You heal wounds you didn't cause

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Douglas 'Ca$h' Piggott x Lux Savill
Heartbreak High x Original Character
Asexual, Queer, Genderfluid

Lux uses She/They pronouns in this one :)

Word count: 1731

Ca$h was laying on Lux's bed, wearing a loose shirt Ca$h and them had switched around so much that he couldn't even remember anymore if he had bought it or if he had stolen it first.

Lux was sitting at her desk, surrounded by make-up and glitter.

"Okay, so... What do you think?" They dramatically turned around, pulling a diva-face and putting their hand under her chin. Ca$h grinned and raised his phone, snapping a picture in the perfect moment.

"Hey!" Lux laughed, jumping up from her chair and letting herself drop onto the bed, falling directly into Ca$h's arms. "I think, I got a new background. You look stunning." he whispered into her ear, "I would save you on all of my pinterest boards. You could hit me and I'd thank you." "Now that's just kind of kinky." Lux laughed, leaning into Ca$h and taking his phone out of his hand and switching it to selfie mode. They pulled a duck face that made Ca$h laugh. Lux took a picture and clicked around a while till it was Ca$h's new background.

"This is much better." she smiled. "I look stupid. But it doesn't matter, I only have eyes for you anyway." Ca$h mumbled, cupping their cheek, careful not to smear her make-up, "Can I kiss you without messing up your lipstick?" "No, but if you don't mind getting lipstick all over you-"

Ca$h didn't even let them finish, leaning in and pressing his lips to hers. He kissed them again and again, feeling the purple lipstick starting to smear all over his lips and mouth area. When he pulled back, Lux burst out into laughter.

"Wait, I will get you a make-up wipe. You look like you made out with a smurf." she laughed, getting up from the bed again, tossing Ca$h a package of make-up wipes.

"This is so mean, I'm in the mood to do a million make-up looks but I don't want to take it off, it's so pretty!" They dramatically threw their head back, tapping an eye shadow palette with their nails.

"You can make me one. I mean, I don't like stuff on my lips - well, unless it's your lips - but... You can do a fancy eye-thing on me. If you want to. And if that's not weird for you. I mean..."

"Ducky." they laughed, moving closer and pressing a kiss to his cheek, pulling out a make-up wipe to remove the lipstick stain he had just placed there, "I'd love to do a fancy eye-look on you."

They smiled and Ca$h smiled back at them. 

"Can I surprise you or do you want to pick something from my pinterest?" Lux asked while she walked back to her desk, grabbing a bunch of utensils and piling them on the bed.

"Surprise me."

They smiled, clapping their hands with excitement.

Ca$h pushed his pillow up against the headboard of the bed, getting comfortable before softly patting his thigh to signal Lux to sit down.

"Can you take my lipstick off for me?" "Yeah, sure. Why though? You just said you were excited about it." Ca$h said, taking a wipe from the little package and starting to carefully wipe away the slightly messed up lipstick.

"Well, for one, kissing you already kind of ruined it, I think. Just smeared it. Which is very much worth the kissing though." They both laughed and Ca$h rolled his eyes, pretending to be annoyed even though he clearly wasn't.

"And second of all, you just allowed me to do your make-up, I will not be able to keep myself from kissing you." A grin formed on Ca$h's lips: "Oh, yeah? That so?" He snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her in, close enough to kiss her but instead just continuing to grin at them.

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