Chapter 2 Amira

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Amira's tummy tightened. She always enjoyed the beginning of the night when people were sober enough to still be coherent and in control of their bodies. She didn't enjoy it because she was a party pooper and wanted people to be sensible, far from it, she enjoyed it because it helped build the anticipation of what was to come. She knew by the end of the night, everyone here would be intoxicated in some way, be it by drugs, alcohol or lust. These breeds would be grinding against one another, oblivious to the everyday troubles of life. They would be working out their angst, frustrations or joy by succumbing to the beat and moving to the music like a seething a mass, possessed.
Smiling she made her way through the hoard to the far corner, where Micheal had told her, in his text, that he and his friends were seated.
As she moved heads of male betas turned her way, as they often did, and their eyes followed her through the crowd.
Amira smiled to herself, she enjoyed being desired, it made her feel powerful, something someone as small as her shouldn't have the right to feel. Her long blonde curly hair, short stature and big boobs made her stand out in the crowd. Blonde, blue eyed betas were rare, and if female, were always popular with the male betas. She believed it was because they could imagine they were fucking an omega. Though, in reality most betas found omegas unattractive, she wasn't sure if Alphas felt the same way (she had never asked one), but the male betas she knew found them sickly looking and skinny. Omegas were genetically short, pale, often had blonde hair and blue eyes, and were very skinny, so skinny they looked like they would snap if you touched them (at least the photos they saw of omegas were). It was said it was actually just their pheromones that sent the males crazy, that they smelt so incredibly different and alluring that no male could resist. Some males who had been around them had said they actually loathed the power the omega scent had on them, making them crave something they physically found so unattractive. But Amira? She had it all, she had the height and hair of an Omega but the boobs and arse of an Alpha woman - who were incredibly attractive. Alpha females were stunning, tall and shapely, but they couldn't be bred like Omegas and betas. Their genetic makeup made them sterile. This was why Amira loved being a beta in her body, the best of all the worlds.
As she weaved through the crowd she caught sight of Micheal, and as if he could sense her arrival his eyes met hers. He came rushing towards her and swept her up in an embrace. As he did so he whisper shouted in her ear,
"Please, please just go with what ever I say and do, please Amie do it for me."
She pulled back slightly, looking at her friend quizzically.
"Why? What have you said?"
"Nothing to worry about it's just if I hear one more word about how incredibly happy they are as couples. They are singleton shamers Amie, and I just couldn't take it."
She glared at her friend, "Micheal?" She chastised knowing that her friends lie was about to drag her down a road she didn't wish to travel, she could tell by his face that she wasn't going to like what he had said, but knew she would indeed do as he asked and follow his lead.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the waiting group. As they got closer he pulled her closer to him and threaded his arm around her waist.
" Hey Jack and Tony, you remember Amira? Amira this is Jack and Tony's wives Clara and Jess."
All four smiled but the women's smiles were strained and didn't meet their eyes.
"Hi Amira." The tallest of the beta women said, but the way she had said Amira's name had her hackles rising, it was kind of sarcastic and unpleasant.
It suddenly seemed way more awkward than it should have been, like they all knew something about her she didn't.
Jack stepped forward, " Of course we remember Amira." He said, grabbing hold of her in a far too tight, handsy hug.
"All the boys at college remember Amira and how you, Micheal, threatened any one of us who got even slightly close."
She pulled away from Jack and flared a 'what the fuck' glare at Micheal.  Micheal laughed nervously, but Amira knew those pleading eyes anywhere - with one look he was begging her to stay silent, which she did.
But no sooner had she pulled away from Jack, Tony had her pressed hard up against his body in a far too familiar embrace. As he did so he ground his hips ever so slightly, pressing his groin into her stomach.
"Amira we have missed you," he said loud enough for everyone to hear, then more quietly just so she could hear it he whispered, "fuck you feel good."
She stepped back swiftly immediately removing herself from his grip. As if sensing her pending explosion, Micheal stepped forward and once again looped his arm around her waste and pulled her close.
"Yeah it's been a while." He nervously added to the conversation, while squeezing her hip - another plea from him she presumed.
Really not sure at all what was going on she glanced around her companions only to note the men were virtually eye fucking her and the women were glaring daggers at her. What the fuck was going on?
She was regretting her choice of clothing now, wishing the low cut halter was a high cut crew neck. She snuggled closer into Micheal, he was what she knew, he was safe.
"So Amira, other than hooking up with Micheal here what have you been up to for the past five years? You know I never thought you two would end up together considering how much he pined over you back in college."
Although he was acting all jolly as if he was kidding, it was evident it was a jibe aimed at Micheal and was meant to make him uncomfortable. She didn't like that, he was her friend and despite what stupid lies he had been spouting, she would defend him to the end.
She snuggled into Micheal and giggled, "I know it's crazy right, it took me a while to come round, but now I am just so happy that I did. It's wonderful isn't it baby?" She asked, gazing up at him in a way she hoped would read 'I'm so in love with my boy friend.'
Micheal turned to her with relief on his face, "Yes baby, couldn't have asked for anything better."
She glanced at the others before she stood on tip toes, reached up to bring his face down to hers and then started to kiss him. This wasn't just a peck, it was a full on, tongue in mouth, get a room type smacker. And he responded in like. If she was honest with herself she hadn't expected him to be such a good kisser, and she would never tell him that the kiss had left her a little weak at the knee.
When she finally pulled away, for a moment they were caught in each others eyes. When she realised what she was doing, she shook herself out of it and turned to the others, just in time to see Jess smack Tony round the back of the head.
"Put your damn tongue back in Tony, for fucks sake, your drooling and it's embarrassing." She sniped.
Then turned her glare back to Amira.
Amira wasn't sure exactly what had been said before she arrived, and she didn't like Micheal's two friends fawning over and groping her, but she was actually quite enjoying winding up these two stuck up bitches. These were the type of women who would blame the woman their husband slept with, while letting the man off with emotional blackmail and a dented credit card. She hated women who always saw other women as competition rather than allies.
As the evening progressed everyone, except Amira, got a little drunker and a lot looser tongued.
The men continued their reminders to Micheal about how he had virtually stalked her at college, and each time they did she would laugh and run her hands over Micheal, playing the enamoured girlfriend. Inside Amira was getting bored of these losers' company and when a favourite track of hers started playing, she dragged Micheal on to the dance floor.
As they danced she moved closer so he could hear her, "What the fuck have you been saying Micheal, and why didn't you tell me your friends were such arse holes?"
He pulled her closer keeping up the facade of being the doting boyfriend.
"I am sorry Amie, don't you remember them from college? They were always trying to get into your pants, and I would try and hedge them off?"
"I don't have any recollection of them to be honest, and that's not what bothers me, what bothers me Micheal, is that you let them get to you enough to lie to them about me, what were you thinking?"
"Honestly Am, I wasn't thinking, I told them you were joining us, and they started to go on, in front of their fucking wives, how you had a body made for sin, and how they had imagined many times what they would like to do with it. I just panicked I wanted to stop them and didn't know how, so I lied. But unfortunately, me telling them we were together didn't stop them, they just kept asking if you were as good in bed as they imagined."
"What the hell did you say to that?" She asked.
"I told them you were way fucking better than they could ever imagine." He replied with a massive grin on his face.
She smiled too. Then they both starts to laugh.
"I fucking love you Mick." She giggled. "Pissing of those stuck up bitches and rubbing those arseholes nose in it was fun, just give more warning next time."
He gave her the most beautiful smile back, then everything went black.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's story Part 1Where stories live. Discover now