Chapter 52

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(Becca's pov)
"Baby. Becca, wake up."
Justin's morning voice purred in my ear. It made me smile and wrap my arms around him.
"We've gotta meet with my manager at 9:30am."
Justin pulled me on his lap and kissed me. I giggled then pulled away, because I still need to brush my teeth.
"I'm gonna get ready."
I got up and ruffled my hair. I glanced behind me to see Justin smiling at me.
I turned around completely.
"Nothing. You're just so beautiful, babe."
His words made me blush, so I shut myself in the bathroom. I freshened myself up and did my hair and makeup. When I walked out, I saw Justin setting up blueberry waffles at the table.
"Aw, Justy."
I grinned at how nice he is.
"I hope you like blueberry. It's not your favorite, and I'm sorry."
He pouted a little.
"It's ok, baby."
I guess Justin's right; I am picking up on his language.
"You stole my word, copycat."
Justin smirked at me.
"I'm not a copycat."
I giggled and sat down.
"You're right. You're a copy-kitty."
Justin kept smirking and added a wink.
"Is that supposed to be sexual?"
My cheeks burned a little bit.
"Only if you want it to."
His eyebrows flicked up at me.
"Quit it, Justy."
I moved my attention to my breakfast. He just chuckled and ate too.
"We should get going. Scooter wants me there on time."
Justin said once we finished eating. I followed him out the door and into the bus. Ryan and Chaz came along too.
"I have a few songs I want to work on too. You wanna hear part of one?"
Justin asked me on the way to his studio.
"Of course."
I gave him my full attention.
"Here it goes...Don't let this go to your head, but you're the best I've ever ha-a-ad. Not to mention that thing is swollen. You got me oh so in a tra-a-ance."
He sang for me, his beautiful voice filling up the air.
"Ooh, sexy."
I smiled and clapped my hands. Justin chuckled as the bus slowed down.
"I think we're here, babygirl. Let's go."
He took my hand and led me into his studio.
"Hey Justin. Oh, hey Becca."
Scooter glanced at me in surprise, but there's something off about him.
I smiled friendly at him.
"You needed me for something?"
Justin asked him.
"Yea, but first show me some of the songs you've been working on."
Scooter suggested.
"Ok, but Becca can't listen to them. They're special and a surprise."
Justin smiled at me.
I groaned.
"...I'll go to the other room with Ryan and Chaz."
I smiled back and walked into the other room.
"Hey Becca."
Ryan greeted me.
"Justin doesn't want me to hear his new music."
I pouted playfully.
"You know he's very secretive about that. It means it's something really special for you."
Chaz smiled. I know it's true.
"Ugh, but it's so unfair."
I plopped on the couch with them.
"You'll get over it."
Ryan sat beside me.
(Justin's pov)
I showed Scooter some ideas for a few songs, and Scooter gave me his opinions. Now I have to hear what he's been wanting to tell me.
"Justin, you're a good guy, and I know Becca means a lot to you...but she's not safe in this kind of lifestyle. All the paparazzi, the media, the lights, it's not good for her. We both know that she could get seriously hurt if all this continues. I know you think she's safe with you, but all this drama going on won't be helping her. You can't hide her forever."
Scooter told me with seriousness and sympathy. What the hell?
"What are you telling me?"
I asked as nice as possible.
"Justin, I think it's best if you send her home."
Scooter seriously just said that? Is he kidding me? Becca's my life. I'm not leaving Becca.
"I'm sorry, Scooter. But I can't do that. Becca means too much."
I can't believe I just said to my manager.
"I'm just telling you. She's not safe, especially if she has another panic attack. You and I both know that." right. Dammit. I know Becca's gonna get hurt, but I want her to stay.
"Just do it, Justin. You've only got a few more months left."
Scooter told me, as an order. I know I have no choice now.
I mumbled and left the room. My mood is now fucked. How am I gonna break this to Becca? I don't really have to do this, right? Yea, it's Scooter's orders. I don't wanna get fired do I? Becca wouldn't want me to give this all up, right?
"Justin, are you ok?"
Becca, Ryan, and Chaz were looking at me.
"Yea, I'm fine, babe."
I lied, straight in her innocent blue eyes.
"Hey, you know you gotta plane to catch?"
Chaz reminded me.
"Yea, we should get going."
I have to go to New York for my next show. Becca took my hand as we walked back to the bus. Ugh, I hate this. You know what? I'm not gonna leave Becca. My career means less than Becca.
We made it to the airport and on my private jet on time.
"Justin, I'm cold."
Becca cuddled beside me with her head on my shoulder and legs on my lap.
I held her close to me, contemplating on the whole idea of Becca.
"Justy, what's wrong? You're holding me too tight."
Becca mumbled and looked at me in concern.
"Nothing, baby. I'm didn't sleep well last night."
I lied to her again. I lied in front of her kissable lips. I hate myself for lying to her.
"Aw, I'm sorry baby."
Becca apologizing to me makes it worse, because it was all a lie.
"Don't be."
I kissed her temple, wanting to keep her close forever.
"Mm, you know what I want?"
She crept her hands up my shirt and over my abs.
I smirked down at her. I know I shouldn't be feeling any sexual feelings toward her when I'm thinking about sending her home.
She stoked her fingers lower, tickling my happy trail. Shit.
"You're very convincing, babe."
I can't help it if she turns me on.
"Am I?"
Becca tugged at the hem of my boxers.
I slid her on my lap, her legs on either side of me.
"Mm, Justin."
She whispered sexily against my ear. I inhaled her strawberry shampoo then slid my hands up her shirt.
"Hey, you two love birds, let's go!"
Ryan and Chaz interrupted us.
Becca got off me and smoothed her shirt. I followed her out of the jet and led her towards the car.
When we got in the car, the driver had the radio on. Come And Get It by Selena Gomez was playing. It was too awkward, so I told the driver to change it. I don't think Becca made a big deal about it, but she seemed a bit tense.
Then I thought of what Scooter told me. Becca's not safe for many reasons. One of those reasons is that she's in danger of her ex and Selena. Becca's  paranoid about them. If she's with me, she's gonna be worried for the rest of her life. If she's home, she's safe. I doubt Selena and Max would dare pass my hometown, especially Becca's dad. Ooh, deal with him, and they're dead meat. I wouldn't be surprised if Becca's dad would hit a girl. I mean, he did beat up a 15 year old kid.
"Look how much space there is, Justy!"
Becca jumped on the bed when we arrived at our hotel.
"Aw, you want lunch, baby?"
I took her hand and pulled her down to me. I really need to stop craving her touch.
She nodded and charged to get the room service menu.
"Let's share a bowl of macaroni."
Becca insisted.
I agreed and ordered the macaroni.
"Justin, you're adorable."
Becca grabbed my cheeks and pinched them.
"Hey hey, cut it out."
I smiled and removed her hands from my face.
"But you're so cute."
She sat on my lap.
"Yea yea."
I spoke sarcastically and put my arm around her.
"And you said I was sassy."
She poked my sides, making me chuckle and pin her to the floor.
"No no, Justin! Don't! I'm sorry!"
Becca begged and giggled in my hold.
"What comes around goes around, babe."
I grinned before tickling her.
"No! Justin! Stop! Justin!"
Becca laughed and laughed until I stopped tickling her. Then I heard a knock at the door, so I got up to answer it. It was our food. I paid for it then brought it to Becca.
"You take the first bite."
She smiled at me and handed me a fork. She's so amazing.
I wish I didn't have the choice between keeping her and sending her home. I know she's better off safe at home. With me she's in danger of so many things, and I just want her to be safe. Why can't things be easy for me? Why does the media have to be at my back?
(A/N: OMIGODDD 30 DAYS!!! Next post on Friday😱😱😱)


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