Chapter 17 Darius

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It seemed strange to him that the omega didn't see her own value. That she had no idea the lengths an Alpha would go to to get hold of an omega. When an Alpha finally found one, he would keep her far away from people in fear of her being taken. It wasn't something you boasted about, or shouted to the nation. If you had an omega, you would keep her safe and sound where only you could have her. It was why omegas were so rare, no one had any idea how many omegas actually existed, because no breed wanted to declare them.
But now he had one, and he was acting like a teenager who didn't know what to do with his cock.
He knew he had scared her with this information, but he also knew she needed to know to keep herself safe.
The conversation had ceased for a while as Amira looked down into her lap clearly thinking on everything he just said. He saw her physically shake her head as if to snap herself out of it.
"Ok, can I bath now before the water gets cold?"
Her dismissal of the subject made him a little angry. He made a note to self to bring this subject up again tomorrow, when his omega had been bathed and had some rest.
But he was taken aback when she started to undo the button of her shirt. And suddenly he didn't want to talk about the subject of Fairchild either. He was much more interested in what was going on in front of him.
As she slipped the shirt off her arms. He just sat there, frozen.
Fuck, she truly was magnificent. He hadn't done her justice in his fantasy earlier.
He closed his eyes for a few seconds to fight down the burning need to grab her and mount her.
He needed to stay focused on the task as hand.
When he opened his eyes again she was sat with a hand blocking a view of her pussy and the other across her chest. It covered very little, but he guessed it did cover her nipples.
He stood, gently picked her up and lowered her into the tub.
She winced slightly as the cool water hit her skin. He settled her against the edge of the tub and excused himself as he went to find a towel, clean t-shirt and a fur to wrap her in after.
When he re-entered the room he found her cursing and complaining.
"What's wrong?" He asked, because everything seemed fine to him.
"I can't reach my feet!" she exclaimed.
He lay the things he had returned with near the fire to warm and went to her.
Kneeling by the side of the tub he said . "Come here!"
He dipped his hands into the water and gently lifted her foot. He took the wash cloth from her proceeded to wash her feet.
She sat back in the tub staring at him. He didn't know what she was thinking but he knew damn well his thoughts were not good. The way her skin glistened when it was wet, the cute way she had somehow tied her hair on top of her head to stop it getting wet.
As he washed he watched.
A small drop of water ran down her neck and then down her chest between the swell of her breasts.
With every passing moment he felt his resistance shattering.
He continued to wash her. He skimmed the cloth over her breast, but made sure the thinnest part was between him and her hardened nipple.
Goddess be blamed, he feared he was nearing the point of taking her, approval or not.
"I think I am done now if you don't mind, I am starting to get a little chilly. As he picked her up from the bath he noticed her teeth chattering and her whole body juddering with shivers.
"Fuck Amira, why didn't you say."
"I'm fine don't fuss" but he ignored her, he took her to the carpet by the fire and lay her down on the fur he had laid out there, he then took the towel and started drying her off.
When he had finished he wrapped the fur around her, and pulled her up to sit next to him.
"Can it ask you a question?" She asked.
"Didn't you just?" He replied she smiled and gently hit his arm. Her smile was indescribable, it lit up her whole face.
"Go on ask?" He said smiling back and nudging her shoulder, with the side of his arm.
"I am confused." She said as she looked down and played with an imaginary thread at the bottom of the fur.
"How so?" He asked, brow furrowed.
"You tell me I am an omega, and by the way your friend acted around me I am inclined to believe you. But you have had me naked in your arms more times than any other man ever and you have never reacted. Your friend was acting like he had no control, yet you don't seem to wish to touch me. I don't have an effect on you, so am I a true omega?"
For a moment he froze, starring straight ahead. Then he turned. He lent over and raised her chin, with his hand. Staring her right in the eye he declared."Amira, I think you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, your smell is divine and being near you, breathing it in, is torture. Not to touch probably don't wish to know this, but since meeting you I have had a permenant erection which I am sure can only be sated by you. In the past few hours I have had more primal urges to feast on you than I could count on both hands. And it's getting harder and harder to resist."
"Then why have you?"
"Because my dear sweet girl, if I give into my urges I don't think I could stop. I have no idea what a pairing of dynamics would look like, but I do know I want it more than life itself."
As he spoke a new smell filled the air. It was thick and musky and utterly bewitching.
His heart rate began to speed up, and when he looked back into Amira's eyes, the lust he knew shone in his eyes shone right back.
He leant forward slowly giving her time to move back if she wished, but when their lips touched, it was explosive.
He eased open her lips with his tongue and began to devour her mouth.
He could smell more of the musky scent and he found it made his head spin, it was like he had drunk too much and no
longer possessed a sliver of control.
As he went to slide the fur from her shoulders, she pulled away.
Her breath came in short pants and he knew she wanted this just as much as he did, but something had stopped her in her tracks.
"What is it?" He asked confused.
"I am a virgin."
Fuck! He nearly came in his pants right there. Not because of how tight her pussy would be, though he knew it would be so fucking tight, it was because he was the first, she truly was his and his alone. But he needed to calm her worries.
Again he took her face in his hands. "You are omega, there is no better fit for an alpha than you. We were made to go together. The goddess gifted us with your dynamic. I will be gentle and will try not to hurt you. Ok?"
She nodded her head. He bent to take her lips again and muttered. "Where were we? Oh yes, right about here."
He pressed his lips to hers again.
He couldn't remember what he had just said, but what ever it was it had worked. Because as fast as he devoured her she devoured him right back.
This time when he slid his hands up the skin of her arms there was no resistance to him pushing off the fur.
He gently laid her back on to it . He bent over and slowly parted her legs. Moving to kneel between them he couldn't help but look down at her in awe. She was goddess made. This was way better than his fantasy.
He removed his own tshirt and he saw her eyes glaze, he stood and removed his pants.
She looked over his body and her eyes went wide when reaching his cock. It stood bolt upright settling well above his belly button.
"Fuck your huge. It will never fit."
He smiled. "I told you Amira, you were made to fit with me, - we are pieces of the same puzzle that fit seamlessly. But first I wish to taste you." He knelt between her legs and leant forward taking a huge inhale of her scent.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's story Part 1Where stories live. Discover now