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"So, you're getting married finally" I smirk as Bucky rests his head on my kitchen table. He's a mixture of hungover and after sex which is hilarious as Nat must've really gone to town on him last night.

"Least he ain't gonna try hit on my sister again". Sam says as he sits watching our friend in amusement.

Bucky groans, his voice muffled against the table top. "I haven't hit on your sister in years asshole".

Sam chuckles at this. "Ok, I'll give you that - you've been a gentleman".

"Nat probably wouldn't say that". I concur as I sit down with them with my coffee.

Bucky had told me he was planning to ask her again, but this time had the ring so she wouldn't turn him down. Last night he'd got so nervous he'd ended up tipsy and proposing across the karaoke machine, which is typical Buck.
I'd have liked to have been there to see it, but Emmy wasn't well and I wasn't about to leave her. She's still rough today but is trying to sleep the fever off. Thankfully she was ok for Delta yesterday although she didn't have much of an appetite.

"You guys are jerks". Bucky says, looking up a little dishevelled. "And to think, I wanted to ask you to be my best men".

"That's a dangerous thing to ask when you know both of us and what we could do". Sam looks to me with an evil glint in his eye. We all make one another's life hell as it is, sneaking into one another's houses and moving shit about. The best one was when Sam and I put a dressed up skeleton in Bucky's shower with a shower cap on.

Needless to say he shit himself.

I sip my coffee as they banter back and forth, Sam then getting up and going to get himself another cup. "Phil's still sending scripts then". He says as he notes the unopened package on the counter addressed to Grant Rawley. It'll just go up into the spare room along with the others he's sent over the last couple of years - incase I ever had a change of heart.

"Every so often, if he thinks it's good one".

"Think you'll ever go back?" Bucky asks. "Not now obviously but when Emmy's older? Could be the great Steve Rogers comeback".

I shrug. "I like my life here".

"But we can also tell you miss it a little, maybe not all of it, but some". His look is knowing. He knows me best considering we grew up together. Not once did he hesitate when I asked whether he could come out and help me on the ranch. He had a flight booked for that night and uprooted his life because mine had fell apart.

I owe both him and Sam a lot. I owe everyone in this town for being supportive and keeping me and Emmy protected. It didn't matter to anyone whether I was Steve Rogers or Grant Rawley. I was one of the Creek.

"Making films, I miss that much - but the interviews, premieres? Everything's else I don't".

I hear the front door open and footsteps coming down the wood floor before Delta appears, looking a little surprised to see us. "Oh, sorry - I forgot my jacket yesterday and thought I could quickly nip in and grab it". She says as San and Bucky now chorus a good morning. I gave her a spare key so as she could take Emmy out without the hassle of needing to find me.

"It's in the living room Doll". I say as I sit back in my chair.

"Thanks grump grump" she jests lightly in retaliation to my nickname of her, then disappearing to go get it.

Sam and Bucky then look from the doorway to me. "Grump grump - we're so using that!" Bucky roars with laughter as Sam also collapses with the giggles.

I roll my eyes. "Shut your holes, she taught Emmy it too and now all I get is 'daddy grump grump'" to which the pair of assholes laugh even harder.

"That's even better!" Sam tries to calm himself as Delta now comes back into the kitchen. "Got it, where's Emmy?" She frowns, not seeing her in the kitchen with us.

"Sleeping, she wasn't well last night".

She looks worried now. "Oh Jeez, I knew I should've kept an eye on her a little more..."

"Hey, it's not your fault Dolly, she gets a fever now and then. It's just a viral thing that'll go away in a day or so". I tell her as the guilt of feeling like she didn't do enough now crushes her face. "Dolly". I get up and walk to her, giving her a gentle shake of the shoulders. "She's fine. You weren't to know. Kids get sick but they bounce back".

She looks as though she's about to cry, as though she thinks I might fire her because my kid got sick and she didn't realise so early. "C'mon, I'll take you upstairs to look in on her". I offer to put her mind at ease. I'd also like to take her upstairs for other things, but I can fantasise.

We go up to Emmy's room where she's sound asleep in her bed. I've spent many nights cramped up in it with her when she's been restless. I put the back of my hand to her head. She's still warm but not as hot as she was last night. "Feels like the fever's coming down".

She also does the same and sighs with relief. "Sorry...I just feel so bad".

"Don't. I used to feel the same when she was younger but you get used to it". I reassure her.

As we go to leave I hear a small "Daddy! Dolly!" As Emmy stirs and sits up, red cheeked and confused - the upset setting in as she sees us. The tears start.

Poor kid.

I head over and as she lifts up her arms to be picked up, and scoop her up to stop her from crying. "You ok Em?" I ask as she nuzzles into my neck, then taking her so as we can go downstairs. Hopefully she'll eat something.

"Hi princess". Delta murmurs as she strokes her hair. "How you feeling?"

Emmy holds her arms out and I pass her to Delta. They both need that hug. My daughter clings to her as I see Delta close her eyes and savour the moment they're having.

Only now can I see that this woman really does have such a love for my child.

"I'll let you get her sorted". She says as she opens her eyes and looks over at me.

I shake my head. "Unless you got places to be Doll? I think Emmy would be pretty upset if you left". Staring at her so as to make her feel even worse for saying she should leave.

She sports the same stare back- challenging, just like the day we first met.. "Well then, I hope there's coffee in the machine for the big old cup of guilt you're gonna serve it with".

Rogers (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now