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My phone is buzzing away as I roll my eyes and get up from restocking a shelf. Joanne had insisted she do it but I flat out told her no. Instead I made her sit and watch, much to her distaste.

"It's the she bitch". She smirks as I see the caller ID that just says Mom.

I grin, knowing we share the same feelings about my mother and her decision to choose a cruise over the worry of her little sister's health and answer it. "Hey Mom".

"Delta, how are you? How's Joanne?" She asks as though it's a chore.

"I mean, you could have called her yourself? Considering you are her sister and all" I roll my eyes as Joanne mouths 'tell her I'm dead' to me with an evil smirk.

I really have no idea how they're sisters. They tolerate one another but that's as much as you are going to get with them. Joanne is the youngest, carefree and my mother the eldest and uptight. I think she'd have liked me to be more like her but has commented a few times about how I should've been Joanne's kid instead. I always quip back with the fact that Jo doesn't do parental responsibility - something which I don't think my mother does the more I think about it. Despite telling me she'd have liked me to have had a sibling, I can't help but feel it was because she had to in order to keep up appearances of a prosperous lifestyle. Instead she got me - the disappointment.

"I'm calling now aren't I?" Is the only answer that my mother has to offer. "Anyway, when do you think you'll be coming home? You must be bored in that dreary little town? Never understood what Jo and that good for nothing husband of hers saw in it".

"Oh I don't know, a future perhaps?" I reply flippantly. "And I may just decide I wanna stay a little longer". My eyes find Jo and she grins, loving every second of me messing with my mother. "After all, Jo still can't do much, what with having a stroke and all".

My mother scoffs. "She'll be perfectly fine, pick herself back up again. She always has done".

"Jesus Christ, she could have died! Then what would you have done? Still gone on the cruise for her funeral?"

"No, I would've planned it for when I came back". My mother likes to think she's funny but I know for the fact that she would totally do this. "Besides, you need to get yourself another job. In fact I have an interview lined up for you to assist a Judge that I know..." My mother is an attorney, so it's easy to see why she is the way she is. "I'm sure even you would be able to ace it, no matter how bad your resume may look".

Panic overcomes me. "I already have a job..."

A scoff comes down the line. "What? Running that hillbilly store of hers? You need to make something of yourself Delta! It's like you don't even want to succeed?"

"I do, but I want to in my own way, not because you have connections. Anyway you should really think about coming down to see Joanne, if your schedule isn't too busy with more holidays and what not".

"Delta, you are not staying in that ghost town. I'll be coming to get you tomorrow whether Joanne needs help or not. I can pay someone to look after her".

"You sent me here in the fucking first place! I have friends here!"

At this point, Joanne grabs the phone. "Hey sis, how's whatever the fuck you're calling from?" I watch as she nods with small 'mhmmm's' every now and then. "Well truth is I need her help whether you like it or not. She's a freakin' adult and can make her own decisions. She wants to stay? Then she stays". Then hanging up and sighing.

"Won't make any difference what you said. She's gonna come and drag me back home no matter what". I say.

Joanne looks determined. "Well then she'll be leaving here without you. You ain't going anywhere".

Rogers (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now