Chapter 14. Play Pretend.

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Everleigh walked towards the main door of the castle furiously. Her mind was still too caught up in Sebastian and his impertinences. She couldn't believe she had enjoyed a kiss from that horrible human being. He was cruel, and sarcastic, and an utter brute.
And she was so done with his antics.

So done.

— Blondie. — She heard Garreth's voice by the door of the castle and her steps came to a halt. They were waiting for her. He and Natsai, arms crossed and a strained expression on their faces. — You better come here and tell us what the hell was that about.

The Gryffindor girl advanced very reluctantly towards them, acknowledging how well they knew her that both her friends had figured she would go spend her free period in the glassless windows of the courtyard. The breeze was chilly outside, but not gelid enough to force Everleigh to stay inside of the castle.
She also needed some fresh air.

— Alright, it's not what it looks like.

Those words left her mouth after a sigh, causing Natsai to narrow her eyes at her.

— Really? — The other girl said, surveying momentarily the Central Hall, where every group of students walking through had glanced at Everleigh and immediately started to whisper amongst each other. — Because it looks like you are using Sallow to mess with Page.

— Oh. — Everleigh's shoulders relaxed and her mouth curled upwards in a sarcastic smile. — Then it is exactly what it looks like.

— So that's why you protected him. — Garreth's expression, seconds ago tight enough, developed into realization. — So you could get back at Page.

— It didn't start off like that. — The blonde girl mumbled through gritted teeth. — I didn't find out about Grant until... after.

— And do you think this is a good idea?

Natsai, the voice of reason, finally spoke the question that Everleigh had been wondering. Was it a good idea? It would certainly spite Grant, and a part of her couldn't wait to see the look on his face when she appeared hand to hand with Sebastian Sallow.
Her sanity, however, was taking blow after blow allowing the Slytherin boy to become so close to her. Allowing him to have a say in things and make requests at pleasure.

Before she could open her mouth to respond, a couple of Hufflepuff boys walked by them, and one made eye contact with Everleigh, causing him to stop on his tracks.

— Hey, American.

She offered half a smile to Zacharias Smith, Chaser and Captain of his Quidditch's team.

— Hey there, Zach.

— Are you ready for the game on Saturday?

— Oh, we are. — Garreth answered for her, and his sheer determination made everyone chuckle. — Be prepare to eat mud.

The Hufflepuff boy let out a roaring laugh, showing his pearly white teeth.

— I'm sure I will. It's expected to storm that day, after all. — His eyes were kind and his expression softened as he tilted his head towards Everleigh again. — We are doing a little gathering in our common room after, perhaps you and the rest of the Gryffindors would like to come.

— No way, we are throwing our own party when we  win.

Garreth interrupted Everleigh once again before she could talk, in a grunt and with a stilted expression. The other boy lifted a confused eyebrow.

— Aren't you lot staying in the dungeons, with the Slytherins?

— So?

The three Gryffindors responded collectively to the question, and all three of them adopted a defensive stand. Even Natsai had crossed her arms over her chest, thinning her lips.
The Hufflepuff shrugged, grinning candidly again, as if trying to break the tension originated.

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