can’t stop at the next service station? I really want a Big Mac and a cig.’

‘It’s not even lunch time yet and you had a cigarette about ten minutes ago at the last service stop, your lungs are going to be crispy.’

‘You have been smoking more than I have lately.’

‘Because you stress me out.’


The car journey continued, Mina’s endless complaining seemed rather out of her usual personality. At first Y/n thought she was nervous as well just she didn’t want to show it but then it hit her that she was only acting this way to distract her. If she spoke constantly then Y/n wouldn’t have to dwell on the outcomes in her mind. She knew that Mina hated seeing her worried but her blasé attitude to this whole trip was no ones fault but Y/n’s. She had never told her anything past the fact that someone wanted her dead, Mina didn’t know about Mingyu nor his threatening last words to her, she was aware of the danger but Y/n had kept her in this safe little love bubble to protect her from the anxiety she would have to deal with if it popped. She always worried that if Mina ever found out anything more it could effect her happiness and sobriety- the two most important things to Y/n. Mina being in the dark had its cons (like this current moment) but Y/n swore it was for her own good despite how curious Mina could be sometimes.

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