Chapter 6 Amira

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To Amira, the familiar feeling of coming round in an unfamiliar place was getting old - fast.
At least this time she was way more comfortable than the last time, the mattress below her, although not as soft as her own, was definitely an improvement.
She took a moment, lying still in the silence, to reflect over the events of the last couple of days and try to put some order to her memories.
It was then that it hit her - she had been drugged twice - that she remembered, and the goddess knows how many times she was redrugged while she was out cold, - had it really only been a couple of days? Or had it been more?
She put her own time line together in hope to establish some kind of understanding.
She remembered being in the club with Micheal and those fucking arse holes.
She remembered vaguely the panic of the club going dark.
She remembered waking up in a cage - NAKED! And she definitely remembered being groped by those arse wipes as they talked about what price she would fetch.
She remembered the cold Alpha and him saying he needed to think on what to do with her.
And now she was here, waking up in some kind of bed and still fucking naked. There was nothing in her memories that told her how long her ordeal had been, she only hoped that Micheal was alright, alive and well (and hopefully looking for her?).
Had she been sold already?
She opened both eyes and looked around.
Amira was in a narrow single bed in a small room. The room was simple in its decoration, but clean. There was no window to the outside that she could see, though the room was dimly illuminated by a small window above the door, which she presumed led to a hallway.
She was grateful for the bed, but less grateful for not knowing where in the hell she was. Was she to become a sex slave? Perhaps an Alpha has bought her and was going to rape her or beat her, or - why was she thinking these things. There was a world of possibilities that may or may not happen to her, and all of them were way outside her circle of influence. What she needed to do was deal with the here and now and try to develop a plan to get the hell out of dodge.
She doubted very much the door was open, but she would be a fool not to try on the off chance. she also believed that who ever her captor was, they obviously didn't want her dead, or they wouldn't have been so generous with her accommodation. You don't bother giving someone who is not going to live a bed, with clean sheets and clean pillows. She sat up and instantly regretted it. Her head span and bile rose in her throat prompting her to lay back down, until the spinning stopped, then attempted the manoeuvre again, this time much slower and far more gently.
It certainly prevented the rush of nausea, but her head still felt like cotton wool and the world still held a dream like quality. Maybe that's all this was? A dream. A fucking awful dream.
But she knew this was wishful thinking, everything was all too real.
She took stock of her own body, if she was going to escape she needed to know her own weaknesses, and the fact that moving at speed seemed to be a no no, already didn't stand her in good stead.
Her shoulders were painful from the hanging in the tiled room as were her wrists, her right buttock was sore - probably from where they stuck the syringe. What was a good sign, was that she didn't feel that kind of soreness else where on her body, maybe she had only been drugged once since her initial drugging in the club?
Amira tentatively removed the cover, being oh so very aware of her nakedness. She had always enjoyed males looking at her body, and wore clothes to accentuate her curves, but right now - naked - she wished she had a few less curves and way smaller assets.
Slowly, swinging her legs to the side and placing her feet firmly on the soft carpet she attempted to lift herself to a standing position. But the jelly sensation, she remembered feeling at the club, was still in her legs and her attempt led to nothing.
With a heavy sigh she flopped back on the bed, instantly regretting the swift movement as the room span again.
She remained still till the spinning stopped, It was then, from this new angle, she spotted the small red flashing light of a surveillance camera.
The fucker or fuckers were watching her. She grabbed the cover she had tossed aside and covered herself, then raised her middle finger in the direction of the camera.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's story Part 1Where stories live. Discover now