Chapter 23 Grayson

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When he arrived at his father in-law's house, it was dark.
The house was quiet and still, the windows showed no signs of life.
Should he wait for his men?
Probably, but he wouldn't. If there was a clue that would lead him to his omega he wanted it now!
After grabbing his gun from the glove compartment, he climbed out of his car and headed towards the front door.
He had been carrying around his parents in-law's spare front door key for a while now, Leilani and he had been given it incase of emergencies and to him, this was a fucking emergency.
It opened easily, but as soon as he walked in the alarm started to beep.
He had the alarm code on his phone but the beep was so fucking loud it was bound to wake the house.
He pulled out his phone and quickly scanned his notes for the damn number. The beeping stopped as he typed in the code.
"What the f..."
The voice behind him startled him and he span on the spot.
"Oh it's you." His father in law said in disdain.
The way he looked at Grayson always gave the impression his father in-law had a disgusting smell under his nose. This evening was no different, if anything it looked as if the smell had got stinkier. There was no love lost between these two breeds and there were no words to describe how Grayson hated this man.
"What the hell are you doing here at this time?"
Grayson was surprised that his stupid bitch of a wife had not called ahead to worn the old man.
"Yes!" Grayson replied. "What am I doing here indeed."
He reached into the back of his trousers and pulled out his gun and pointed it directly at the older man.
"Ahhh she finally cracked and told you did she? Thought she might. Always has been weak willed when it came to you,"  the old breed spat.
"You owe me something I believe, you owe me a fucking omega." Grayson snarled.
Showing absolutely no fear at the gun that was pointed at him, the old breed turned and started to walk towards his study. As he did so he lifted his hand and flicked it beckoning Grayson to follow. Which he did.
In the world of Alphas it was usual for a younger (weaker) Alpha to bow to the power of an older (stronger) one. Grayson kicked himself that he so easily bent to this older Alpha's will, especially as Grayson didn't see himself as the weaker of the pair.
By the time Grayson had entered the study the old man was pouring two shots of whiskey from his drinks cabinet. He turned offered one to Grayson who, for an unknown reason to himself, took it.
The older man walked round the desk and sat down, pointing to the other seat, silently telling Grayson to sit.
Grayson could feel his anger rising but he couldn't let himself fly off the handle just yet. He wanted information and if that meant being patient, then so be it.
"Well boy," that term immediately got Grayson's hackles rising further. "Spit it out, what do you want to know?"
"I want to know where my fucking omega is." Grayson answered back through gritted teeth.
"Your omega?" Said the old breed rubbing his chin as if thinking. "Now here is the interesting thing, when the people who took her turned up, seems she was more than happy to let them take her. So to say she is yours, would seem to me like you are seeing this other breed as a possession. An unhappy possession at that, seems 'your' omega wasn't too keen on being possessed. So that would kind of make your possession of her illegal now wouldn't it?" The old man leant back in his chair and took a large sip from his glass.
Grayson was tired of these games. He leant forward in his chair to emphasise his point, "Where the fuck is she?" He ground slamming the glass down on the desk.
Chuckling as if this was all very amusing, the old breed answered. "Absolutely no idea boy."
Grayson ground his teeth some more, if this fucking old bastard called him boy one more fucking time, he would blow his head clean off! Even though he knew he would do no such thing until he had the information he came for, the thought made him feel better.
There was no way this meeting was going to end in anyway other than the old man loosing his head, it was just that Grayson needed to keep his head until he got what he needed.
"What do you mean you have no idea - the men that took her were there on your say so.  You must know where they took the girls."
"The girls - yes, the omega? No. Seems one of the Alphas got a bit out of control with the omega so she was taken away for his and her safety by the group's leader."
"What group?  What leader? You are trying my patience old breed." Grayson's anger was rising now and spittle flew from his mouth as he spoke. "If you don't tell me where the fuck she is, or at least tell me how I can get in touch with this group, I swear I will kill you, your wife and your daughter, I may even kill your fucking beloved dog."
Grayson hated their fucking dog - it used to wind him up profusely that, while he always got spoken to as if he was shit on this man's shoe, the dog would get words of endearment. So he was more than happy to throw the damn dog into the slaughter list.
The old man narrowed his eyes at Grayson. Using an Alpha command Grayson could not ignore he raised his voice and said "Put the gun down now, and shut the fuck up."
All the while mentally kicking himself for being compliant, Grayson did as he had been ordered.
"Now you listen here boy," the old breed said in a dangerously calm voice. " You have been breaking the law for years, trafficking betas out of your property and my daughter, gentle soul that she is, has stood by and let you because of some unknown reason to me, that I can't possibly fathom, she loves you.
But when you move one of these said betas into the house, spend hours watching her, neglecting you other husbandly duties, my daughter is well within her right to act to rectify the situation. Yet still, due to her fucking love of you, she didn't."
"But she wasn't a beta was she!" Grayson snapped.
"No! She fucking wasn't was she! She was a fucking omega which meant, that my daughter's life would have been ruined, she would have been an Alpha cast aside and who knows what would have happened to you. The omega obviously had no draw towards you.
So what would you have done? Kept her? Raped her? Use your brain boy, there was no good ending to this scenario but this."
Grayson stared at the old breed, the will the Alpha placed upon him was dwindling and the urge to grab his gun and ram it down this bastards throat was growing by the second. What the hell did he know about the draw of an omega!
"Darling, what's going on?" A females voice came from the hallway just outside. Grayson could hear his mother in-law walking towards the study.
The old Alpha looked at Grayson, and both their eyes flicked to the gun, the older Alpha's command had dissipated and Grayson lips turned up at the edge as he felt the air shift, he knew in that moment he had the upper hand and the older Alpha was no longer the one with the power, which meant everything had changed. As the woman walked into the study, as quick as lightening, Grayson grabbed his gun, stood,  and grabbed the woman pushing the barrel of the gun into the side of her head, just  below her ear.
The older Alpha shot out of his chair, but it was all too late. Grayson now had the leverage he needed and it was now the time for real fucking answers!
"Put the gun down boy." The older Alpha commanded, but the shift in power had happened and his command fell on non responsive ears.
"Don't think I will old man." Grayson smeared. "In fact I think it's time for you to sit the hell down and start paying me the respect I am due. I will ask this once more and once more only, Where. The. Fuck. Is. My. Omega?" The command in Grayson's voice was non negotiable and the older Alpha sat.
For the first time ever he saw fear in the old Alpha's eyes and Grayson loved it.

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