Chapter 1 Amira

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Popping the small pill into her mouth, Amira swallowed and looked up into the mirror in front of her. The pill was so tiny, did she really need it? Looking at herself she was almost sure she was a beta. Despite her incredibly small height and golden hair, her other attributes were so unlike an omega's. Her hips were wide, her boobs full, in fact her shapely body was so unlike the slim shapeless omegas, she had seen in pictures, and more like the a curvy Alpha woman, that she was tempted to forgo future costly suppressants just to see what would happen. She was sure she was beta but was it worth the risk? At present she was free, free to work, free to love who she wanted, unlike the rare omegas who were said to be kidnapped by Alphas and claimed, leading no life of their own, just servicing an Alpha's insatiable sexual appetite.
Amira enjoyed her life, she partied, travelled and lived life to its fullest, becoming an omega would change everything.
Despite being sure she wasn't an omega she resigned herself to the thought of remaining on the suppressants, just in case, better to be safe than sorry.
The life of an omega was definitely not something she wanted, it's true that in reality, there was little known about the life of omegas once they had been claimed. But there were rumours, rumours of them being chained and fucked within an inch of their lives until they were bred, and rumours always came from somewhere didn't they? She had heard that, in the past, when omegas were more common, some Alphas took many omegas, a different one for every night of the week. She had been told this was because it not only meant the Alpha had more chance of siring an heir, but also increased the life expectancy of the omegas, as they weren't used as often.
Amira had seen Alpha porn and they were enormous in every sense of the word:
She had never enjoyed the porn, and had watched it mainly out of curiosity than to satiate a need. In fact she had found it rather distasteful, and knew that betas were paid a lot of money to take part. Some betas actually liked Alphas and their size, despite the fact mixed sex between dynamics often ended in the beta having to seek medical care - they were not made to take an Alpha like other Alphas were.
No Alpha woman would be caught dead staring in porn, and although mixed pairings weren't illegal, they did hold a kind of taboo, Alphas of both sexes thought betas were way beneath them, and only ever used them for their own needs. As for omegas? They were so rare that neither Alpha nor beta really considered the idea of mating with one, though she was sure beta men wouldn't turn one down, as it was in a breeds nature to want what you can't have.
Amira on the other hand was happy living in her beta bubble as she liked to think of it. Not mixing with Alphas or omegas (not that she had ever met an omega mind you), who cared what other breeds thought.
The only thing Amira did know with certainty about her dynamic was that she wasn't an Alpha and definitely didn't want to be an Omega.

Amira left the bathroom, finished dressing, and headed out down town to meet with her friend.
Micheal, her closest friend had begged her to come out tonight, she had been feeling a little off recently, and really fancied a night in with a pot of ice cream and a cheesy movie, but Mikael had complained that his friends from college were in town and they would each be showing up with respective spouses. He had pleaded saying he didn't want to be the fifth wheel and needed her as a buffer. Amira believed that when a friend is in need, it's a duty to help them in anyway possible, hence she found her self climbing into the back of a taxi, downtown bound. Micheal and Amira had been friends since they were at college. During the early years of their friendship he had pursued her romantically, but she had never liked him that way, and so over time they became friends - best friends. He had dated women from time to time, and Amira had always liked his girlfriends, however he never really wished to settle down. So females would come and then go, fed up waiting for him to become serious.
She saw him as a forever playboy - he partied hard, was fun and always made Amira laugh. They supported one another through ups and downs, and Amira didn't know what she would do without him. So she was more than happy to be his wingwoman tonight.

Pulling up beside the club, she paid the driver and did a last minute wardrobe check in the black glass that fronted the club.
The queue was long and she was glad Micheal had prepaid for her, meaning she could jump to the front and enter by quoting the receipt number he had texted her while on the way there.
She was surprised so many people had ventured out tonight, There had recently been a weird spat of club hijacks, where an unknown group of assailants had stormed clubs in army fatigues and balaclavas, spraying an unknown substance in the air, after which they sometimes kidnapped club goers.
It was all very odd. It always made the news, but it was never mentioned why these people were taken, who the assailants were or what was being done to prevent it happening in the future, perhaps by hunting these breeds down.
It had meant that a lot of those who would usually frequent clubs, had stopped doing so.
But, much like tonight, clubs had gone all out to try and encourage patrons back through the doors. Nights like these with famous DJs or bands were becoming the norm, and tonight's DJ was a particularly well known DJ who rarely did anything but Alpha festivals - where the likes of the lowly beta couldn't go. This was why Michael's college friends were in town and probably why the line was so incredibly long. As the door to the club was held open by an impressively large beta, a waft of warm air hit her straight in the face and with it, the smell of sweaty bodies. Amira descended the steps before her, as she did so the distant sound of a thumping baseline grew louder, and as she pushed through the doors at the bottom of the steps she was met with the full on loud assault of dance music and flashing lights.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's story Part 1Where stories live. Discover now