Chapter 5 Grayson

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Grayson made his way across the city as quickly as he could.
If the photos those idiots had sent him of the girl, showed even a fraction of her beauty, he wanted to see her for himself.  He didn't know such a creature could exist. Blonde hair and the petite frame of an omega, arse and tits of an Alpha - but a beta! A beta that could be fucked and bred.
She was a commodity indeed.
At first when the men had sent him the photograph with the caption "look what we found" he was sure that they had discovered a rare omega. He had become excited and his mouth watered at the thought of finding something so valuable.
All Alphas knew about the secret of the omega. They were the only breed that were 100% compatible with the size of an Alpha"s cock and the only breed capable of naturally bringing fourth and taking their knot.
Alphas could, of course, take drugs to get a knot, but no other breed could safely take it.  So, unless the Alpha in question didn't care about the female (which many didn't) the pleasure of having a knot was some what limited. Both Alpha and beta females alike would be hospitalised if they were fully knotted.
There wasn't an Alpha alive that hadn't taken the drug to achieve the knot, and many, like Grayson, took the drug regularly. -

Grayson thought back to the first time he had experienced a knot.
He was just 15 when his father had bought him the drug, after telling him about the secrets of the omega.
Up until that point he believed the knot and omegas to be more of a legend than a reality.
His father had taken him to see a whore and had given him the drug before hand. It was not the first time his father had taken him to the brothel, so he was happily fucking the beta when his knot developed. The animalistic urge to ram his first knot inside her  was overwhelming and when he had thrust it in, the scream she released had been ear piercing, he tried to pull away but couldn't,  in fact the more he tried to pull out the more she screamed.
His father had entered the room with a massive, proud smile on his face.
"Stay still Grayson, don't pull out son. Just rock backwards and forwards. If you pull out now you will have a higher chance of killing her. Just relax into it son and enjoy the pleasure. Ignore the woman beneath you, I'll pay her hospital bills, she'll be fine."
He had always admired his father and believed and respected him. Others thought him brutal but not Grayson. He looked up to his father, so he did exactly what as he'd been told. He took a few deep breaths then began to rock backward and forwards.  Oh goddess, what bliss. He had cum over and over again, spurt after spurt of hot liquid inside the beta. The more he rocked the more he came.  The pleasure had been immeasurable.
It took a good hour before his knot subsided and he could slip out of the, by then unconscious, beta. He had been so lost in his own rut that he had not noticed she had stopped moving.
"Come son," his father had said while handing him a robe to put on. "The doctor will patch her up she will be fine."
Grayson had glanced back at the bed where the beta lay and was unsure how she would survive that much blood loss, but he trusted his father that she would eventually be fine.  In his naivety he thought she had probably just fainted at the fright of it all. Or maybe she had fainted in pleasure. It wasn't till later in his life that he thought about the beta and what had happened to her.
He had never had sex with a beta since. It wasn't that he didn't want to knot a female again, he very much did, but the realisation of what he had gained pleasure in turned his stomach. And so he had blocked out what had happened to the beta from his mind, and decided never again to lower himself to fuck another - with or without a knot. He had instead filled his time with Alpha women and learned to squeeze his knot with his hand, instead of impaling them on it. It never commanded the pleasure of that first time, having his knot seated deeply in a female, but it was good enough.

His thoughts returned again to the present and the young female currently shackled in his basement. Imagine if she had been an omega, he would have gotten rid of his wife and moved the girl into his bedroom, where he would have spent all his time knotting her and filling her with his seed. But alas although looking somewhat like an omega, and as beautiful and unusual as she was, she was just a lowly beta.

As Grayson arrived at his house and the town car pulled into the drive, an undulating feeling of anticipation arose in his belly and he had no idea why.
Once the car was stationary he jumped out and sped up the front steps two at a time.
On reaching the top step he paused. What the fuck was he doing? He had always dealt with these betas in a professional emotionless fashion. It wouldn't be right for them to see him arrive flustered.
After taking some deep breaths to calm himself. he strode towards the door at the side of his hall and headed down the steps to the aptly named dungeon.
He heard the two idiots talking from the end of the hall and as he got closer their words became clearer.
"She feels fucking amazing man, it would be so easy to slip my cock in her arse from here, we could do it before we wash her, then swill away the evidence?"
Grayson did not like what he heard, not only because this girl could be worth a fortune, but something inside of him cramped at the thought of one of his men touching her.
As he walked into the washroom he saw one of the betas gripping her roughly from behind, pinching and squeezing her tits.
He soon put a stop to that!

He took a good look at the female, lifting her face to the light, so he could see it clearly.
She was fucking stunning, and as he swept his gaze down her body, he found himself becoming aroused. Along with the arousal came anger, anger at what his men had been about to do and anger at himself for being so attracted to this female.
First things first - he needed to get her away from these idiots, he would deal with his own feelings later.
"Pass me a syringe?"
He moved around her hanging body, stuck the syringe in her arse cheek and pushed the plunger.
"Take her down and wrap her in blanket, I will be down to collect her in a moment. And if either of you touch her or mark her in anyway you will meet a side to me you have luckily avoided so far, do I make myself clear?"
The idiots scrambled an affirmation as he was walking out the door.
He sped up the stairs and called to his house beta Nancy. Nancy had been with his family ever since before he was a baby, she had nursed him and looked after him his entire life. Part of him wondered if she was actually his birth mother. Alpha's rarely knew their birth mothers as they were usually betas that had been artificially inseminated with seed from an Alpha.
As Alpha women were the only women Alpha's tended to take as wives, their sterility meant other ways had had to be developed to ensure the continuation of an Alpha's blood line.
Nancy came running from the back of the house. "Yes Master Grayson, what is it that you need?"
He swiftly told her to get the empty maids room ready for a guest, she was confused as to why a guest would be in the maids room, but it was a room  he knew to have a security camera and could be locked  from the outside, He then returned downstairs to the washroom to collect the female.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's story Part 1Where stories live. Discover now