Chapter 4 Amira

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Amira began to stir. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't, she was so fucking uncomfortable, where the fuck was she?
As she tried to make sense of everything, she realised she had no memory of last night beyond meeting Micheal and his friends.
Had she got so wasted last night she had fallen asleep on Micheal's floor? She doubted it. He had always been the gentleman and given up his bed for her on impromptious
sleepovers. Something just didn't feel right.
Her head clearing slightly, she managed to crack open an eye. Where in the ever loving fuck was she? From what she could see, she quite blatantly hadn't arrived here by choice. Through her one open eye she could make out the cage she was in (a real fucking cage). concrete ground, which she was laying on, and chains which, when followed to one end were attached to a manacles around her ankles, and the other to a link embedded in the concrete floor.
A distant noise caught her attention and as it got closer her heart rate picked up. Taking stock of her situation, the realisation that she was in one hell of a heap of shit hit home.
The noise became clearer as voices could be heard getting closer. Was it better to pretend to still be asleep? Or was it better to confront her capturers?
In a snap decision she decided on the former and forced herself to take slow shallow breaths to mimic sleep.
Two sets of footsteps stopped not far from her head. She was tempted to peak to see who they were, but she didn't need to wait long before her question was answered for her.
"She looks fucking delicious," said a voice she recognised, from the evening before, as Jack.
"I know!" Replied Tony. "What I wouldn't give for just one taste."
"I told you not to fucking declare her," snapped a very pissed off Jack. "We could have kept her for ourselves. Hidden her away somewhere and done what we fucking liked to her."
A snarling Tony snapped back, "she is worth more than all the others put together, wouldn't surprise me if they drugged her up and stuck her in films. People would fucking love to see an Alpha fucking what looks like a breeds wet dream."
"If that's the case," growled Jack. "Then I don't see why we can't have a taste, it's not like she needs to be a virgin for that kinda shit is it?"
"Are we sure she's a virgin?" Asked Tony. "Mick did seem pretty convincing when he said she was an amazing lay."
What the fuck, what the hell was going on?
"The doc checked her out. She's definitely never been fucked, at least not with anything big enough to ruin her." Jack explained.
She made a note to kill Micheal, if she ever got out of here, and right now that seemed very unlikely.  Maybe she had this wrong, was it a dream? Did she take drugs last night?
When she heard a key in a lock, she had to stop herself from flinching or scurrying away to the furthest corner of her cage.
A foot pushed her over and it took everything she had to remain like a rag doll, and flop down on to her back on the hard floor.  It was only then that it hit her that she was naked. Everything she had been processing, her situation, the cage, the concrete floor and the chains had consumed her first thoughts, but now she knew she was naked. Holy father of the goddess what the fuck was happening.
Amira's fogged up brain was not taking things in as quickly as she would have liked, it was like she was living everything twice, once when she heard it and once when she processed it. It was like some drugs she had tried at college, warping her ability to think straight.
She remained floppy as she felt someone crouch down beside her.
A hand on her breast nearly had her wincing as it squeezed hard.
"Fuck man, her tits feel fantastic. I've never felt a pair of tits like'm. So fucking soft, more than a handful even."
She wanted to smack Jacks dirty paw off her, but she still felt pretending to be out of it seemed a good idea, so a mantra of don't move, don't flinch developed in her head.
He grabbed her other boob and squeezed just as hard.
"Aw common man, I could flip her over and fuck her arse, no one would know." He continued to knead her boobs squeezing, pinching and pulling.
"Are you crazy man, the boss is coming in half an hour, you think he would be happy watching your cum dribbling out of her arse?"
Amira wanted to scream, to punch Jack in his face and rip his fucking balls off.
"Nah man, it's not a good idea. I'll get her cleaned up and ready for the boss, may as well do it while she is out cold." Tony stated.
"Why the fuck do you get to clean her up, I want to."
Amira wanted neither of them to 'clean her up' but at present Tony seemed like the better option.
Internally she was screaming, she wanted to clean up herself and wash Jack's fucking dirty hands off her skin.
"I can't trust you not to damage her." Tony replied coolly. "Have you forgotten what you did to that female in Anasta? She had to be fed through a tube for weeks. She cost us more money than we made on her."
"Wasn't my fault she used her fucking teeth, what was I supposed to do? Let her bite my cock off?."
"How's about not fucking her face in the first place?"
"There has to be some perks to this job man!" Jack whined.
"You mean other than the copious amounts of money we make from these girls?" Tony deadpanned.
Amira's stomach started to roll, she was gonna be sick and then they would know she was awake, she quickly swallowed down the bile and hoped they were too distracted with themselves to notice.
She felt her ankles being lifted, and heard the clink of locks being opened.
She was hoisted over what she presumed to be Tony's shoulder.
His large hands were on her arse, gripping way harder than necessary.
"Fuck man, I can see her cunt." Jack muttered. "It looks so fucking perfect. It's not fucking fair"
"Fucking stop your whining and grab the one in the next cage, we will do them both together."
She felt herself being carried away.
Taking the opportunity of hanging upside down, facing Tony's back, Amira had a quick look around. She had absolutely no idea where she was, but it looked like some kind of holding facility with concrete walls. From what she could see she had been  carried down a corridor into a large tiled room.
She heard shuffling following them into the room.
"Put her down there and help me get Amie chained up."
Fucking arsehole. Her name was Amira and Tony had lost all right to call her by her close friend nickname, she wasn't sure he had ever earned the right, but that familiarity was definitely not allowed now.
She remained sacklike, as she was slipped off Tony's shoulder and held upright.
Who ever was holding her, (Jack?) had made sure to hold her firmly round the waist with one arm while the other arm wrapped high enough so their hand could easily painfully grab her boob, squeezing.
Meanwhile the other pulled up her arms and shackled her wrists.
"Fuck man, she looks fucking perfect like that." Tony said from somewhere in front of her.
"She feels fucking amazing man, it would be so easy to slip my cock in her arse from here, we could do it before we wash her, then swill away the evidence?" Jack said as he ground his groin into her arse. She could feel his hardness pressing into her and she wanted to scream.
The silence that followed Jack's suggestion, worried her that Tony was actually contemplating the idea. Jacks hand slipped down her body to between her legs and she felt him rubbing his finger through her folds.
Her wrists were in agony and she was just about to open her eyes and scream, when she heard an unrecognisable cough from somewhere in the room.
Jack's hand suddenly whipped away.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?" The deep voice boomed.
"Oh, hi boss, just having a little fun with this prime merchandise." Although Jack's voice tried to show relaxed humour, the nervousness in it was easily detected.
"Well don"t!" The deep voice snapped. "Is this the one you told me about?"
It was Tony who answered. "Yeah boss, isn"t she fucking amazing?"
"Yes she is." The voice was closer now. Amira didn't know what to do, her arms felt like they were being ripped from their sockets. If she didn't stand up and take the weight off them soon she was sure they would be dislocated.
But this new man, scared her. He scared her way more than the other two arse holes because this man sounded calm, way too calm for this situation, as if he had dealt with naked women being strung up so often, it meant nothing to him.
She felt a huge hand lift her chin. Alpha!
The Alpha was so close she could feel his breath on her face as he spoke. "She is exquisite. And the doctor says she is a virgin?" Although the last part was said as a question she knew it was rhetorical as he already knew.
"Hmm, what to do with this one? I must think on this, and in the meantime arse wipes." He left a dramatic pause. "Keep your fucking hands to yourselves. I don't want any bruises or marks, I want every hole in tact - Jack!"
"Yes boss, I told you that oth.."
The Alpha cut him off. "Not interested. Just don't fucking touch this one, in fact I will move her from here myself. Pass me a syringe."
There was shuffling and a sharp pinch on her arse.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's story Part 1Where stories live. Discover now