Chapter 7 Grayson

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This was the 5th day running he had sat and watched her from the house control room.
He knew it was becoming an obsession, he knew it wasn't healthy, but he also knew he had no intention of stopping.
He liked watching her. He enjoyed the way that she would fall asleep and the cover would fall down revealing her plump round tits. He would sit and imagine what it would be like to suckle on them, with them round and swollen with milk for their child, he imagined how he would impregnate her by fucking her non stop till his seed took.
He had already spoken to his wife about the possibility of getting a surrogate beta to carry their heir, his wife had no idea, of course, how he planned to impregnate the beta the old fashioned way, and not by insemination. She also had no clue that the Beta was already living under their roof.
Much like every other night this week, his cock was in his hand, which he was sliding up and down imagining it was in her tiny hand, or her warm mouth, or better still her tight wet pussy.
He knew it would be tight, pussies always were for an Alpha, but a virgin beta pussy? Fuck! He increased the speed watching her chest rise and fall as she slept. Then suddenly she turned, taking the covering with her. Pointed directly at him was her round peach shaped arse. Fuck! A vision flashed before his eyes of him knelt behind her, of him wrapping her golden hair around his hand and pulling it hard till she arched her back, presenting herself to him on all fours. He imagined how his cock slid in and out of her, as he fucked her into oblivion. He saw how his knot began to swell at the base of his cock and how just before it reached maximum size, he pulled back and thrust it deep inside, to finish swelling within her, forming the bond, shit! His breaths came fast. Lighting shot up and down his back as he came. He looked down at his cock as ribbons of white cum shot from the end. Slowly his breathing returned to normal as he sat there, limp cock in hand. Mother fucker, his cum had shot all over the control panel. He lent over and grabbed some tissues from the box. Wiping down the control panel and his own hand, he sat and cursed himself. Yet again he would go upstairs to sleep next to his wife and yet again she would try to have sex. He would make up some lousy excuse about being tired. She had to be suspicious by now, never had they gone a whole week with out intercourse. He was a highly sexual breed, but unfortunately jerking off like a teen breed to this beta every night left him wanting nothing from his wife.
He only wanted her. Fuck!
He threw the chair back, turned off the live stream and headed for bed.
He prayed to the goddess that his wife would be asleep by the time he got there, but as he slipped into his room he could see his prayers went unanswered.
"Grayson baby, I thought you weren't coming up" Leilani purred. A purr he had once found irresistible but now found irritating. He knew it wasn't Leilani's fault. He knew it came down to him. It all stemmed from his weird obsession with the beta female who was fast asleep at the other end of the house.
He stripped off his suit, slipped on a pair of grey joggers and climbed into bed. His wife went to wrap her arms around his body. Trying not to flinch he gently removed them, placing them down on her own lap. The hurt in her eyes was what pushed him to make the next declaration.
"I am tired tonight my darling, but I know I have been neglecting you of late, so tomorrow morning I want you to pack a bag big enough for a week, and you and I shall get away for a few days."
Leilani smiled up at him.
"Ok Gray, that sounds wonderful, thank you."
"There is no need for you to thank me my darling, it is I who should thank you for putting up with me."
Leaning forward, he took her face in his hand and kissed her on the forehead.
Her kind eyes smiled back at him. She turned her back to him, switched off the bedside lamp, and they both settled down to sleep.
He knew he had to get away from the beta,  for his own sanity as well as for his marriage.
He would deal with everything else when they returned, but until then he must concentrate on his wife.
When he heard her breathing even out and soft snores coming from her side of the bed, he crept downstairs to find Nancy.
He told her that he and Leilani would be out of town for a few days and that she needed to keep on dealing with the beta girl. She was only to contact him in an emergency.
Feeling happy he was leaving the beta girl in safe hands, he went back to bed, where he climbed in and snuggled up to his wife.
He knew he was doing the right thing. His wife must come first - for the time being anyway.

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