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Serenity Creek is a nice little town. I can see why Joanne decided to move here. It's typical in terms of farming and a place where everybody knows everyone. Within a week of being here, most people learnt my name whereas I had no idea of theirs. Most of the people I came across I'd never even met. My arrival was big news, but that's no surprise in a town like this. It gave them something to talk about for a week until they moved onto some other trivial matter (in my eyes) that they made a big deal about.

The town itself is quite pretty, with array of shops, a gym, a few bars and cafes that are rather cowboy chic in my opinion. Around here, people embrace the lifestyle, from their hats right down to their boots. Then there's me spending most of my time in just plain and boring clothes like the city girl that I am.

The creek is the beauty spot though, and attracts the visitors there, with its beautiful blue waters and a backdrop of the mountains and pines. The roads are not too bad either, but can become a little dangerous when there's snowfall so Joanne told me. Of course I told her there was no way she was going to be making any deliveries in that, and that I'd come back for Christmas to help out. She just scoffed at this with a "sweetheart, I think you'll find that in those conditions, I can navigate with my eyes closed", which of course sent me into a panic.

I've asked a few people aside from Joanne about Grant, but it's usually the same answer. He keeps himself to himself. He's a private guy. Most of them seem to try and steer away from the subject or try to avoid talking too much about it.

But why though?

I haven't been tasked with the delivery of his groceries for a week or so now since our run in. That's probably for the best since I threatened to shove them up his ass. I guess I was a little harsh considering I did cross a line in not listening to Joanne's instructions in the first place - but he could have been a little more polite about it.

What is it with this guy that people don't want to talk about him though? Is he someone who the town avoids because they had the same kind of meeting as I did with him?

If that's the case then I don't blame them.

Joanne's resting in the small apartment that is upstairs over the shop. She and the ex husband had intended to stay there when they first brought the place, but fell in love with their home that she fought for and won in their divorce. The apartment is nice though. She rents it out to people now and then for a little bit of extra income and there's a separate door for access around the back. Right now I'm staying there, plus it gives her extra reassurance when it comes to the shop's security. I made the decision to put a baseball bat under the bed just in case anyone tried anything.

I'm busy restocking behind the counter when the door to the shop opens, the bell signalling that another customer is here. I continue until I hear someone clear their throat to get my attention. "I'll be with you in one moment". I say as I finish and then turn, seeing none other than Grumpy Grant (as I've decided to mentall dub him) standing there, face half hidden by the cowboy hat on his head. I take what he's picked up and scan them, then putting them into a bag. "Just these?" I ask, sensing him staring from under where his face is obscured

"Yep". Is all he says. I tell him the cost and he pays for it. Giving me a stiff nod. "Thanks".

"So you are capable of politeness". I state as he turns and heads for the door, pausing by it.

He ponders for a moment, one hand on the handle, but doesn't look at me - simply saying "have a good day", before walking out. The bell rings at his departure.

"Why do I get the grumpy ass cowboy and all these girls in the stories get the hot and friendly ones who wrestle bulls and shit?" I complain to myself quietly, going back to restocking.

"Because somehow the hot and friendly ones always end up being the assholes in the end?" Joanne now smirks from the doorway. "What I saw was an olive branch there", jerking her head to the door where Grant has just exited through.

I snort. "I didn't, so the tree must have been on fire".

"It's rare to see Grant in here. That's probably his way of an apology".

"Words would be better". I throw her a look. "And why is everyone so afraid to talk about him anyway? Is it that they speak of him and then die like it's some kind of curse to do so?" Is the guy doing rituals and some kind of voodoo crap up at his ranch? I mean it's a pretty large scale of land that he owns.

Joanne chuckles. "Around here, we respect one another's privacy. He's a private guy and we ensure that we respect that by not gossiping".

I frown. "Yet it was fine to talk about me when I arrived? What happened about respecting my privacy?"

She sighs at this. "People got excited that's all, they like a new face".

"So it's one rule for one and one for another?" I question and then shake my head. "Never mind, I guess it was better today considering I didn't get yelled at or accused of trespassing".

Joanne smiles. "Del, trust me when I say that he didn't mean to be as harsh as he was. Besides it was the first time he'd met you so he wasn't aware of who would be helping me out with deliveries".

"Aside from Stan? He's the only person on the list for that". I say suspiciously. "He allergic to grocery shopping or something?" Or perhaps people in general.

"Enough with the questions missy. You'll get to know Grant eventually like the rest of us, then perhaps your opinion may change about him a little".

"I already feel sorry for the girl who ends up marrying him - I'm guessing he's single? Although if he carries on the way that he is, then he's gonna stay that way".

Joanne just smiles and with a small shake of her head, retreats upstairs to rest for the remainder of the afternoon.

Rogers (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now