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I wake to my body entangled with Steve's. After our talk last night - or rather early this morning - it seemed to do him some good to get everything off of his chest. Thoughts and worries that had been building over the last few years. So much that he even questioned his own parenting.

It broke my heart to see him like this. Letting his guard down and finally allowing me to properly see the man who had built a wall around his vulnerability the last few years.

The truth is that he's scared. Scared of what this one action could do. It's the unknown whereas it should be so familiar to him.

My fingers graze over his tattoos. Each one telling a story. Some that I haven't asked about yet. My favourite is the large one that covers part of his chest. The way it peeks from under the collar of his shirt if it's unbuttoned makes me a little unhinged.

I sink under the covers and decide to give him his favourite way to wake up to me. My mouth around his cock. My hand gently wraps around it as I begin to tease the tip of him with my tongue, feeling him stir and knowing that he's not gonna complain for once. Besides, he's sleeping in today.

All day.

Once I'm satisfied with just how hard he's got, I take him with my mouth, hollowing out my cheeks and beginning to suck as I hear him sleepily say, "Naughty girl". His fingers then lace themselves into my hair and push my head down further onto him so he can fuck my mouth.

He does love it when I'm choking on him.

He finally comes groaning my name as I swallow every drop and then crawl back up from under the covers. Steve now fully awake and looking well rested compared to last night. "Good morning". I smirk.

"It is now". He says and kisses me. "Thanks for coming over last night".

"And for the blow job this morning?"

"That was a bonus". He says and pulls me closer, wrapping his arms around me.

I feel safe. I want to stay this way forever - and I must fall back to sleep because when I wake a few hours later, he's talking quietly on the phone and pacing at the bottom of the bed while bouncing Emmy on his hip.

"Shall I take her?" I mouth as he glances over and then nods.

Emmy crawls up the bed and snuggles down with me while I stroke her arm, trying not to eavesdrop on Steve's conversation, but knowing that he's talking to Phil. "Yeah, ok just email me the details over..." He replies and then chuckles lightly. "Hey, I may not get the part...pfft yeah right". Then snorting at something that Phil says before they say goodbye and he hangs up.

"Sorry, it was a call I had to make".

I nod. "So you're going to do it then".

"Yeah". He says, a little surprised at himself now he's saying it out loud. "Just seems a little strange. I'm still worried about leaving you guys though".

I roll my eyes. "Steve, you will be fine and you know it. They've all but handed you the part on a platter because they know no one else can do it justice other than you. Read through or no read through".

"You haven't seen me act", he smirks, "for all you know my films are shit".

"Shit!" Emmy claps her hands and he face palms.

We both choose to ignore it as we know she'll stop saying it soon enough, but now I look at him and purse my lips. "I may have watched a couple..." Admitting this to him, but leaving the part out where he got me so riled up that I ended up touching myself.

Rogers (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon