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I had this call before and I never wanted to hear those words again. "There's been an accident..."

Jo's voice is shaky as I quickly grab my coat and all but chuck Emmy under my arm so I can go give her to Bucky.

She had been on her way home. To us when some idiot took a turning too fast and didn't predict the icy conditions on the road. Delta knew they were bad, and she'd been cautious like I had told her to be. I'd even made sure the tyres on her truck were changed so as they could withstand the weather. I'd put those fucking things on myself and yet she was still hurt.

"Take her!" I tell to Bucky as he comes jogging over on seeing me looking terrified and going out of my mind. "There's been an accident. I need to get to the hospital".

"She alright?" Sam asks as he also comes over.

I shrug and my voice cracks. "I don't know - Jo's on her way there now".

"You go, I'll call Nat and we'll take care of Emmy - Del will be ok pal" Bucky says and rubs my shoulder.

My mind is in overdrive, but I need to keep a clear head for the roads and to get there as quick as I can. She wasn't even far from home and yet this happened to her. It makes me angry.

Other than Emmy? It sinks in that she's all I really have. I can't lose another woman I love. Not like this. Emmy needs her, I need her.
The traffic is slow as I get to the next town over a half hour later where the hospital is - and I bang my hands on the wheel in frustration. "C'mon". I mutter, "c'mon".

I'm so near I can see the damn sign, and yet I'm also so far.

Eventually I'm able to pull up in the parking lot ans rush through to the desk. "Delta Conway. She's just been admitted. - I need to see her". I tell the receptionist quickly.

She eyes me. "And are you a relative?"

I don't hesitate. No one's stopping me from seeing her. "I'm her husband".

She checks her computer and then directs me up to where she is. Thankfully not the morgue. I see Jo pacing down the corridor as I push the doors open. She turns to me and the sighs with relief. "Is she..."

"She's ok honey, take a breath". She now puts her hands on my shoulders, but I can also see the worry that's etched on her face. "Take a breath now".

I do and she then sits me down. "They're still doing. Tests. Got a head injury and a few broken bones, but she's still with us".

"What happened?"

Jo sits next to me. "Car went into her from the opposite direction - sent her down a ditch. The truck rolled a fair few times before it landed on its side. She was there for a half hour before someone who was passing noticed and called emergency services".

"Was she conscious?"

Jo shook her head. "No. Got a nice gash on her head though so they're a little concerned there could be internal bleeding or swelling". She swallows. "Knew I should've told her to stay instead of telling her to go home".

"You couldn't have done anything Jo".

"Would've avoided it though". There's guilt on her face. "That girl took care of me when no one else in the family gave a crap. No I'm able to do more I'm gonna do the same for her too".

I hesitate for a second. "You called her mom?"

"The wicked bitch of the east? Not yet. She's probably living it up in St Tropez or something with that toy boy husband. If anything she's better off not knowing shit".

"If she's no better by the time filming comes around then.."

"Then you're still gonna go and know that I'm gonna be here taking care of her - and Emmy too. You do and I'll come beat you to death with a stick". Jo threatens in her usual fashion, and I know not to argue with her.

The doctor finally comes out and explains to us about Delta's injuries. That the tests showed no internal bleeding and thankfully the most that she'd have is concussion. She's lucky. Incredibly lucky. Aside the broken bones she's ok. They just need to keep her under observation for the next few days before they can discharge her. She could also need therapy to help her move about again, but they can't determine if that's detrimental to her recovery yet.

The doctor speaks to Jo privately for a moment and she nods, before he leaves us to go in and see Delta. "What did he say?"

She looks a little hesitant to tell me before she sighs. "Honey you better sit down, because there's something else".

"Jo...you're scaring me" I say as she now pushes me back down onto one of the hard plastic chairs that we've been sat on.

She's silent for a moment and then finally speaks. "I'm guessing you didn't know that Delta's pregnant..."

I freeze at these words, and know instantly that I've fucked up big time.

Rogers (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now