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The sight of Grant and Emmy on a horse is the sweetest, as well as the animal being good natured in return. Emmy is very gentle in comparison to other kids her age who would be tugging at the reins as well as the mane. But she sits there with her father's arm around her as he has the horse trot around the field.

She's going to be a natural like her dad as she grows up.

I wonder if I'll be around long enough to see it. She'll obviously start kindergarten and that's when my services will probably end. The thought of that currently is a little heartbreaking, as she's such a cool kid, and very sweet.

"Coming for a ride Doll?" Grant says as he stops by the fence where I'm stood watching, and looks down at me.

Fuck yes please...

"I haven't got on a horse since I was a kid, and even then I wasn't very good". I admit. My mother had tried to instil riding lessons into me with the hopes that I'd at least be good at something that was remotely seen as an upper class hobby. Needless to say I was shit at it and refused to do any more after lesson one.

Grant passes me Emmy before he dismounts and ties his horse to the fence, then going to get one for me. He comes back a short while after, taking Emmy and then getting me to hop the fence so he can help me. "One foot on the stirrup, and i'll give you a boost, but you're gonna need to swing your leg over - if you can remember how".

I'd like him to get a leg over me but I know that's not gonna happen.

I grab onto the horse, put one foot onto the stirrup and then feel Grant's hands on my waist. I must flinch as he quickly mumbles a "sorry, gotta keep 'em there". It reminds me of how his fingers traced up and down my waist that time in the shop. Except this time his touch is setting me on fire. "Ready when you are". He says and I nod, then feeling him help me up and onto the horse. "There we go, easy". I look down at him as he looks up at me, hands on his hips and nodding his approval as to how I'm sat.

"What if it rears up?" I ask cautiously.

"She won't". He pats the horse. "Willow's good natured. Never thrown anyone off in her life...well...not yet". His face as well as his words are deadpan.

I roll my eyes at this. "Because that makes me feel so much better".

Grabbing Emmy, Grant mounts his own horse and shows me how to use the reins. Soon I get the hang of it and we head out and onto the rolling grasslands that is the ranch. We trot side by side, mainly in silence as I take in the views and surroundings that I've never seen before. Of course he spends his days out here seeing to the cattle and other things, so he's used to it. But me? I'm in awe.

The view is especially nice. "Wow..." I breathe as we come to a stop, Grant leaning across to help me. The pine surrounded mountains are in the distance , cattle are grazing and the only sound is that over the slight wind as it picks up every so often. "No wonder you never wanna leave this place, I wouldn't..."

"It's one reason". He shrugs but says nothing else, allowing me to just be with my own thoughts. "First time Emmy got on a horse, she was a baby. She's been around them enough to know she needs to be gentle. She trusts them, they trust her".

"I'm guessing that by the age of five, she'll be riding properly". I smile.

Grant nods. "That's the plan. One skill at least. She loves it when we come out here though. The horse will just graze and she can run about and play".

I look around, shielding my eyes with my hand so the sun doesn't blind me. "This what you always wanted to do? Own a ranch, be at one with the land?"

He nods. "Yeah. The idea of some peace and privacy on a large scale of land appealed to me and my wife..." Now trailing off.

"She must've loved this place. Was she a rider too?" I ask with the hopes that he may open up to me a little more. He nods and then looks away. I can instantly tell he's reliving some memory in his head and quickly apologise. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. It's just that Nat said she was well loved".

There's silence before he shakes his head. "Doesn't matter, we should get back, Emmy will need dinner soon". tugging both the reins of my horse and his, before we start up again. He helps me dismount once we're back and I look at him.

"Sorry". I apologise again. "I didn't mean to dig up bad memories as such". 

"It's fine. I'm just not used to talking about her, but that's just me in general. Prefer to keep myself to myself". He passes Emmy to me. "I'd best get these guys fed and put away".

Watching him lead the horses back to the stables, I take Emmy indoors and give her dinner before Grant comes in. We share an awkward 'see you in the morning' and then I leave.

As I turn the key in the ignition of Joanne's truck, my eyes go to the dash where earlier the oil light had been on, only to see it's now disappeared. Only Grant could've changed it for me because he was the only person I mentioned it to this morning.

Actions seem to speak louder than words with this man, and it only makes me want him more. 

Rogers (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now