Chapter 12

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Chapter song; I'm Not Yours by Angus and Julia Stone
(Becca's pov)
Before I could think, our lips met. I kissed back, forgetting everything, forgetting all the hard work I put into keeping him from getting to me. His hands held me close as we kissed. My mind returned back to reality, and I pushed away at that moment.
"No, I can't trust you. Not anymore. I'm not yours. It's over, Justin. Just go away...go"
I couldn't stop myself from crying. I tried to cover the makeup as much as I could.
"Please go!"
I raised my voice and covered my face to hide the evidence. Justin didn't move. I shoved him outside myself and slammed the door, locking it tight. I sobbed as I slid on the floor, my back against the door. What just happened? Am I crazy?
(Justin's pov)
Fuck! Why did I do that?! I need Becca again. She can't leave me. Not now. Damn. I drove stressfully back to Chaz's house.
"Dude, what's up?"
Chaz and Ryan noticed how mad I was.
"Leave me alone"
I shut myself in the bathroom and turned on the shower. I sat against the wall and cursed myself as the bathroom fogged up. How am I gonna fix this? Ugh, dammit.
I guess I passed out in the bathroom yesterday. When I walked out, Selena was on her phone.
She threw herself at me.
"What's up, baby?"
I kissed her head.
"Waiting for you"
She smiled cutely.
I kissed her, but Becca was on my mind the whole time. Is that bad?
"I gotta go to the studio. Is that ok?"
She grabbed her purse.
"Yea, that's fine, babe"
I glanced at Ryan and Chaz, who were awake and studying me.
"Sleep well?"
Chaz asked after Selena went.
I muttered irritably.
"What happened, Justin?"
Ryan stood up and looked at me.
I muttered and combed my hair with my hand.
Ryan muttered knowingly.
"...I kissed Becca"
I confessed shamefully.
"Ooh. She didn't kiss back?"
Chaz gave me a sympathetic look.
"Oh, she kissed back...but she got pissed after"
I didn't want to talk about this anymore, so I walked out. Damn, what do I do? I have to fix this. Yes, I need to get Becca back. I drove to a flower store and bought some light pink roses. Hopefully, light pink is still Becca's favorite color. I also bought her some chocolate, fudge, cake and brownies. I wrote a card saying I'm sorry on it. I drove to Becca's and knocked. The door opened then shut immediately when the person behind it saw me.
"Hey, Becca, c'mon. Let me in. I'm sorry. You can't just ignore me. Do you want $80 to go in the trash?"
I said from behind the door, knowing she gives in easily. It opened slowly. I entered to see Becca holding herself and sniffling. She was obviously crying but had makeup on. Why?
"Here. This is for you"
I set all the stuff on the table.
"What are you doing here?"
She muttered after a sniffle.
"I came to say I'm sorry. I don't know what happened yesterday. I guess I just missed you too much. I was stupid to think you'd even feel the same anymore"
I narrowed my eyes.
"...You bought all this for me?"
She touched all the chocolate I bought her.
"Yea, I thought you'd like it. I figured I should give something other than an apology"
I smiled slightly when I saw her sniff the flowers and smile at the scent. I missed her so much. My eyes stung. Am I tearing up? Damn.
"Justin, are you crying?"
She stepped close to me. It's weird how when I show weakness, she acts apologetic.
"...I really miss you, Becca. I'm so sorry"
I tried to stop from crying the best I could.
Becca's voice cracked. This time, she hugged me first. I hugged her back. She broke it quickly and dried her eyes, smearing a little mascara. I gave into the pain and kissed her again. Luckily, she kissed back, and I kissed deeper, like we were 15 again. She let my tongue in and clung onto me. I took off my shirt then continued to kiss her. I was too in the moment to stop now.

(Ooooh Justin😙 I'm posting on Saturday)

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