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Five months later.

— For the love of Merlin, just sit on my face.

Sebastian demanded, sinking his mouth below her ear and receiving a gasp in return. As if Everleigh was truly scandalized at his wickedness.
Surely she had to be used to his indecent mouth after months of whispering lewd things to her at the most inappropriate times.

— Why are you trying to make my job so hard?

She retorted, moving away from his face and suddenly leaving his lips cold. The golden hair cascading on her back bounced around as she returned one of the books in the stack she had been carrying around into one of the shelves.

— I'm trying to make other things harder.

Sebastian took a quick glance around to make sure they had no unwarranted attention. Which they didn't, since exams were finally over and everyone was enjoying the last couple of days of the school year out in the courtyard.

But of course his girlfriend would volunteer to help with the castle shutting down before the summer instead spending those precious moments with him.

— I can guarantee you nothing else is going to get hard in the library.

The confidence in her tone drew a lopsided grin out of him. Everleigh kept walking down the bookshelves, returning tome after tome. It was the last time the library would be open before everyone was to return back home the next day, and she was in there making sure the librarian had help to do so.

Sebastian had agreed to be there, too, only so he could follow her steps and sneak his hands below the uniform skirt.

He was going to miss that skirt.

— Are you still upset that Slytherin won the Spring Quidditch's cup?

He asked innocently, watching a scowl forming on her face as she glared at him over her shoulder. Hands in the pocket of his pants, he continued sauntering behind her, an arrogant smirk plastered all over his features.

— I'm not upset.

— Really? Maybe I'm imagining things. After all, you did do everything I asked of you very diligently that night, so perhaps you were content with losing.

Her cheeks reddened and all Sebastian managed by reviving that memory was making his skin burn with arousal.
Gryffindor and Slytherin had made it to the Quidditch's finals again, and he had the brilliant idea of proposing a bet to Everleigh.

A bet that involved her doing everything he wanted for a night if her team lost.
And bless Merlin, they did.

The end result was no other than the most depraved sex they had ever had.

— I think I want to break up. — Everleigh declared as she placed the last book back into the right shelf before turning around to pin him with a stare, lifting her chin up in rebellion. — I'm done with you.

He pounced. So fast that she didn't see him coming. A second later, Sebastian had pressed her back again the bookshelf, cornering her between the old volumes and him. His mouth came down, predatory, to drawl the words like he was caressing her.

— We are done when I say we are done, darling.

And he kissed her, hard and passionate.
It felt like a train crash and free falling, all at the same time, whenever he dared brush his mouth on hers.

His tongue plunged in between her lips, making her groan, and his hands entangled in that silky hair that appeared in every one of his dreams.

But as much as Sebastian needed to fuck her into oblivion, there was something else he wanted to do with her, before the school year was over.

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