Chapter 42. Starlight.

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— Did you steal those from Amit?

Everleigh asked, pointing at the jiggling set of keys Sebastian was twirling around his finger as he led the way for her into the Astronomy tower. It was cold out, but there was a pile of blankets on the floor that she couldn't miss.

— Steal is such strong word, Grayson.

Placing the keys inside the back pocket of his pants, Sebastian smirked down at her. She rolled her eyes and looked away, trying to bite her own smile, which he most definitely couldn't see unless she wanted him to think that she was encouraging this behavior. And she wasn't.

— You realize I can give you detention, right?

— I've let you dock points from Slytherin before. What makes you think I care about detention any more than that?

Totally fair.

The telescope was already set up and pointing at the sky. It was a clear night, not one trace of clouds in sight, making it the perfect moment to admire the stars.
Which had been Sebastian's opening line when he told her about it that same morning.
There was just something about looking up and seeing the vast infinite so close to her, yet so far.
It felt like a new world of possibilities.
Like they weren't alone in the universe.

Like... there was so much more out there and unexplored, begging to be discovered.

Stars twinkled and Venus shone brighter than everything else atop its throne, only opaqued by the moon.

It was so beautiful.
So, so beautiful.

Everleigh's latest classes in Astronomy had been during the early hours of the twilight, when the sky was more blue than black. She didn't remember the last time she had admired the night constellations. She had mentioned it to Sebastian, surely. But she didn't remember speaking of it at all.

Perhaps he had deduced this unrequited love she felt for the stars as she often stared up at the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall, where a spell displayed the sea of lights.

— So... — Sebastian spoke from behind her, but close enough that she felt his jacket faintly brushing against her hip. He must've leaned in because breath tickled the shell of her ear a second later. — I found a new constellation.

— You did?

This information took her by surprise. Something of such relevance would've made the news somehow. At the very least, Professor Shah would've said something.

— I did. It's called the Gnome.

Everleigh jolted around to glare at Sebastian's face but the boy's expression was quite serious. Solemn, even.

— You are lying to me.

— I am not, Grayson. — He pointed at the telescope with his palm, urging her to use it. — I set it up so you can see it. I'm not joking.

— Sebastian, I'm telling you there's not a constellation called the Gnome. It's the most ridiculous th...


With a frown, she walked towards the railing of the tower, being received with a gust of chilly air that was quickly disregarded with anticipation. Everleigh leaned into the telescope, making very minor adjustments for clarity but not moving the instrument. Searching and searching, she tried to find that new formation of stars that she had never heard of.
But there was nothing.

— Are you sure this is the right spot? I don't see anything. — She pulled away from the glass enough to catch a glimpse of Sebastian's devilish grin through the corner of her eye. Huffing, Everleigh slapped his arm. — You are an idiot.

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