Finding the right words

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Dr. Adam Carlsen x Holden
The Love Hypothesis
Gay, Demisexual, Omniromantic

Word count: 2080

Adam could barely remember a time where Movie Night had included watching a movie. It must have been in middle school. Maybe early in high school.

Well, to be fair, it did include a movie. Just no one who actually paid attention to the movie. Adam spend most of the time cooking them dinner and then having an actual, deep conversation with Holden. And Holden spend his time with trying to find a movie (he wouldn't pay attention to) and then he did something on his phone or complained to Adam how much his book sucked.

"Hey. How much would you say this is worth getting my feelings hurt?" Adam looked up from the carrots he was just cutting and stared at...

"This is a dick pic." he said, his lips pressing into a thin line in disgust.

"Yeah, I know. I can see that. But is that dick worth getting my feelings hurt." "It is not even a good dick pic." Adam noted, ripping his gaze away from the phone and looking back down to the vegetables.

"Okay, fair enough. But is that-" "No." Adam simply said, a skeptical look on his face, "Why would you even ask this? What about a picture of a penis makes you say 'Oh yes, I want to date this person'? Besides, what are you even doing?"

"I'm on Grindr. And no one said anything about dating. I just need to get laid." Adam blinked at him, then he shook his head. "What did you even do?" "Well, he texted 'Nice ass' and I said 'Thanks' and then he asked 'When does it open?' and send the dick pic."

"Excuse? I don't understand what just happened." "Okay, never mind. Just... Should I sleep with him or not? I mean, I don't need a classy invite just to fuck. So this is..."

Adam scratched the back of his neck. "Show him to me." he sighed and finally put down the knife, kind of giving up on making dinner for now.

He walked around the kitchen island, sitting down on the bar chair next to Holden. Holden tapped on his phone screen, then he turned his phone towards Adam.

"That's just a torso." Adam said, slightly confused. "Adam, it's Grindr. Of course that's just a torso. No one puts their face on here." Holden laughed. He put down his phone and turned to Adam a little more. "I don't get it. How can you just look at a not-so-definied six-pack and say that you want to fuck them?"

Holden laughed: "Well, you're the one to talk. I'm gay, you'd fuck literally anyone." "No, I wouldn't. I am attracted to every gender but about half of my relationships did not include sex."

Now Holden just blinked in light confusion. He looked away for a second, like he was looking at an imaginary camera. Then he looked back at Adam. "I... What do you mean?" "I can fall in love with every gender."

"I know that, Adam, we had a long talk about that in college. But... What do you mean with you wouldn't fuck just anyone or that half of your relationships did not include sex?" Holden asked.

His phone made a clicking sound when he pressed the off-button before he placed it on the kitchen counter, display down.

Adam shrugged: "I don't understand how you just look at a bad picture of a penis and say that you would want to sleep with the person. What about going on a date? Why not getting to know each other first? I know you didn't have much luck with relationships in the past but... I don't understand how you can just... just want sex without having anything else." "You don't understand sex without love?" Holden asked.

He placed his hand on Adam's knee and started to brush his thumb over the fabric of Adam's black jeans. Adam looked down at his hand and for a moment he thought about taking it, intervening their fingers, but he didn't. He just looked at it for a moment longer.

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