Chapter 68

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(Becca's pov)
Breakfast was amazing, and Justin's taking me to the top of the big tower in Toronto.
"You aren't afraid of heights, right?"
Justin asked on our way there.
I smiled at him.
"Good. Oh, I'm gonna give you one of your birthday presents too."
We arrived at the tower.
"Ugh, I hate being spoiled."
I mumbled to myself.
"Well, you need to learn to love it, because that's all you're gonna get with me."
He took my hand and led me inside. I kind of whined a bit but I leaned against him.
When we arrived at the top, I was freezing.
"I'll keep you warm, baby."
Justin, of course, took this chance to hold me. I looked at the city with the sky still cloudy from yesterday. I didn't mind because I like cloudy days.
"Wanna get some hot chocolate after this?"
Justin's warm breath hit against my neck.
I smiled but didn't look at him.
"Close your eyes."
His whisper sent shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes. Justin took my hand and wrapped something warm around it.
"Ok, you can open them."
As soon as I heard his voice, I open my eyes and looked at my wrist. There was a silver bracelet with ocean blue diamonds on it.
"It reminds me of your eyes."
I looked at Justin to see that little sheepish smirk again.
"Ugh, I just wanna hug you forever. Thank you, baby."
I hugged him again, and he hugged me back.
"You're shivering, princess. Let's get you inside."
By the way, I wasn't shivering. He just wanted to go inside. I didn't mind it. I never do.
On our way back to the car, Justin kept smiling while humming the song 'Love Me Like You Do.' A few people noticed me and Justin, but we rushed in the car before they could snap a picture.
"So when are you gonna use that coupon?"
Justin must really want to have sex, because he keeps asking me.
"Well, it expires tonight, so I'm obviously gonna use it today."
I already repeated this a few times today.
"I can't wait."
His smile made me smile even bigger.
When we arrived at a coffee shop, Justin rushed to open the door for me. Damn, he's so adorable.
We ordered two hot chocolates then sat at a table.
"Wanna go to a spa after this?"
Justin's words almost made me choke on my drink.
I smiled because Justin wouldn't last a minute in a spa. He's too hyper to ever relax himself.
"I'm serious, babe. Do you wanna go?"
He smiled as he sipped his hot chocolate.
"Sure, but I don't have anything to wear for it."
My lips were covered in whipped cream and chocolate.
"Nonsense. I have something for you in the car."
Of course, Justin plans everything out. I just smiled and took another drink.
Out of nowhere, Justin got up and kissed me deeply before I could wipe my mouth.
"I just wanted to taste you."
He smirked then pulled me out the door.
"So what are we gonna do at the spa?"
I questioned him.
"I don't know. I've never been there before."
He smiled cutely at me.
I giggled as we pulled into a large building. It looked fancy.
"I bet it's expensive."
I told myself.
"Nothing's expensive for me."
He smirked as we entered the building. I gave him a playful shove before he paid at the desk. We both had to get wristbands to get in. Plus, we even got our own locker.
"Here. This is yours."
Justin handed me my black bikini. Why am I not surprised?
"You're always up to something. I told you."
I smiled and shook my head.
"What can I say? You look hot in black."
He took his shirt off and started changing into his dark blue swim shorts.
"If I look hot in black, that means you want other guys checking me out?"
I messed around with him as I changed into the bikini.
"No, I want to show everyone that you're mine and they can't have you."
He watched me as I changed.
"I can never understand you, baby."
I smiled as I put my top on.
"I just wanna show you off, babe."
He came near to to tie my bikini straps.
"There's nothing to show off here."
I mumbled with a smile; then he spanked me.
"Justin, what the fu-"
"That's a start."
He smirked before pulling me into a big steamy room. It had different sections of hot tubs. I loooove hot tubs.
"Let's do this one."
I urged Justin inside a big hot tub with no one inside it. The water was hot but it felt relaxing.
"I like this."
I closed my eyes and remained next to Justin.
"That's why I brought you here, babe."
Justin smiled with his tattoos looking amazing.
"Hey, you never told me why you got an compass on your arm."
I touch his tattoo on his arm.
"I don't know. I was bored."
He shrugged with a slight smirk.
"Can I get one?"
I smiled teasingly at him.
"Hell no. Those things hurt like a bitch. Plus, I like to feel how nice your body is, just skin."
He smirked as he rubbed my lower thighs and legs.
"Hm, stop it baby."
I giggled then stepped out.
"Hey, where are you going, bae?"
Justin came after me as I looked around. We walked into another room, which had more hot tubs. Plus, there were big glass doors that led to more hot tubs outside.
"Who would wanna go outside? It's freezing."
I think it's crazy.
"I would."
Then Justin took my good hand and pulled me outside.
"Shit! Justin no!"
It was so fucking cold outside, and Justin and I hurried into another hot tub. Our breaths were short, mostly because it's like walking on ice out here. Plus, the wind is blowing because of yesterday's storm. And there's no sun out here, just clouds.
"You're insane."
I shivered a little.
"I thought you knew that by now."
He chuckled and held me close.
"I don't wanna get out now."
I hugged him close for warmth.
"We can't stay here forever, baby."
He held me and closed his eyes.
"That's what sucks."
I muttered and poked his right pec.
"Uhm, what are you doing babe?"
Justin grinned at me from above.
"Feeling you."
I giggled and poked him again.
"You like it?"
He smirked at me.
"Yea, does it feel weird?"
I know I would feel weird if he did this to me.
"Not really."
His fingertips brushed over my waist.
"How long are we staying at this place?"
I stopped touching his pec and looked in his eyes.
"As long as you want, babygirl."
He kissed my temple. I smiled shyly before inhaling the warm scent of mint and pine trees. I let myself relax, despite the cold wind blowing against my face and shoulders.
After awhile, Justin suggested we get out before we get sick from breathing in too much cold air, especially when our chests are unprotected.
"I don't want to."
Going out in the freezing weather in a bikini isn't something I like to do.
"Well you have to or you'll get sick. C'mon."
Justin pulled me out and once the coldness touched my body, I ran all the way inside and plunged myself into another hot tub.
"Feel better?"
Justin came in shivering then joined me in the warm water.
I nodded and felt myself warm up. I kept my left arm out of the water so it doesn't bother me afterwards.
"Hey look, they have ice cream. You want one?"
Justin pointed to an ice cream stand by the bar.
I got out and followed Justin to the counter, where we ordered our ice creams. I, of course, got chocolate. Justin got vanilla because they didn't have cotton candy.
"What else does this place have?"
I asked as we walked into an elevator.
Justin answered before we walked out of the elevator. I saw a lot of sauna rooms inside here.
"Aw, I wanna go in one."
I grew excited.
"Finish your ice cream first."
We both hurriedly finished our ice creams before walking up to one of the saunas. It had the temperature labeled by the door. 100°.
"What's the hottest one in here?"
I asked Justin as we entered the sauna.
"I think 180°."
Justin and I sat on a bench and let the heat comfort us.
"Oh shit, I couldn't stand it in there."
I smiled and shook my head.
"Me neither."
Justin and I kept our distance, because I don't think we should be hugging when we're all sweaty and sticky.
(A/N: I'm staying up extra late to watch Justin perform on The Tonight Show😋 Next post is on Friday)

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