Chapter 6. Red vs Green.

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— You are the Captain of the Quidditch's team. If you let the rivalry die, the rest of Slytherin will follow.

Anne said as she scrabbled rapidly on the piece of parchment in front of her. Sebastian responded with a sigh. The most stubborn part of him refused to let go of Gryffindor looks of contempt, or the disdain that dripped in every single of Everleigh Grayson's words.

They all had been living in the dungeons together for several days, after Sharp conjured an extension charm, creating two additional corridors for the girls and the boys dormitories that belonged to the Lion house. The common room felt more crowded now than ever, and the hallways inside the dungeons were always buzzing with the echo of Gryffindor's obnoxious laughter.

Discovering that his own house, his own Chaser, was behind the release of the Cornish Pixies was the only thing that had kept Sebastian out of Everleigh's way. Perhaps it was some sort of guilt knowing that they had no space of their own because of Slytherin, and he felt the sting of remorse every time he had to look at her.

That didn't mean the boy had lifted a finger to put an end to the constant pranks and little fights that broke in the common room all the time between the two houses. Everleigh was just lucky that Sebastian wasn't instigating them, either.
But he loved to watch how random duels occurred in the most silly places, and he loved even more when Slytherins students won those duels.

— I'll let the rivalry die when Everleigh Grayson starts to be nicer to me.

— Oh, Sebastian. — His sister mumbled under her breath, shaking her head. — She won't be nicer to you when you go around instructing first year Slytherins to get into fights with second year Gryffindors.

— I don't instruct anything. I merely point out how to properly break their nose. — Which was with a flat palm as they struck upwards. — If they are going to do it, might as well do it correctly.

Anne rolled her eyes at him and gave him a look of warning, but Sebastian's gaze was on the ceiling. He had made it into his sister room to complain yet again about the stupid Gryffindors. The boy had lied on her bed, arm behind his head and wand twirling in his hand, while she remained busy responding to letters.

With his Captain position and Anne being a Prefect, they didn't see each other as much, and he sometimes felt the need to grumble.

— Well, you ought to know that Sharp gave her more point deduction powers.

Sebastian's wand stopped moving around and he tilted his head towards the desk that Anne was sitting by, eyebrow raised.

— More?

— Prefects can only take a maximum of 50 points per student. As Head Girl, she is allowed a 100. But the recent news are that Sharp has given her authority to take up to 200 points.

— Oh, she is going to bleed us dry. — Sebastian mumbled, getting annoyed by the second. — You would think that Sharp, as Head of the Slytherin house, would have some sort of motivation to see us win the House Cup at the end of the year.

— You know he doesn't care about those things. He would set our points to zero just to prove a point. Of course Black would never let him, but that doesn't mean he can't find a way around it.

— He just did.

— Then maybe you should find a way to deal with this, and go talk to Everleigh. In a few days we have our first Quidditch's match and what's going to happen when we do our celebration party? — Anne gave him a stern look, and Sebastian cursed under his breath. — Do you think she is going to be alright with us inviting other houses to join? What's going to happen on Halloween? That's our biggest party of the year, and Gryffindors are never invited. — Sebastian pressed his lips together in exasperation, completely aware that his sister was right. — What happens if they are still down here with us then and you need Everleigh to look to the other side when half the school makes it into the dungeons?

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