Chapter 18 Amira

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Darius bent down between her legs and she felt the tickle of his beard as he inhaled. She was staring down at him just aching for him to touch her, She wanted his hands, his tongue and his cock.
Never had she wanted another breed the way she did him. He gently pushed her legs apart as far as they could go and settled down onto his elbows, eyes focused on her pussy. She looked up to the ceiling willing him to finally touch her.
She nearly shot off the floor from the first swipe of his tongue and he was quick to grab her hips, pinning her so she couldn't move.
Over and over he licked her clit, she wanted to grind her pussy against his face but his firm hold prevented her from moving. This only seemed to highten the sensation.  Her arms flung out then grabbed his hair pulling him closer, she had no idea what she wanted from him, she just knew she wanted it all.
When he thrust his tongue deep inside she moaned so loud she thought they may have heard her in hell. His tongue moved deftly in and out of her, licking and swirling in her insides. Over and over he bit, nibbled  and sucked. She couldn't control the noises that came from her, and they only seemed to urge him on. Suddenly, she was aware of a cramp in the pussy and a warm liquid spilling out, she hadn't orgasmed, so what was it? Had she wet herself?
"At fucking last." Darius moaned into her as his assault on her increased. He licked and lapped up the liquid fast, but not as fast as it came.
She didn't know what the liquid was, but it didn't seem to deter him, if anything it was the opposite.
His hand shot up her body clutching her breast and squeezing hard. Fuck, it hurt but it didn't. Amira fucking loved it, in fact she wanted him to squeeze her harder and to bite - fuck yes - for him to bite her would be euphoria.  She was loosing her mind, all that existed was him, all she wanted was him.
Him inside her. Him over her. Just him.
She tugged at his hair to urge him up her body, a tug which he dutifully obeyed. 
With him on top of her she felt all his skin against hers - his skin, her skin, they hummed when they touched. How could that be? She was delirious surely. But then she realised the low level hum was coming from him, deep in his chest. The noise made more liquid flow from her. The more it flowed the emptier she felt. She needed to be filled by him. The weight of his enormous body on her just felt right.
When he kissed her she could taste herself on his lips, they truly were merging together and becoming one.
As they kissed, his hand roamed downward. Running small circles as it went, his feather like touch elicited shivers up and down her whole body. Then it delved between her legs, rubbing where his face had just been.
She released a gasp as he slipped one finger into her, much deeper than his tongue had been. She cried out again when he added another finger, moving them swiftly in and out, the sound of which pushed her higher.
Her body vibrated with pleasure. His two fingers became three, then four and each time he entered another he spread them wide, stretching her walls.
"I can't wait anymore Amira, I am sorry.Your body sings to me and it needs me to join the chorus."
It didn't even register what he had said, she just kept repeating the same words.
"Yes, yes, yes." She wanted him inside her  - now.
She felt the end of his cock at her entrance. He nudged at her with it , doing what she wasn't sure, all she knew was that it wasn't enough. If she didn't get that cock inside her soon she would die.
All the time he was kissing her hard, on her mouth, her neck.
He threaded his hands under her back and gripped her shoulders as if to stop her moving away, and then she understood why.  His mouth came down on hers hard, consuming her and as he did so he pulled his hips back then thrust. He stabbed his dick into her,  hard. The force at which he entered her would have shoved her up and  forward if his grip hadn't held her in place. The pain that shot through her made her dizzy. She opened her mouth to scream but it was silenced by the crash of his lips again. He remained still buried deep inside her. He held her tightly and continued to kiss, his breaths coming through his nose - hard and fast. He stopped nose to nose with her. Time froze. It was too much, but not enough. Was it pain or pleasure she felt. He held her beneath him - unable to move all she could do was feel - and what she felt was his enormous cock stuffing her. Beneath her skin she could feel his cock pressing against her pubic bone, it was like all her organs had been removed and replaced by him.
She wanted more, but was scared to move. Yet something inside her pushed her to it, she had no control of her own actions and she slowly started to rotate her hips, but he stayed her movement by pressing her down into the ground with his weight.
"Fuck Amira, please tell me I haven't died. This must be heaven."
Then gradually but deliberately he began to move. His thrusts weren't fast, but they were hard, each one hard enough to shunt them both along the floor.
He began to get faster, and as he increased in speed so did his curses, he was fucking like a man possessed. The pain had paralysed her. She wanted him to stop but her body cried out for more. Despite the pain her orgasm kept trying to peak, she was on the edge she  just needed something more to push her over but she didn't know what.
"Oh fuck oh fuck, I am sorry Amira, I am sorry. I just can't help it I have to, I have to, my knot..." he broke off.
She met his eyes that were wide - fear and guilt flashed through them - but then they glazed and he was lost to the animal within him. And that's when it happened. His speed had increased as had his ferocity. But he suddenly slowed, pulling back, then with an almighty grunt, he pushed forward harder than he had before.

The pain that she had felt before was nothing to what she felt now. It ripped through her and could not be quelled. This was it, the legends were true he had torn her in half.
"Oh fuck Darius it hurts, it hurts!' She was loosing the ability to breath or speak, as her body writhed beneath him trying to push him away and scramble free.
She felt as if five of his cocks had been pushed inside her all at once, and that was not even the bad part, the cocks were growing. Pushing wider and harder against her walls, as his knot seated itself inside her.
"Darius please," she pleaded.
As he rocked back and forth he panted. "Can't remove it now baby, I'm in you, but I just can't get deep enough"
His voice was weak as if he was fighting his true nature and it seemed like he was not in his right mind. "Oh fuck Amira I am sorry, I just can't..." his sentence cut off as his rocking continued increasing in speed and brutality.  She didn't understand what was happening to her, it was like the pain she felt was what her body wanted because her need for him only grew and her body started to move in time with his. Her arousal continued to rage through her veins - she needed more of him.
She was grasping at his flesh pulling him to her, pulling him further in one minute then trying to push him away the next.  The pain burned but as he was lost to the lust - so was she.
He grunted and groaned, and she moaned. Her orgasm began to build and build. A burning sensation started in her lower tummy then began to travel through her body.
"Oh good goddess baby oh god...I have to... I need to..." Darius groaned.
Then suddenly he pulled back so hard that his knot pulled at her entrance trying to pop free, but he had only pulled back to gain momentum for one huge thrust. As he did so it was like something in her body had given way and a sharp intense needle knife spiked her deep inside. Pain and pleasure flared from the same spot within, followed by a wave of searing heat raging through her body not stopping. In what seemed like the distance she could hear Darius howl in pleasure.
A million small explosions went off across her body, and they just kept going. All the while she could feel his cock start to twitch inside her, as warmth flooded her insides, his seed filling her. The walls of her pussy began to contract, milking him as he came. She wasn't sure how long it had been - an hour? - but she felt her stomach swell with the amount of seed he was pumping into her. Each time his cock twitched and her pussy responded, explosions detonated in her body - she needed them to stop because her body couldn't  take the pleasure anymore. It was pain beyond measure.
When he finally slipped from her and a mixture of cum and slick followed she could barely move. Darius lay on the floor beside her, his chest falling and rising as he panted from the exertion.
Her whole body was like jelly.
She shuffled along the floor till she could rest her head on his chest, then exhaustion and finally sleep claimed her.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's story Part 1Where stories live. Discover now