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It's official.

Grant Rawley has me going home in a constant sweat and touching myself in the dead of night.

The way he calls me Dolly, or even Doll...it instantly makes me want to just stride right up to him and rip his stupidly tight (and probably two sizes too small) t'shirts from his muscled body, and then drop to my knees so I can finally taste him.

I imagine myself choking on the size of him...

I watched him today while sitting reading on the porch as Emmy napped indoors, training his horses, effortlessly carrying saddles over his broad shoulders. At one point I could've sworn I caught the glimpse of another tattoo as his top rode up. There's one on the top of his arm that just peeks out from under the sleeve.

My tongue could trace over them, all the way down to his cock before I wrap my mouth around it. I bet he knows a hell of a lot more than most guys in bed considering he's older. I could do with an experienced man showing me just how people fuck in Serenity Creek.

But the one thing that really gets me going is how he stands there and rests his hands on his belt. I'm not even sure he knows that he does it, but when he does? I can feel the wanton throb between my legs. He does it when he's observing something or talking to someone.

I want nothing more than to take that damn hat from the top of his head and put it on my own.

It's been three weeks now, and I still don't know where exactly I stand with him.

Grant is a hard guy to read, but I can tell he tolerates me and that's enough for him. Sometimes he looks at me like he wants to devour me, but then the majority of the time he keeps his distance and only communicates with either one word answers or impatient grunts.

Still, at least he trusts me enough to look after his kid. That's my job and who I'm here for. But checking out her daddy is just a bonus to the job role.

Once again I'm back at Excelsior with Nat and Wanda, trying to drink away the ache I've had between my legs all day while watching Grant flex his fucking muscles and rest his hands on his belt.

I wonder if I can find out from Bucky how many tattoos he has?

Currently he's up on the karaoke machine aggressively screaming the chorus of 'Picture to Burn' whilst we sink further into our seats with laughter. If Grant was here he'd probably be eye rolling as usual, although I do wonder whether last time he was trying not to laugh behind his hand that was clamped over his mouth.

I bet he's just as sexy when he does laugh. If he does. He's always so serious.

"So, looking after Emmy and helping out at the shop. How the fuck are you not exhausted tonight?" Nat yells over Bucky's singing.

I give a shrug, not really knowing myself. "Well, Grant gets back at five so it's not that bad. I always make sure that Emmy's had her dinner though. He likes to bath her and then put her to bed which is fine by me. Joanne's back at the shop anyway so the days I'm in I take Emmy for those. She likes the car ride and playing with the stock - plus Joanne loves having her around. I think she's the only kid that she can tolerate".

"And what about you and Grant? You getting along better?" Wanda asks.

"I'd like to think that we have a mutual understanding". I say and then sip my drink, not wanting to let on that I'm daydreaming about this man railing me in the barn.

The pair of them look to one another and smirk before Wanda speaks. "You do realise it's ok to check out the goods right?"

"Plus Bucky's seen you checking out Grant's as they've been working". Nat muses as I groan and hide my face. "Whaaaat? I'll admit he's got a great ass and so does Wanda? No harm in looking".

"Yeah but what about anything else?" I wince internally as they clock onto what I'm saying.

Both of them immediately lean in. "Wait, are you actually coming around to liking him..."

I shake my head. "I don't know. One minute he blows hot, then cold - He'll look at me in a way that I just wanna climb him like a tree but also like he wishes I wasn't there. Not to mention that he's older and probably thinks I'm still a kid".

"Pah, what's ten years?" Nat waves this off.

"I know but its complicated. He'll come to my rescue like here in the bar and back when my Mom showed up, but he's so distant and serious".

Nat smiles weakly. "It's been tough on him, raising Emmy alone and juggling that with the ranch. Sure we've all mucked in and supported him, but he's too proud to ask for help when he needs it. He keeps his guard up for that girl because he doesn't want to trust too easily. I think in some ways he's hesitant to meet someone else because he worries about the affect it could have on Emmy if things don't go right".

"Understandable. Does he ever talk about his wife?"

Wanda shakes her head. "Nope. Nothing. I don't know if you've noticed but he doesn't have any pictures of her around the house. Sad really as she was nice, everyone loved her".

"I had noticed". I admit.

Where there should have been pictures on the fireplace and around the home, there's nothing. Just pictures of Emmy or of her with Grant. No traces that there was ever a woman in their lives, or anything to indicate her presence at the ranch. Aside from the room that's off limits. Grant said it stays locked and I was respectful enough not to question it as he showed me around. I can only imagine that her things are in there, and he's been putting off sorting through it all.

"Hey! Red velvet!" Bucky now says through the microphone, a little merry from the beers he's had so far. "Marry me, beautiful!"

Nat rolls her eyes. "You're drunk proposing again! So the answer is no Barnes!"

He comes over with the microphone and drops to one knee beside her, pulling a box out from his jeans pocket. "I know...but this time I got the ring..." Wanda and I stare at them as Nat's mouth falls open in shock. "What do you say? Wanna spend the rest of your life putting up with a loser like me?"

Even if he is a little tipsy, this is pretty romantic for his standards, and Nat's I suppose. She's not a flowers and chocolates kind of girl.

"By the way...if you don't answer me soon I'm gonna fall over..." He smirks as he sways from side to side on his knee.

Nat grins and grabs his face, kissing him hard. "I'll marry you, loser".

The whole bar erupts into cheers and shouts from where we've all been watching this play out. Bucky gets up and slips the ring on Nat's finger before puling her up from her chair and throwing her over his shoulder, carrying her out and home to probably have mind blowing sex.

"Well...guess we won't be seeing them for the rest of the night". I say as Wanda and I go back to our conversation like the last couple of minutes didn't just happen. "You got your eyes on anyone?" I ask, knowing full well that she fancies the absolute shit out of the bartender.

"No..." She says suspiciously. "I mean...I really like Vis..." now glancing over her shoulder to the bar where he's listening intently to a conversation."But I don't think he's even noticed me".

"In this town? Trust me, he's probably noticed". I smirk, knowing full well that everyone knows everyone here, and especially as I clock Vis stealing a glance at Wanda once she turns back to her drink.

Rogers (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now