honeycomb [H.Steinfeld]

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summary: you decide to let your kids help you bake a cake for your wife and cute chaos ensues.

warnings: none; quite literally the softest, most cutest fluff i've ever written; cheesy nicknames; incredibly blunt children; hailee being way too proud of being the favorite

wordcount: 1.7k

a/n: this was an absolutely adorable tumblr request, i was giggling and kicking my feet every time i wrote the word 'wife' and i can only hope you all react the same way while reading. [i purposely left the descriptions and names of the kids vague and gender-neutral so you can picture them any way you want...and yes, both of their names are references to hailee projects, i couldn't resist]

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You're not sure what possessed you to invite your kids to help you bake a cake for their mom but you're sure your kitchen will never look the same again.

You couldn't deny that the idea was cute, and you adored the smiles you received from the twins when you offered to let them help you, but now you were covered in flour and chasing around two eight-year-olds on a sugar high. Hailee can say whatever she wants but they both got that restless spirit from her and not you.

A restless spirit that was going to get somebody in trouble and considering how much your wife loves spoiling your kids, that somebody was going to be you. You don't really mind, the mere thought of getting 'lectured' by her being enough to make you chuckle to yourself.

Unfortunately, you're supposed to be playing the role of a responsible adult right now and laughing the way you are only makes the twins believe their rambunctiousness is being rewarded.

"Charlie, no pushing," you say, forcing yourself to sound strict. (Or as strict as you can be with two adorable pairs of brown eyes staring up at you like you hold all the answers to the universe) "Come on, help me clean up a little before your mom comes home."

Your request gets mostly ignored but at least they walk back to the kitchen with you. You walk around, cleaning countertops with scattered bits of flour and sugar, while pretending you don't notice how restless they're getting. Their excitement is too endearing for you to be annoyed by what a hard time Charlie's having staying still.

It's almost funny how much more tolerant you are when it comes to your family. If anyone back at the office was tapping their foot the way the small brunette is, you'd probably glare at them. Now, all you can do is smile and try to come up with a way to entertain both kids.

The more reserved of the two speaks up before you get a chance to offer them something to do. "When's mom coming back?"

"Hopefully in the next thirty minutes," you reply as you sneak a glance at the clock. You decide it's best not to point out the fact that you've been saying that for the past hour or so.

Hailee was clearly running late but you're definitely not the right person to complain about that. You're just glad she's found another project to be passionate about. Especially since it took a lot of convincing to get her to go back to acting once the twins were old enough to understand why their mom worked at such weird hours.

You were just glad your own job allowed you to work from home a few days a week so your kids never felt like they had to take on the world on their own. The last thing you want is for them to feel like you never spend time together as a family.

Hence why you asked for the day off from your highly demanding job to prepare a surprise for your wife. Every year she insisted more and more that she didn't need you to do anything special for your anniversary, that spending time with you every day was the only gift she could ever want, but that never stopped you from finding some way to do something for her. This year was the first year that you got your kids involved and you can only imagine the look of joy you're bound to receive because of it.

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