Chapter 20 Grayson

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The betas had been a huge waste of time. They had been able to tell him nothing useful. They told him of her best friend Micheal, but also said he had already spoken to them of Amira's disappearance from the club, and knew nothing beyond that.
Naturally they had begged for their lives, but he wasn't interested, all he was interested in was the whereabouts of his omega.
He hadn't spoken to his wife since they returned. His men were still giving him a wide berth and even Nancy seemed to be frightened of him.
Never in his life had he spoken a cross word to that woman, so he did not understand her fear now.
He had just finished talking to a private investigator, that he had hired to find any of the women that had been taken. He wasn't stupid enough to think that anyone would let his omega walk free, but the other women - maybe. If he could find one of them then at least he would have some kind of lead and who knew what information they may share, when he threatened their family and friends.
He was exhausted and hadn't slept for two days, he needed rest even if it was for just a while. He doubted he could sleep, but he at least needed to lie down.
He climbed the stairs and headed towards one of the guests rooms. He had absolutely no inclination to see his wife and avoiding the main bedroom assured that, so he pushed the door too behind him, kicked of his loafers, dumped the contents of his pockets on the side table and climbed on the bed.
It was early evening but the nights were drawing in earlier and earlier.
Lying there in the half dark, he closed his eyes and tried to rest. Of course his mind raced with the thoughts of his omega, and where the fuck she was. Who fucking had her?
The men who had broken into his house were unmistakably Alpha. Their height and stature were far too large for a beta. Even his men, who were some of the largest betas he knew, were nothing compared to them.
If a group of Alphas had found and taken his omega, it stood to reason she would be well used by now, which angered him. If only he had known her dynamic while she was still a virgin, he could have been the only one to ever have touched her. Not that he would be put off by the fact she had been used, it was just a shame she was no longer as pure as she had been.
When he found her, he would castrate all the Alphas that had touched her. They would certainly regret the day they took what belonged to him.
He heard a shuffling, in the corridor out side his room, and recognised the bustle of Nancy's petticoats and skirts as she made her way towards the master bedroom, where his wife was currently situated.
There was a knock on a door and he heard Nancy greet his wife.
"Madam, I have bought you some soup, you need to try and eat Madam, you can't starve yourself over this."
He heard his wife sob.
It meant nothing to him, not even the slightest sympathy or remorse existed for her. She was to blame for this mess.
"If I'd of known Nancy, if I'd have known I never would have done it."
Done what? What had she done? He listened closer now.
"Madam, what was the alternative? You being replaced by an omega? What would have happened to you? Your good name would be tarnished, and the Goddess knows what the Master would have turned into. A hermit, shut away from the world? We did the right thing Madam, trust me, we did the right thing."
He was sat up listening intently now. What. Had. They. Done?
"But look what's happened to him Nancy, is this any better?He's gone mad."
The cogs were turning in his brain, what the hell were they talking about.
"Madam, he will never find her, the Alpha's that took her would not have set her free. She's their's now. The master will forget her in time and all will return to as it was."
He would not forget her, what were they saying, what had they done?
"I don't know Nancy. I just don't know. If he ever found out we had something to do with this." His wife's words trailed off.
He had heard enough. He needed to find out what they had done and he needed to find out now.
He shot off the bed sped to the door and flung it open. He heard a loud gasp as he stormed into the master bedroom and slammed the door against the wall when he swung it wide.
Both women were standing stock still, staring wide eyed, at him, like rabbits in headlights.
He took some calming breaths that did nothing.
"What the fuck have you two done?" He gritted out between clenched teeth.
His wife took several step backwards, wisely never turning her back on the danger in the room.
"Now, now Master Grayson," Nancy said calmly, holding up her hands as if she could appease his temper.
She had no idea.
He was seeing red and the thought of snapping their necks felt very appealing right now. But not before finding out what the fucking hell was happening.
He stepped forward towards them.
"I ask you again Nancy, and don't you fucking lie to me, what did you both do?" Spittle flew from his mouth as he ground out the words. He was going to fucking kill them.
And from the look in their eyes he was pretty sure they knew it.
Both women took a step back again, despite the betrayal he felt by the old female, Nancy would not be his target - oh no.
He knew his wife well and knew that the life of the beta maid would mean nothing to her if self preservation was involved so killing the maid would be fruitless.
He started towards his wife, but Nancy, the fool, stepped to block his way. He took hold of the elderly beta and hurled her aside, slamming her into a chest of drawers before she dropped to the ground.
Marching forward he grabbed his wife by her hair and pulled, she fell to her knees before him and he continued to drag.
He knew where he was headed, and his wife was about to find out just what he was capable of.
She had played ignorant of his dealings, but he knew she must be aware he wasn't a legitimate business owner like he claimed. How many times had he come home with blood on him. How many times must she have wondered what went on downstairs.
Nancy scrambled up throwing herself at his feet.
"Master Grayson please sir, please stop. Madam had nothing to do with this, it was me, it was me."
He kicked her aside again, snarling. " I heard what was being said Nancy. Dom't treat me like a fucking idiot, she will tell me exactly what she has done. Or mark my words she will not be able to tell anybody anything ever again."
He continued to drag his wife towards the door.
Her snivelling and pleading did nothing to halt him.
"I'll explain, I'll explain." His wife squealed as he began dragging her towards the stairs.
He froze dropping her hair. Leaning down into her tear soaked face, and shouted. "Start fucking explaining Leilani, and you better tell me everything or so help me god I will fucking cut the truth out of you, do you understand?"
"Yes, yes everything, I'll tell you everything I promise."
"Start speaking woman. Fast!"
She pulled herself up from the floor so she was on her knees before him.
"I knew about the girl and your obsession." She spat out. "I knew how you would spend every waking moment watching her. Jerking off over her. When you should have been with me." She screamed.
He raised his hand and it came down on her cheek, he hit her with such force that she went flying sideways smacking her head against the wall.
"I said to tell me what you had done Leilani, not what I had done you stupid cunt." He bent down wrapping his hand around her neck, lifting it so her face was millimetres away from his.
"Fucking tell me!" He roared.
"When... when I found out she was an omega I panicked, I knew everything would change. So I made a call." She stuttered out between sobs.
"What call? Who did you call?" He said slightly relaxing now he was getting some answers.
"My father." She whispered.
Her father? If there was one Alpha on this planet who he hated it was her fucking father.
"What did he do Leilani?" he gritted out between his teeth.
She was sobbing profusely now.
"I don't know."
"I am going to ask you again, one more time Leilani. And if I don't like your fucking answer..." he spat.
"Honestly Grayson I don't know, I swear I don't know," she stuttered out.
He threw her down and stood.
"If I were you Leilani, I would be gone by the time I get back."
He turned and stormed out.

He went back to the guest room and slipped on his shoes, grabbing his phone and car keys from where he had placed them on the table by the bed. As he fled past the pair of them he turned, spat at his wife and then kept on walking.
He rushed down the stairs and to the garage where he got in his car.
As the garage door raised, he was already waiting with the car revving. Speeding off into the night, he called his men to meet him at his father in laws address. His father in law should have been put in his place a long time ago, and now ...he was going to get what was coming to him.

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