a dream with ??

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°sob° = action


Jennette POV:

I lay down on the bed and slept only to open my eyes again but when I looked around I wasn't in my room...

Where she is:

"Wow" I mumbled 'such a beautiful place' I thought I then looked around and saw someone "ummm

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"Wow" I mumbled 'such a beautiful place' I thought I then looked around and saw someone "ummm....miss? Can you tell me where I am?" I asked she then turned around and for a minute I forgot how to breathe

The someone:

The someone:

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"At last I manage to visit you" the woman who look like me said "w-who are y-you?" I asked "I am you" she answered "you're my future self?!" I asked "well kind of

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"At last I manage to visit you" the woman who look like me said "w-who are y-you?" I asked "I am you" she answered "you're my future self?!" I asked "well kind of...I'm you from your or our past life" she answered "I have a past life??!" I asked in shock "yes...come with me I'll show you something" she Instructed she then snap her fingers and a portal opened "also you're in your mind right now" she answered my previous question she then offered me her hand I took it and we went inside the portal

once we got out of the portal I saw myself in a cell "w-what happened??" I asked confused on why I was in a cell "Athanasia was poisoned and everyone blamed us" she answered "e-even uncle and big brother kiel?" I asked tears coming out of my eyes getting no response from my past self I took it as a yes "d-did they e-even vi-sited us?" I asked tears coming out of my eyes like a waterfall "no" she answered "you wanna know why?" She asked u then nodded tears still coming out of my eyes another portal then opened and we went in....

There I saw uncle and Kiel kneeling to father the emperor "please your majesty! Please spare my dear cousin!" Kiel begged "big brother!" I yelled I then ran up to him and tried hugging him but my body just went pass him "we can't touch them we're like ghosts" past me explained "and? Why should I spare her?!" The emperor asked "she poisoned athanasia! My daughter!" Father yelled "your majesty Jennette is a sweet and kind child I know my niece would never do that" uncle said "well I guess you don't know her" father coldly said "your majesty can you at least let us see her?" Kiel requested tears falling out of his and uncle's eyes 'this is the first time I see them like this' I thought "and why should I? So that you can break her out?" Father asked "your majesty I promise you that me and my son won't break her out" uncle promised "just please your majesty let us see her" uncle begged pressing his head on the ground 'uncle...is begging for me?' I thought I was in shock "no" father coldly replied "Felix" father called "yes your majesty?" The man asked "drag them away" father commanded "yes your majesty" sir Felix replied "your niece execution will be tomorrow" he informed before walking away "i thought father loved mother? If she loved her then why is he doing this to me?!" I yelled/asked I felt my mana going wild inside me "your majesty please!" Uncle begged standing up "your majesty! You can strip me off my title just please don't execute Jennette!" Uncle begged "please your majesty!" Big brother kiel yelled uncle then fall on his knees "Penelope I'm sorry I failed you I'm sorry Penelope" uncle mumbled he kept saying sorry "this is all my fault if only I didn't introduce Jennette if only I didn't do her request if only I didn't do what I promised if only I didn't promised her that I'll introduce him to his majesty" uncle kept whispering to herself "Claude de alger obelia! Just wait till you die! And you'll see the truth! How pathetic are you?! To let yourself be consumed by dark magic!" Uncle yelled "Roger" Felix called out "I'm sorry I wasn't much help I tried protecting her as much as I can" Felix said "I'm pretty sure Penelope is disappointed of his majesty" Felix said uncle then stood up and glared at the path father walked out tears still coming out of his eyes "he really don't deserve my cousin and niece" uncle stated "I trusted him in protecting and loving Penelope but then one day I saw her in my living room crying while being comforted by my wife and now I trusted him in protecting and loving Jennette but now look at my niece I should have never trusted him" uncle said Kiel then stood up his tears falling out of his eyes like a waterfall "are you going to attend her execution?" Sir Felix asked "no-" uncle answered trailing off "I can't bare seeing my niece get executed" uncle finished his answer "I see" Felix said uncle then wiped his tears "we'll be going now Felix uncle said before leaving with Kiel who just wiped his tears "I'm sorry lady Penelope I failed you I'm sorry my lady" Felix mumbled I sighed controlling my anger "may I ask something?" I asked "sure" past me replied "where's aki?" I asked "she died" past me answered "wh-what? No °sob° nono °sob° no your lying°sob°" I accused "I'm not lying" past me answered "anymore question?" She asked I then nodded "who °hic° poisoned the °sob° princess?" I asked wiping away my tears "she poisoned herself" past me answered "what?! But why would she do that?!" I asked getting angry "because she sees us as a threat to her success" past me answered "you died two times because of her" past me answered "two times?" I asked confused "yes the in your/our second life we were executed for two things one was for having black magic in you even though it was false black magic and for being the child of a traitor even though he's not your real father" she explained "false black magic?" I asked "Diana the mother of athanasia made it seem like you have black magic in you even tho it was the athanasia who have it" she answered "ah! The times running out it was nice talking to you" she said "everything I said or everything you see is true remember that" she said "get revenge for me" she said before flicking my forehead....

I then jolted awake I gasped for air "I- °sob° aki" I cried I then looked for my bunny(a stuff toy) and when I found him hugged him I silently cried 'uncle....I promise you in this life you and Kiel won't beg his majesty for my life' I promised/thought "I promise I'll get revenge....I promise that no one will beg to his majesty to save me to spare me" I promised/mumbled before drifting off to sleep once more......

At the morning.....

"Young lady please wake up" I heard someone say I then opened my eyes and saw mia smiling at me "your bath is ready my lady" she informed I then nodded and sat


Sorry for late update it's my birthday🎉 so I thought I'd give you guys something

Time finished: 2:48pm
Day finished: 8 - 16 - 2023
Time uploaded: 12:01 am
Day uploaded: 8 - 17 - 2023

Happy birthday to me🎉🥳

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