Fourth time's the charm

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Gregory House x James Wilson
Dr. House
Gay, Bisexual

For anyone who's interested, I wrote a lot more for them on AO3 :)

Word count: 904

Wilson hadn't really expected to be actually happy one day. First, he had figured out that he was queer, never really able to pin-point his label, though. Not sure if it was his sexuality or romantic attraction that was different. It had taken him till the age of seventeen to figure out that he was not a lesbian but instead a straight boy. A trans man.

He had cut his hair short, started to dress more masc and even started to bind. After a while he even picked a new name for himself but he didn't socially transition till he was in his twenties, medical transition even later.

There were a lot of denial stages where he tried to detransition because he had so much dysphoria and everything felt so incredibly wrong. He had married a woman without telling her that he was a man. She still thought he was just a masc lesbian and James had never told her otherwise. He never even tried. They were unhappy enough in their marriage as it was.

The marriage ended without her knowing. And the second one started the same. But this time James told his wife because he needed to start transitioning or he wouldn't survive. It seemed fine at first. Because nothing really changed. Nothing but his name. Then he started testosterone and everything suddenly became real and their marriage took a hit. And after that just more hits kept coming. And their marriage ended. Partially because he was trans.

He was a few years on testosterone and had gotten his top surgery when he met his third wife. She knew. Of course she did. He told her and she didn't mind. They got married and their marriage was shit. But at least it wasn't shit because he was trans.

In the end, it turned out that it was partially shit because he wasn't actually straight. Or bisexual. He was gay. And in love with his co-worker and best friend.

His wife wasn't really a fan of that. Which, Wilson had to admit, wasn't much of a surprise and nothing he could be mad at her for. But their marriage had been bad for other reasons as well - his wife cheating for example - so that was a win. At least kind of.

And then he was a mess because he went through another divorce and he was in love with his best friend. So that sucked. And looking back and thinking about all the things that already happened... He had been in love with House for literal years. So there was not a very good chance it would go away soon.

So he was fucked.

He also got his period again after literal years of not having it. So he made the decision to get a hysterectomy. He had never bothered because he never actually wanted to get a phalloplasty. But he was not willing to get his period ever again and he liked not having to worry about his uterus or ovaries. So he was happy to get them removed.

And when he woke up, he found his best friend next to his bed, checking his vitals. The moment he opened his eyes, House told him he looked shit. And he laughed and regretted it immediately because the cut on his stomach hurt.

After that everything went a little off the rails. So much of the rails that he was currently laying in bed, naked, with a fourth ring - this one silver - on his left ring finger, his hand rubbing over the bare back of the man next to him.

"I'm on clinic duty this morning... I need to get up..." Wilson whispered, pushing himself up and pressing a kiss to the other man's back.

He turned around, feeling an arm wrap around his stomach and pulling him back.

"Greg..." he sighed, leaning back a little till he felt his back settle on the mattress and his head on a warm body. He turned his head a little to look at his husband. "We need to get going, Greg." "No, you should get going but I want you here." Greg mumbled, his eyes still closed and his arm still tightly wrapped around his husband's stomach to keep him close.

"I have clinic duty, I need to make my rounds, I have patients, Greg. I know you are currently bored and will do anything to get out of clinic duty but I am not like that. So come on. Get your ass out of bed, I'll make us breakfast."

"What? You're gonna make me do my clinic hours now too?" "Yes. Like I've been doing for the entirety of our relationship and marriage. Get out of bed."

"I want a divorce." Greg grumbled, letting go of his partner and instead pulling a pillow over his head.

"We are not getting a divorce over clinic duty. I will shower now and if you are not out of bed when I'm getting out of the bathroom, I will hide your cane."

"Divorce." Greg groaned. James rolled his eyes, getting out of bed and making his way to the bathroom, knowing his husband was enjoying the view of him walking around fully naked.

The idea of showering with him would probably get him out of bed within a few minutes. He had never declined a quickie.

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