Valentine's Day

403 30 3

Alex Claremont-Diaz x Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Red, White and Royal Blue
Gay, Bisexual

Word count: 1394

Alex was crouching on the ground, patting David's head. "Your dad is about to be back." he said and David cocked his head a little. "Just admit it, you are excited to see him again too. You don't have to look at me like that, I am allowed to miss my amazing, royal idiot of my boyfriend."

David sat, licked his lips and then laid down completely, sprawling out on the floor like a pancake.

"Pff." Alex made, rolling his eyes and standing back up. He would have loved to just sit down on the tiles but he had already noticed the paparazzi and he was not ready for a phone call with his mom just to hear a lecture about not sitting on the floor because it made him look bad.

Also, Henry should already have landed. And he couldn't wait to see him. Even though, Henry had just been gone for three days. That was also why he had left David home with Alex. He didn't want to stress him out by flying him across the planet twice in 72 hours.

Alex had to admit that he liked seeing paparazzi pictures. He didn't particularly like being followed around by paparazzi but the pictures were often kind of cute. And these pictures would be really cute because right now, he was waiting at the airport, holding a  bouquet of white roses, holding the leash of his boyfriend's Beagle.

It was Valentine's Day and he knew that Henry would hate making a big deal out of it. He was very convinced that it was just another day used to feed capitalism. But Alex wasn't about to let it go by without a cute date night. He wouldn't make a big deal. Just something that was a big deal to them.

Finally, he saw Henry appear at the top of the escalator and he started grinning happily.

Henry was being followed by two body guards, large men, both bold and looking comical with their dark suits and sunglasses. But he couldn't have cared less about the way they looked. Or that they even existed. He only had eyes for Henry.

His slightly messy blonde hair and his beautiful blue eyes. His soft looking T-Shirt under that extremely fashionable - and probably expensive - long coat.

He looked so incredibly British and it made Alex' heart melt.

"Welcome home." he grinned when Henry finally reached the end of the escalator, wrapping one arm around his hip. Henry smiled: "Hey there..." He pressed a soft kiss to Alex' lips before crouching down and letting David greet him.

"Happy Valentine's." Alex smiled when Henry got back up. He handed him the bouquet and immediately a soft smile spread across Henry's face.

"Alex... You shouldn't have... Thank you." He wrapped his arms around his neck, paying attention not to hit Alex in the head with the flowers. Smiling like a lovesick idiot - which he kind of was -, he leaned his forehead against Alex' and they grinned at each other for a moment.

"I made us some plans." Alex finally said, "Before you freak out: It's nothing major. You can wear Pyjamas and David is there with us the whole time. And it involves snacks. Sounds good?"

Henry just smiled and kissed Alex again.

They both heard the shutter of cameras but they couldn't have cared less. They made history anyway. It wasn't bad to keep it up...

"Ready to go home?" "Yes, please." Henry smiled, his fingers sneaking into the loop of David's leash, slowly taking it out of his hands.

Alex knew that Henry would want to hold him himself, instead grabbed the shoulder strap of Henry's bag and pulled it down, hanging it over his own shoulder - the perfect gentleman.

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