Chapter 9 Nancy

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How could she not have seen it? They were all fucking fools as far as she was concerned, it was obvious in hindsight, but hindsight was absolutely fucking useless to anyone.
She knew what she had to do.
She ran down the corridor to her own room, went straight to the bedside cabinet and fished out the number she had been given incase of emergency.
She picked up her phone and dialled.
The phone at the other end rang twice and she hung up, just as she had been told to do. Then she waited.
It was a full 30 minutes before her own phone started to ring.
When she picked up, a familiar but hurried voice said "Nancy, it's me, what's wrong?"
Taking a couple of deep breaths to still her nerves she uttered the words that had been gnawing at her since she entered the girls room this morning.
"She's a fucking Omega."
"What do you mean?" Asked the voice at the end of the line.
"I mean what I say, she's a fucking omega, the girl was on suppressants until she was captured, they must have just worn off now. I went into her room this morning and I could smell it on her. I don't think she knew what she was herself but it won't be long before the suppressants are completely out of her system and then all the men in the house will be able to smell her. What shall I do?"
There was a long pause before an answer came.
"Leave it with me, I'll take care of it. Can you mask the smell till I can sort something?"
Nancy thought for a moment, "I don't know, but I can try. "
"Don't just try Nancy, I am counting on you. If this gets out."
The sentence didn't need to be finished she knew damn well what would happen if this got out. "I'll do it."
And the line went dead.
Nancy went through the house finding all the plug in air fresheners she could and carried them to the staff quarters. It wasn't long before every socket on that side of the house was emanating a floral scent.
She found the most floral scented soap that was in the house and filled a bowl of cold water. She grabbed a towel and headed towards the girls room.
She unlocked and opened the door just wide enough for her to enter. Slipping quickly inside. The room was thick with the girls smell. Oh goddess it was becoming more obvious far quicker than she thought it would. "Right girl, sponge bath for you."

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's story Part 1Where stories live. Discover now