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Delta - One Year Later

Steve Rogers announces acting retirement at Dead Man's Hand Premiere

"A lot of people are calling this my return, but to be honest? This is my goodbye" - Steve Rogers shocks fans with announcement.

Dean Man's Hand set to win big at the Oscars

Rogers in 'best role' he's ever been cast for.

Everyone loves a villain - Steve Rogers 'Hawk Landry' role thrills fans and critics.

I smile to myself as I skim through all the news outlets. I've never really read anything about Steve before but I felt that after the news broke, that I needed to.

It was a shock to everyone. They were calling it his return to film from from the moment his face appeared at the end of the trailer the first time it was released. But boy were they wrong. He'd told me after he finished filming that it would be the last film he would ever make. His place was home with us.

Only a few months later, Nash arrived and everything fell into place.

Our family was complete.

I sit on the porch swing, toes pushing against the deck to gently send me back and forth, Nash sleeping comfortably against me, with a blanket around us. He's only 9 months old and teething isn't helping with our sleep pattern at the moment. Hence why I'm on the porch at 5am. I didn't wanna wake Steve. He got back from LA just hours before and was exhausted.

The door opens and he walks out, passing me a mug of coffee while he leans against the rail and nurses his own.

"You did it then". I say as he smiles at us both. He's tired though, I can see it in his eyes. "Gotta say that what you wore to the premiere? I think I may have to buy it from that stylist".

"You liked it then?" He smirks and sips at his drink.

She purses her lips. "I did, so much that I needed to take an extra long bath once the kids were in bed so I could enjoy all the pictures some more".

He looks at me with the same feral expression he had that night we first slept together. "You naughty girl...and here was me thinking you liked cowboys - guess I'll have to get Phil to retract that statement..."

"No". I tell him firmly. "Because quite frankly I've had you long enough to myself to know that I don't want to share you with the rest of the world".

"God I love it when you're possessive". He says and comes to sit next to me, putting an arm around Nash and me.

"Dad?" We don't see Emmy until she sleepily appears on the porch, probably having woken up on hearing Steve get out of bed. "You and mom were gone".

He beckons her over and pulls her onto his lap. She snuggles down straight away against him. "We're right here Em, we always will be".

"Promise?" She looks up at us both just as we look at one another, snuggling in some more so we can all watch the sun come up over the ranch.


Steve Rogers may be gone for the fans he has, but he'll never fully go away - not for me at least, because I have him right here where we all know he belongs.


Rogers (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now