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With Emmy turning three and Christmas passing, it's a busy few months on the ranch. Snow has fallen and every morning we've all been out shovelling the driveway and the track that comes up to the ranch.

I bring Steve a warm mug of cocoa out as he's feeding the horses early, and he gives me a kiss on my head. "Gonna be a cold one today".

"Yeah, I gotta make Jo's deliveries as she's not feeling great, but I should be back around lunch time? Don't forget I have the bridesmaid's dress fitting with Nat this afternoon as well".

"Least they're actually getting married before I head off to film". He smirks.

The wedding is in a couple of months, and is only a week or so before Steve heads off to start filming. He said he'd have come back for it anyway, but at least it's easier for him not to stress about it more than he already is. He still is in two minds about the role. One day he'll be happy to talk about it, but the next he'll be hesitant and worry about leaving us.

But we'll be ok. I always tell him just that.

"I'm gonna go get ready and head to the store - you ok with Emmy today?" I ask

"I can handle it Doll, you go help out Jo - and tell her to stop being a lazy ass". He grins, knowing he'll get a very similar reply with a few more curse words.

I make the deliveries. Stan being one and he's happy to see me, making me a coffee so we can talk for a little while before I head back to check on Jo. "I can always stay and man the store while you go upstairs and have a nap or something?" I offer to which she scoffs at this.

"Nap? What am I an old lady? Don't answer that". She quickly warns, pointing a finger at me threateningly. But it's all in good humour.

"You're the youngest old lady that I know". I grin. "You sure you don't want me to stay?"

She waves it off. "I'm fine, plus you've got that dress fitting to get to - no doubt our Mr Rogers will approve of the choice once the day comes around". She eyes me knowingly.

"Aaaaaand on that note, I'm leaving". I smirk. "Give me a call if you need me later on".

"I won't". She rolls her eyes and all but pushes me out of the door.

With a shake of my head, I get back in the truck and head back to the ranch. The snow is beginning to fall again and I know Emmy will be coaxing us out to make more snowmen later. The guys ended up having a snowball fight yesterday which Bucky started of course. The best part was that Emmy and I had front row seats from the porch. Nothing better than watching grown ass men hurl some snow at one another.

I navigate the roads as the snow starts to come down.

It's too late to react to the car that's skidding towards me at high speed, and even later to stop as it hits my truck, sending me across the road and rolling down a ditch. Finally the truck comes to rest on it's side and I groan in pain. 

I lay there confused, but I don't know how long for because my head is throbbing. I bring a hand to it, feeling the blood and then seeing it on my fingers.  

I have to go home. 

I need to get home to Emmy. 

But I'm stuck there, still belted in with shattered glass covering my body feeling the icy cold flecks of snow hitting my face. Almost as though it's trying to keep me alive. 

"Ah crap..." I mutter as everything goes black.

Rogers (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now