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Gregory House x James Wilson
Dr. House
Gay, Bisexual

Word count: 600

"I got sued." Wilson said, dropping the papers onto House's desk.

"Oh, that's new." House noted, pushing his chair back from his desk and softly petting his healthy leg to get Wilson to sit down. Wilson sighed, looking over his shoulder to see if someone was watching them through the glass walls of House's office. Then he sighed again, finally moving closer and settling down on his husband's lap, putting most of his weight on the healthy leg to make sure the other man wasn't in too much pain.

House leaned forward, grabbing the envelope and pulling out the papers: "What did you get sued for? Sexual harassment?" "Ha-ha, very funny. No." Wilson took his papers back and put them on the desk again, "A child died. A brain tumor, there was nothing I could do and I told them that." "Operate?" "Yes, the parents asked that too. And I told them that the kid was not going to survive a surgery. Especially not a brain surgery. But they signed the papers, we operated, their child died on the table. I told them, gave them my condolences and the father punched me and now I got sued."

House cupped Wilson's cheek, looking at the nearly fully healed wound still visible on his upper lip and the bruise under his eye. Wilson wasn't just punched, the other guy had full-on beat him up. House had been about to go and pay it back because his husband had come home with a fucked up face but lucky for the other guy, said husband way very responsible and held him back.

"Well, you know you will win the trial. There was nothing you could have done and you have all the papers." "I know I will." Wilson sighed and curled up a little more, burying his face in House's neck, "I just don't want to go through all of it. The parents are in pain, their child died. Facing me will just make it all worse for them. They don't deserve that but they also brought it on themselves. And for me it's just... exhausting."

House wrapped his arms tighter around the other man, leaning his head against his husband's, his lips pressing against the other man's slowly thinning hair. "Well, you have a whole bunch of patients with prescription weed... That will help you relax."

"Oh, you're a dick!" Wilson laughed, hitting House's arm and sitting up straight again.

"I need to get back to work. And before you say it: No, not because of the weed. And you probably should get back to work too. Your patient might be dying." Wilson smiled at him, knowing, House's client was fine.

"I will see you at home, honey." House said in a mocking tone. Wilson rolled his eyes, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his lips. "I love you. I'll see you the next time I have food." "You could just bring me the food. It would safe your poor crippled boyfriend a lot of pain."

"We are married, Greg, you are my husband. Have been for nearly a decade." Wilson rolled his eyes lovingly, brushing his hand through House's hair for a moment and then leaning down for another kiss. "I'll see you later." he said, finally turning around and walking to the door.

"Let the legal office know about it. Cuddy too." House noted, pulling his chair closer to his desk again and grabbing some of his billing papers he needed to catch up on. "I already did. Unlike you, I am responsible."

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