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I navigate my way through the winding roads that lead from the town and up to Grant's ranch. It's a drive I haven't been looking forward to making since Joanne told me a couple of days ago that I'd be delivering there again. I sip at the latte I grabbed from Agatha's cafe earlier in order to mentally prepare myself for this. Chances are high that I won't cross paths with him again as I'll just be leaving the groceries and retreating, but there could be a possibility. Hence why I need to be caffeinated to cope.

I met with Natasha earlier. She's become a good friend since I arrive, and also introduced me to another friend called Wanda. The three of us have been meeting at the bar in town of an evening. Joanne said I needed to get out more (rude) and approves of the little friendships I've made so far. I'm yet to meet Nat's boyfriend Bucky, but she's promised to bring him on Friday night so we can get acquainted.

I indicate to the left as the turning for Grant's ranch creeps up on me, and take the track slowly down to the main ranch, just in case a horse or something decides it wants to take on the truck.

Even I have to admit that he has a nice set up here, and the view he must wake up to every morning would probably make me jealous too. The farmhouse is large, a little too large for it just to be him, but still, I wouldn't complain. Perhaps he could be compensating for something? I wouldn't know - and now I have the stupid thought of just wondering how ripped and big he could be under those clothes...

"Stop it!" I scold myself. "Fucking cowboys".

Pulling up in the same spot as last time, I jump out and take the grocery bags that Joanne packed earlier (it's all I'll let her do in terms of work), heading to the porch and then noticing Grant watching me judgementally from the barn. Hands on his hips and looking just as displeased as ever. Wonder if he gives Joanne this much shit when she does the deliveries?

"Groceries, porch, leaving". I say loudly, pointing to each one and raise my chin in determination as he stares me down. I'm not afraid of this guy, although it seems he hates any kind of presence other than that of the horses and other animals he keeps here.

His stare is one of ice, and I'm pretty sure that he has a heart to match at this point. Without any words he just gives me a stiff nod, hands still on his hips as he watches me put the groceries down and go to get back into my truck.

I breathe sigh of relief and start it up, realising the tyre pressure warning light is now screaming at me on the dash...

"Fuck" I grunt, knowing that out of the corner of my eye, he's wondering why the hell I haven't left yet - and is probably becoming more pissed off by the minute. Oh well, shit happens.
Getting out, I round the truck and inspect every tyre, finally finding one that looks more low than the rest.

A slow puncture. Double fuck.

"Car trouble?" Grant now manifests beside me, his voice gruff and looking a little impatient at the inconvenience I'm apparently causing him. I'm half tempted to tell him to fuck off and play with his horses or whatever, so that I can call a tow. But I know that my sarcasm won't get me anywhere quick currently.

"Well obviously". I drawl. "So before you tell me to get my ass outta here, do you think you could give me the number for a cab or a tow or something?"

He crouches down to inspect the tyre, running a large and rather strong looking hand across it's surface until he finds the cause. For a brief moment my mind wonders just how it would look wrapped around my neck, until I remember this is Grumpy ass Grant and shake myself back to reality.

"Got a big nail in it - got a spare?" He asks, not bothering to look at me.

"In the back I think? I wouldn't know, it's my Aunt Joanne's truck".

"I know who your aunt is, you don't need to remind me". He replies with half a mumble. "I'll take  a look, if there's a spare then I'll change it for you".

I blink in a little bit of surprise. No way am I changing this guy's name to 'Good Samaritan Grant' just yet, but the offer does astonish me a little . "You don't have to - I'm sure you've got plenty of other interesting things to do with your busy day".

"I do". He says bluntly and then looks up at me from under that hat of his, eyes baring right into my own. I can't quite tell whether the next comment is meant to be a joke or serious. "But how else am I supposed to get your ass off my land?"


"Where've you been? You were supposed to have been back an hour ago?" Joanne is waiting for me with some concern as I enter the shop. Her light cream cardigan pulled around her body as she holds it in place. She does it when she's nervous.

"You had a slow puncture, I must've got it while out on deliveries".

"Crap". She sighs throws her hands up. "I'll call Thor at the garage to take a-"

I cut her off. "It's ok, Grant changed it - you need a new spare though".

She almost drops the phone in her hands as I say this. "Grant?" I nod. "Well...I can't say I'm surprised, but were you ok? I know you two don't exactly see eye to eye..."

"It was awkward as fuck, but I let him do something nice and then went on my way - and before you ask I said thanks".

Joanne smiles lightly. "Well, he may seem cold to you, but what I will tell you is that Grant Rawley always goes outta his way to help anyone who needs it. Grudges or no grudges. Perhaps you could call that his peace offering this time?"

"Perhaps". I shrug. "But whatever, anyway I need to go and do a stock check and perhaps down another cup of coffee to ease the shock I'm in".

She laughs. "Like I said before, you'll come to like one another eventually".

"If I could tolerate the guy, then it would be enough, but just don't get your hopes up!" I call as I head up to the apartment to make myself the coffee that I'm in dire need of.

Rogers (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now