chapter 11

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The clock struck midnight, the fragile arms on the wall ticking as Y/n stared blankly- four more days.

Four days wasn’t a long time, it could feel like a long time if you were waiting for something or had nothing to fill your days with but when you knew you only had four days left to spend with someone the knowledge that four days was nothing compared to a whole life time played constantly on your mind, a whole life time that could have been spent with them.

Y/n was in too deep, at first she thought her relationship with Mina would be a fun time, she got to experience a relationship with someone but not have to worry if it would work out long term since it was doomed to fail anyway. But it was more than that now, sure she cared about Mina before but it was different- a strange form of protective care had formed inside of her, she didn’t feel like she could hurt her. She felt herself unwillingly fantasise about a future with her, she knew a future like that for someone like her was impossible but as much as she pushed it down the thought rose back up to the surface. She wanted to be there for Mina through everything and she knew Mina would be there for her- well that would be if Mina didn’t have to die.

All Y/n wanted was more time, it was selfish to want so since so many people were counting on her. Even if she did have more time things would still be the same, Mina would still have to die. She wanted to run away but she had no where to go, she’d spent a large portion of her money on paying Mina’s rent and Jungkook took all of the money from the job she completed yesterday- it was like he knew something was up, he had been insufferably texting her about it lately.

Y/n crawled under the covers on her mattress, moon light falling into the room through her window as she shut her eyes and let sleep absorb her.

She woke up in the morning to loud banging on her door, she groaned as she rolled over in her bed, her mind was foggy with the sleep that still clouded over her. She slipped on a hoodie to combat the cold draft and opened the door, smiling as she leant against the door frame.

‘Good morning Mina.’ Y/n yawned, looking at the girl who stood there with tired eyes. Mina looked dead, like she hadn’t gotten a single drop of sleep.

‘Sorry, did I wake you up?’ Mina replied looking down at the floor.

‘You did but I don’t mind, it’s good to see you.’ Y/n lightly pulled Mina into a kiss, blushing as she did so- this all felt so comfortable to her at this point.

‘Are you feeling ok now? You were kind of upset last night.’

‘Oh, yeah.’

Y/n was upset last night, she had to complete a job on the other side of town, all she could think of as she slit the throat of her victim was how that was going to be Mina; the idea distressed her and put her in a foul mood, she never meant for Mina to capture her like that last night.

‘I’m sorry about your dog.’

‘Dog? Oh right, yeah, my dog.’ That was the lie she mindlessly had told- she really needed to start keeping track.

‘Can I ask a favour?’

‘Depends what it is.’

‘I think I’ve lost my ID, can you go to the shops and buy me some cigarettes? I’ve run out.’

‘Sure, let me just get some proper clothes on.’ Y/n nodded ‘maybe after we can go to the lake and feed the ducks like you wanted to yesterday or we could go to the diner and share a milkshake with two straws like in the movies? Or just get a milkshake if thats too corny for you…’

‘Sehun and Chan need help building their new bed frame so I can’t come with you, but thanks for doing this for me.’

‘Anything for you, can we hang out later? I missed you yesterday.’

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