Chapter 16 Grayson

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He was fuming. Every single one of his men were keeping well clear, his wife was banished to her room, and the only person he had a kind word for was Nancy.
As soon as he had got in, he had checked the security tapes. Six, obviously highly trained, men had broken the girls out from the basement. But the cameras feed from the omegas room had cut off just after she had thrown herself on the floor and rolled under the bed.
He had been in that room since and would never tell another living soul this, but he had laid on the bed and masterbated on to the sheets, surrounded by her smell.
The smell of her had been intoxicating. But cumming on her bed sheets was not going to bring her back, he needed some kind of lead, yet there was nothing! The men had all worn balaclavas as they stormed the house, and every girl had vanished off the face of the planet.
He didn't even know if this was a liberation or a straight out theft. He poured himself a whiskey as he sat and looked through the security tapes again, any clue was better than no clue. Someone had taken what was his and he wanted it back.
Had someone stolen the girls to sell on themselves? His stomach cramped as he imagined what they would be doing to his omega. And a wave of Alpha fury swept threw his veins. The glass shattered as it hit the wall.
Any body who had touched his omega would have his hands cut off and if anyone had fucked her? He would rip off their balls and shove them down their throats.
Talking of touching his omega, what if those betas had had something to do with this, maybe they had made a deal. According to Nancy, no one had known she was an omega, one of the reasons she had been late in contacting him was because she had spent her time sending the male guards on errands and masking the girls scent with air fresheners. In hind sight she should never have sent the male guards too far away, but how was she to know something like this would happen.
He made a phone call to his captain and asked him to bring the betas to him. If they knew anything about his omega's where abouts he would get it out of them.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's story Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant