Chapter 24 Darius

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Their shower had been amazing, to say the least, goddess his omega was so fine. He couldn't help but take her at every opportunity, and it would seem that his omega was just as eager to have him.
They had spent the day fucking on every surface in the cabin.
But she had asked for information about her dynamic, and he desperately wanted to please her. So while she slept, recovering from the day's escapades, he decided to get in touch with the only Alpha he knew had information about omegas.
The Alpha had been his close friend for many years, treating him like he would a son. In fact the man in question, had once tried to persuade Darius to marry his own daughter, but his daughter had fallen in love, married, and that was one of the reasons Darius found himself in the position he was in now. A position he wouldn't change for the world. But his omega needed answers, as did he.
Picking up his phone he dialled the number of his close friend.
Although the phone was answered quickly, the voice on the end of the line seemed strained, "Hello, Heraldo here."
"Heraldo old friend, I know it's late but I need to ask somethings of you, but first are you well, you sound a little off?" He inquired.
"Darius. Yes yes everything is fine, it's a little inconvenient though at the moment, may I call you back later?" Came the reply. Darius was taken back by the brush off, as in the past the old breed had always been happy to hear from him and would have talked for hours.
"Umm, yes of course, I was just hoping you could get together as much information on omegas as possible for me. But of course call me back when it's more convenient." Darius was disappointed but knew he had called extremely late and didn't want to disturb the old Alpha further.
There was muffled voices on the end of the line.
"Omegas you say?" The old man pondered. "Well I guess I could spare you a few minutes son, what was it you wanted to ask?"
Despite the old Alpha's words he was definitely distracted, how desperate was he for this information? Yes he wanted to please Amira and get the information she wanted, but at the same time he didn't want to keep the old breed up if there was something wrong with him.
"No, no it's fine, perhaps we can speak tomorrow," He hoped that this would be a better arrangement.
Again there was more muffled voices, and some fumbling with the phone.
"Don't be silly boy, I can always spare time for you."
Darius heard what seemed to be a muffled thump, then the old breed continued. "Go ahead and ask son."
"Well." Where did he even start! " I want to know as much as you can tell me."
"That's an awful lot son." Heraldo said in a voice not much above a whisper. There was something definitely not right with his old mentor. So he decided to get the basics and they could discuss the rest another time. The old Alpha was well over 150, which, even by Alpha standard, was old to still be going as strong as this old breed had been. Darius had always thought of his friend as immortal, but he guessed old age eventually caught up with everyone. He would hurry it up and let his friend get some rest. He selfishly asked for the information that had been playing most on his mind.
"I want to know about an Alpha claiming an omega? I always imagined that an Alpha would do it the moment he met an omega, to stop her being claimed by someone else, but I have recently learned that that's not so."
Once again some strange muffling came through his ear piece.
"Why do you ask son, have you met an omega?"
There was something off in his friends tone, and warning bells began to ring through his head. Something just wasn't right and he decided to err on the side of caution and not mention Amira directly.
"Oh gosh no, I wish!" He said with a small laugh, hoping his acting skills came off far better than he believed they were.
"A friend of mine recently met one and he told me that he had not claimed her yet, I was surprised." He kicked himself, no friend would tell another Alpha about having an omega for fear of her being stolen.
"Well son," his friend came back to him. "Perhaps she just hasn't come into heat yet."
"Heat?" He quizzed. "What's that?"
"Where is your friend? If you want me to speak to him directly I can?"
Those alarm bells just kept on ringing. He trusted Heraldo with his life, but he was now even doubting a life long friendship because of an omega. What the hell was happening to him, is this what life would be like from now on - so paranoid that his friendships would suffer? First Kieran and now Heraldo.
"I have no idea where he is to be honest, he called me, I think he was paranoid or something.."
Darius had always lived by the motto that if you have to lie, keep the lie as close to the truth as possible so it's easy to keep track of and he was definitely paranoid.
"Well next time you speak to your friend, I would tell him to look up on the internet about an omega's heat, and claiming in relation to her smell."
A loud bang came from the other end of the line.
"Heraldo? Are you ok?" Darius was now really starting to worry.
"Yes yes son I am fine, quit fussing. Where are you now son?" The old breed asked.
No way was Darius going to tell him.
"Out on a job, old breed. I am gonna say good bye now."
"Ok ok, are you sure you don't need further help son? I could definitely talk to your friend? I could always come to you as the middle man if you wish, just let me know where you are."
"As I said I am out on a job, I'm out of the country actually, won't be back for a few weeks yet."
Darius hated lying to his friend but every bone in his body was screaming to be careful.
"Ok old breed, I will be in touch soon, take care of your self please."
"Will do Darius, and Darius?"
"Yes old breed?"
"Tell your friend to kick start her heat if he has to, and claim her as soon as he can because ..." the line went dead.
Because what? And what the hell was that? What was happening?
He made another phone call immediately.
"Speak!" The deep voice at the other end of the phone growled out.
"Dillon." Darius answered an abrupt greeting.
"I need you to take a team and do a drive by Heraldo's house. I just spoke to him and something seemed off. Very off."
"Consider it done."
"Thank you."
And that was that, the conversation done, the phone went dead. He knew that Dillon would do as asked and deal with anything that needed dealing with.
Not wanting to wait any longer he moved to his lap top and looked up omega heat.
Pages and pages popped up about the subject. Why hadn't he done this before and left the old breed out of it.
He took the laptop, settled down in a comfy chair and and started - he had a hell of a lot of reading to do.

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