You gave me peace in a lifetime of war

321 13 1

Douglas 'Ca$h' Piggott x Lux Savill
Heartbreak High x Original Character
Asexual, Genderfluid, Queer

Word count: 2705

This felt good. Right. Comforting.

And it was exactly this what made Ca$h's heart race in his chest. Both of his legs were already numb from sitting on them just to keep them from bouncing from his uneasiness. It took everything inside him to not touch his necklace and end up putting it in his mouth to chew on like he always did when he was nervous.

But sitting on all of his limbs was sadly impossible and would probably also very much ruin his date.

Not that he wasn't doing a great job at that even without sitting on his hands and legs. He had already choked on chips twice, nearly stumbled over Darude which ended in him nearly face-planting on the little table in front of the couch and generally he was a mess around Lux.

He acted like a stupid teenage boy in love. And technically, he was exactly that.

"Hey, Duck-Boy."

Ca$h flinched lightly, snapping out of his thoughts and looking over at the other person on the couch.

"What? Sorry, I was..." He didn't know how to end that sentence, just quickly shaking his head.

"I said I don't really like the movie." They leaned in closer, putting their chin on Ca$h's shoulder to whisper something in his ear without anyone else noticing, "Plus, your Nan's... boy toy is staring at us and I think I'd rather be alone with you."

Ca$h couldn't believe that somehow Lux managed pulling off calling a guy who looked like he should have died about thirty years ago boy toy.

"Um, yeah, sure. Let's go to my room." He quickly jumped up from the couch, picking up Darude just to not trip over him again. "Sick." Lux smiled brightly, getting up from the couch as well.

"See you later, Nan." They waved before grabbing Ca$h's free hand and following him in the direction of his room.

"Thanks for getting me out of there." Lux laughed, pushing the door shut behind themselves, "This was getting kind of creepy. Also, the movie was kind of racist but that's not really news with Disney, is it?"

They stepped closer, cupping Darude's head somehow with both hands and carefully pressing a kiss to his beak. "I think your dad is a little nervous tonight." Ca$h heard them whisper to the duck, obviously eyeing him, "He wasn't like that on our last date. Think that means I'm especially special?"

Darude quacked. Ca$h was about to whisper Traitor to him but was interrupted by Lux picking the duck up and setting him down on the floor, taking another small step closer.

"So..." they started, their fingers sneaking around Ca$h's hands, "A little birdie told me you think I'm special."

Ca$h blushed.

"Or he said you think I'm standing way too close and should learn how to respect boundaries and be more capable of reading social cues because you are uncomfortable and would rather have me leave." Lux pulled a face like they had colored over the lines in a children's coloring book.

"What? No! He- He definitely didn't say that." Ca$h blushed again.

"Good." Lux smiled, "Because I really didn't want him to say that."

Darude quacked again, making both of them look down for a moment. The duck was nibbling on the cuff of Ca$h's pants.

"What did he say now?" Lux asked, their fingers still intertwined with Ca$h's.

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