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Finian de Seel x Tyler Jones
Aurora Rising Series
Non-binary, Gay, Bisexual

We're just assuming that Finian can't feel anything in the parts of xiers body that are paralyzed. Because I don't know for sure...

Word count: 1203

"Fuck! Fuck the Milky Way, fuck the universe, fuck this and most of all fuck you!" Finian shouted and punched xiers exoskeleton. It just made xiers body hurt more. Plus, xier was stressed and the anxiety made xiers muscles tremble.

"Hey, stop that." Tyler said and put a hand on Finian's shoulder, pulling xiem a little closer. He looked over his shoulder, trying to locate the other squad members. "Come on, you need a break." Tyler said, taking Finian's hand pulled xiem with him. He walked slowly so Finian had an easier time keeping up. Xiers muscles were cramping and trembling already. Not as hard as it could get but Tyler still wanted to make sure his boyfriend's body wouldn't get to its worse.

"I have work to do!" Finian complained but Tyler wouldn't listen. He opened the door to Finian's room and pushed xiem inside carefully. After he had followed xiem inside, he closed the door. "Sit down." Tyler said and Finian did it, xiers face crunched up in disapproval. The Gearhead still had work to do and xier definitely had no time for this. At least that's what xier was telling xierself.

But his boyfriend was very much not having it. He was walking over to Finian's closet and got some more comfortable clothes for xiem. Then he came back to the bed and started to carefully take off Finian's exoskeleton. "I'm fine, just let me do it!" Finian quickly said, pushing away Tyler's hands and leaning forward to undo the clasps.

Tyler let xiem. For about 30 seconds. Then he noticed that Finian's fingers were cramping and there was no way xier could get the clasps open xierself. "Just let me help you, Fin!" Tyler pleaded, "I'm your boyfriend, you can trust me!"

"The fuck you are. You won't even kiss me in front of the others." Finian growled back, using the brief moment in which xiers fingers weren't cramping to undo the clasps on his right leg.

Tyler was taken aback. "What?" he asked confused, "Dating someone on the squad is-" "Unprofessional and must therefor stay a secret, I know. Not the first time you tell me that. Not the first time people keep me a secret." Tyler's entire face fell. He wrapped his arms around himself and swallowed hard. "That's not what it's about. You are not the reason that- You know that!"

Finian sighed, rubbing his hands over his thighs, his hands cramping and trembling. "I'm sorry, Ty... That was not fair. I'm so sorry, I- I know I have no right to excuse myself like that but- I'm really bad with taking help. I'm sorry. Can you please help me take off the exoskeleton?" Tyler sunk to his knees and started to open the leftover clasps.

"I was taught to follow rules. It's kind of a big part of my life. And an Alpha dating someone of their squad? Unprofessional. A scandal even. Yes, there is not really a rule against it but basically everything that ruins your reputation is against the rules. It is not about you. I love you. You know that, Fin." Tyler mumbled. It seemed like a desperate explanation. A shitty one. Like one he had no right giving to his boyfriend who had such issues with feeling abandoned.

Finian brushed xiers hand through Tyler's hair, leaning down, kissing his forehead as long as xier still could. Xier knew that Tyler was about to open the clasps on xiers arms and upper body. When he did that xier wouldn't really be able to move anymore.

"It's okay. I guess we're both a bit traumatized." Finian mumbled. Tyler got back up and slowly took of Finian's entire exoskeleton, turning xiers legs onto the bed and leaning xiers back against the pillow. Then he got the robotic suit out of the way before sitting down on the bed. Finian seemed calmer now. Xier was smiling at xiers boyfriend, calmly waiting. Tyler smiled, kissing his partner before carefully taking of xiers shirt.

Finian laughed when Tyler let his hand glide over the smooth, completely white skin on xiers chest. Xier couldn't feel it but watching it was still nice. The contrast of their skin was nearly funny. "You're so pretty." "You're a simp!" Finian laughed and tried to lean xiers head closer, wanting Tyler to kiss xiem. Tyler did. He noticed the little movements Finian was able to do with xiers head and by now he knew what they meant. So he lifted his head, placing his hand on the back of xiers head and kissing xiem lovingly.

"Come on, let's get you dressed." he smiled then. "Oh, you didn't mind me being naked just now." "Ha-ha." Tyler rolled his eyes. Then he grabbed the shirt he had gotten from Finian's closet.

"Naw, how nice that you got yourself a shirt already. Then I can have your hoodie. Otherwise I would have felt bad about you having to lay here half naked." Finian blinked innocently. Tyler sighed. Laughing, he took of his hoodie and pulled it over Finian's head. Then he pulled xiers arms through the sleeves. Then he put the fresh shirt he had actually gotten for Finian.

He helped Finian lay down comfortably, pulling xiem into his arms and softly petting his white hair that seemed to have more color than xiers skin even though Tyler knew for a fact it didn't. The light blue-ish purple shadows that the soft strands of hair threw made it just seem like that. Finian's skin a pale white. Just as xiers hair. Just like everything about xiem. But his eyes. The completely black eyes that seemed not at all black to Tyler.

He had always seen them like small galaxies. Like Finian had somehow managed to catch the entirety of the universe in xiers eyes.

Smiling, he leaned closer, pressing a soft kiss to Finian's lips. Finian's body was exhausted even though xiers mind was wide awake. Still, xiers body won and soon Finian felt xiers eyelids get heavy. Just a few minutes later, xier was asleep, his head pressed against xiers boyfriend's chest. Tyler had his arms wrapped around xiem, feeling his body settle down more and more as well and without being able to stop it, he fell asleep just shortly after.


"You know," Kaliis was leaning in the doorway to Finian's room. It had wanted the Gearhead to help him with something. Plus, the whole squad had been on the search for their Alpha for about an hour by now. "What?" Cat asked, crossing her arms as she came to a stand next to the Fighter.

"They really think they're being sneaky. Both so smart and so dumb at the same time." Kaliis shook its head like it was actually just disappointed.

"Oh, just leave them alone, dickhead. Not like you and Auri are that much of a secret either." Cat rolled their eyes, grabbing Kaliis' by one of its pointy ears and dragging it after them, pushing the door closed again.

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