Chapter 29. Never have I ever...

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The entire Saturday, Everleigh had spent it at the library.
The pile of assignments for class she had to complete was insanely high. She had buried herself in essays and homework not only because she wanted to get ahead of her classes, but because she needed to get away from everyone.

Just that same morning, her break up with Sebastian had turned into the biggest gossip of the school, and students were approaching her incessantly. Some to wish her good luck about the upcoming rematch against Slytherin. Some, mostly girls, to get a solid confirmation that she and Sebastian were done.
Others, mostly boys, had tried to ask her to the Ball.
Or invite her to their houses parties, as if she wasn't the bloody Head Girl and wouldn't give them detention for it.

So she had practically bolted to retrieve her things from her room and hid away into the second floor of library, in a table on the corner, shielded by the bookshelves.

It was her favorite spot, not only for the solace it provided for her, but the soft music coming from one man playing a Spanish guitar in a portrait nearby.
Calming enough to help her focus on her parchment and helping her distance from the world around.

The hasty steps bursted her bubble quite fast.

— There you are! — Garreth Weasley approached the table and dragged a chair opposite to Everleigh, making the loudest noise before he was dropping his weight on it very casually. — I have your Murtlap Essence.

Everleigh glared at him and his unawareness of the surroundings. On the first floor, she could hear the shushing coming from the librarian. Garreth seemed oblivious to how carrying his voice was as he set a small vial with a green liquid on the table and pushed it towards her. She glanced from the bottle to him several times, and then stretched out her fingers to examine the liquid. It looked... very unappealing, with bits of something brown-ish floating around. Her face twisted in disgust.

— What did you put in there?

The boy had yet to lose his smile of satisfaction as he reclined on his chair, entwining his fingers behind his head before he answered.

— A secret ingredient. — Adopting an air of mystery, Garreth paused to stare at Everleigh with confidence, probably thinking she was going to bombard him with questions. Before she could, the boy was already leaning over the table to speak to her with a tone full of excitement. — Alright, fine! I'll tell you, you don't have to insist. — She rolled her eyes at him. — I mixed the essence with some Alihotsy leaves to make it less bitter, that's why it looks like that.

— Oh, so you were planning on getting me high.

— Of course not! The dose is very small. You won't even notice its effects.

Everleigh lifted an eyebrow before she was exhaling deeply, leaving the vial back on the table, near her parchments. However, when she retracted her arm, a sharp pain hit her on her left side and she winced, freezing momentarily. It left as soon as it came, but Garreth was watching her with his green eyes full of concern.

— You need to drink it now! — The boy said, almost like he was ordering her around as he started to gather out her books and parchments. — I'm not joking around. You are doing this and then I will be escorting you out of this miserable place.

— For the love of God, Weasley. — Everleigh grunted, trying to stop the boy from getting a hold of more of her things, but any harsh movements kept sending stings of pain through her body. — I'm three inches away from finishing my essay on The Goblin Rebellions. Could you give me a few more minutes?

— No. I need you to drink this so we can go to the Hufflepuff party tonight.

— I'm not go...

— You are going. — Garreth declared, raising from his chair and lifting his chin. Everleigh huffed but didn't say anything. — The entire school thinks Sallow broke it off and you need to show them that you aren't hiding.

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