Chapter 43

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(Justin's pov)
Nothing. No sign of Becca anywhere. I've called, texted her and left numerous voicemails. I have no clue where she is. Maybe Ryan or Chaz knows where she is. I called Ryan up while I felt the lack of sleep finally hit me hard.
"Justin, hey."
Ryan picked up.
"Ryan, have you seen Becca, made any contact with her?"
I hoped he'd say yes, but part of me knew he'd say no. He's with his girlfriend.
"Yea, she's with Chaz. Do you know where he is?"
Ryan surprisingly said yes.
"No, where is he?"
I listened carefully.
"I'll text the address to you. It's his girlfriend's apartment."
Ryan said before hanging up. I soon received a text that told me the address. I got in my car and drove to where it told me. When I arrived, I didn't hesitate to knock on the door.
"Oh, hey Justin."
Chaz answered.
"Can I talk to Becca?"
I asked him.
"She just left, said she'd be back soon."
Chaz moved out of the way, so I could see that he wasn't lying.
"Ok. Ugh, I really need to talk to her."
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.
"By the way, it's 9am if you didn't know."
Chaz must've saw how tired I was. I've been looking all night, and if I wasn't looking for her, I was stressing over her.
"Yea, I know. I've been looking for her all night."
I rubbed my eyes in tiredness.
"Stay here for a while, bro. She should be back soon."
Chaz let me in.
"She went out alone?"
I barely just realized that Becca was alone and sick.
"Yea, I couldn't really stop her."
Chaz sat on the couch and rested his head. I think he just woke up.
"Don't worry about it."
I sat beside him. I hope Becca comes back soon, because I'm getting impatient.
(Becca's pov)
I need to get away. I need to think. Maybe Justin didn't kiss Chantel. Maybe I was overreacting. I should at least give him a chance to explain himself. In the meantime, I went to the park and tuned into some music on my phone. I still feel sick, but I'm getting a little better. As I listened through my earphones, I noticed someone familiar. Max. He was hiding in the trees. My heart was pounding, and I grew anxious and paranoid. I know he's up to something.
"There you are! Becca, are you ok?"
Mallory popped up in from of me, making me jump in surprise.
"Oh, sorry I scared you."
She smiled friendly.
"It's fine. Let's get out of here."
I rushed out of the park.
"Chaz said that Justin's at the apartment. You want to go back?"
She asked me.
I think I should wait a little, so I can think about what I'm gonna say.
"We can do some girl stuff. I'm just about to get my nails done. You want to do that instead?"
Mallory offered.
I accepted her offer in a heartbeat. I need to get out of this place.
"Ok, let's go."
She led me to her car. We arrived at a nail salon and got out. Even though I'm safe, I'm still paranoid as fuck.
"Hmm, I'm gonna go with this dark pink. What do you think?"
Mallory examined the shelf of nail polishes.
"Yea, that'll look pretty."
I nodded and studied a light purple.
"Oh, I like that one. You should go with it."
Mallory smiled at me.
"I'll go with this one."
I smiled back in agreement. We sat on big leather chairs as 2 ladies did our nails.
"I'm thinking after this should get some frozen yogurt."
Mallory suggested.
"That sounds good."
I nodded.
"So do you live here?"
I asked her.
"Yea, I moved here last month. Chaz wants to stay here, but I told him he'd better stay with Ryan."
Mallory explained.
"That's nice of you."
I complimented.
"Well, I don't wanna ruin a friendship like that. Speaking of, I've heard that you, Chaz, Ryan, and Justin have been friends since you were kids."
Mallory sure talked a lot, but I need a distraction to get rid of my anxiety.
"Yea, we are. Well, at least Ryan, Chaz, and I."
I don't know about Justin.
"Oh, you are so lucky to have a boyfriend like Justin Bieber. He seems so nice based on what I've heard from his fans."
Mallory stated.
"Yea, well, he can be."
I didn't want to say anything else about it.
"Plus, he's, like, the definition of hot."
She spoke dreamily.
"We should go."
I noticed that the ladies were finished with our nails.
"Wow, that color looks amazing on you."
Mallory complimented my nails.
"Thanks, so do yours."
I smiled in return. We were extra cautious not to ruin our nails as we made our way to the car.
"Ok, let's go get some frozen yogurt."
Mallory started the car and drove. My phone buzzed. It was Justin, again. I have to keep my phone on silent, because he's annoying me.I sighed then ignored it. We arrived at a yogurt shop and got out. There were different flavored yogurts, but I stuck with my favorite of everything, chocolate. I even got chocolate chips as toppings. Mallory got peach with gummy bears on top.
"I don't mean to be nosy, but I heard that you and Justin aren't getting along too well."
Mallory and I took a seat.
"Yea, it's complicated. I think I caught him cheating on me."
I went ahead and confessed.
She gave me a sympathetic look.
"Yea, but I don't know if I should believe him when he said he didn't."
I added.
"Well, does it sound like something we would do?"
Mallory asked.
I shrugged.
"I know this all happened because of that girl he's been with. Is she rude?"
Mallory questioned.
"Yea. And jealous.
I sounded irritated by the thought of Chantel.
"I think that she kissed Justin, honestly."
Mallory and I finished up our yogurts.
"I'm gonna talk with Justin."
I threw my trash away.
"Sounds like a plan. Let's get back."
Mallory and I hopped in her car.
"Hey Chaz, we're back."
Mallory and I entered the apartment.
"You're kidding me."
Chaz sighed and shook his head with a smile.
I walked up to him.
"Justin just left. What took you guys so long?"
Chaz looked at Mallory then at me.
"Well, we might've got our nails done...and got some frozen yogurt."
Mallory smile shyly.
"Well, Justin's been waiting for you all day. He came once you left."
Chaz told me.
"I'll talk to him later."
I sat on the couch.
"Becca, he didn't cheat on you."
Chaz said.
"I don't wanna talk about it."
I hid my face in a pillow.
"Let's make lunch. How do sandwiches sound?"
Mallory changed the subject.
"Sure, babe. Becca, do you want one?"
Chaz offered.
"No, I'm fine."
I prefer just to rest.
Then I started to hear them in the kitchen. Believe me, I would talk to Justin. I just don't know what to say. Am I supposed to trust him? He knows I have trust issues, especially with him. Plus, he made me feel so bad, like a second choice. How am I supposed to trust him if I feel that way around him? I'll talk to him, but I'm just gonna wait.

(A/N: Aw, I wanna rub Justin's neck and have him swing me around and hug me! 😱😫😫😫 Next post is on Wednesday💜)

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